Okay, corrected the Pack. It is version 10 now. I forgot Woodland Spec. It is uploading now.
I use R/D download. Which means that the GD server redirects you to my http:// download site and the files are UT Compressed. Trust me, the down is freaking FAST.
As for Linux, I do believe there is an issue with it
Vist this site, UT451 might fix your problem....but be sure you back up your current install...
Edit: If you do try out UT451, let me know in this thread if you can download from GD with that patch....
Edit Two:
I see this information:
2: If you have AllowDownloads=False then the pre-413 client will receive an error message "Server Refuses to Send File" and they will not be allowed to enter the server until they go find the missing files somewhere else and download and install them themselves. Clients with 413 or later will download from the redirected site.
Is your [Linux] UT Pre 413?