Also, I dare ask WTF is that thing right there. Huge eyes?
Excellent stuff Emmet.
Most of my images from the Fourth of July celebration tonight had too much noise. The image below is the only decent shot I have from about 200 pix. This was a two and a half second exposure.
Good tip, BBA. Since it was my first attempt at shooting such imagery, I left the ISO on Auto, which ended up at 400. I'll try 100 next time.Nice! Did you try lowering the ISO to 100? That helps a lot. Also, not a bad job as it looks as if you didn't use a tripod. 2.5 seconds is a long time to hold still for something like that.
ffs wtf wanted to pick this up today, but BestBuy sells it for $600. I can find it online for cheaper, I'll just have to wait.
Canon is offering an instant rebate on this lens. Also, I know that b&h doesnt charge tax from out of state into new jersey for me. I dont know how it may apply to you.