no conc jump with artifact

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
If I had a say on how CJing worked, this is what I would say. Non-blinding CJing is not bad for the game. In fact, it is good for the game. However, I don't think that that behindview should be the method to CJ without getting blinded. In my opinion, the best CJers shouldn't be the ones who know how to bind a key to a fancy behindview weapons switching alias, rather it should be the players that have mastered a specific CJing skill. In other words, if you are just standing still and shoot a concussion grenade straight down you should be blinded no matter if you are in first person or third person. If you are running forward then the blinding should be just a little less severe. However, say a person dodges and CJs ... then the blinding effect should be slightly less (and the blinding effect would be the same whether you are in first or third person). Finally, if you do a boost-dodge and then CJ, then the blinding effect should be even less and should run out in a half a second or so. If you think about those four different situations realistically you will see they make sense. Standing still you see the grenade hit your feet and you experience max blinding. Running forward, dodging, and boost-dodging would therefore have the effect of having the grenade hit the ground farther and farther behind you which would result in less and less blinding effect. I hope the devs will consider this method and discuss it.


Feb 24, 2004
From U2XMP\help\readme.txt

5.3 Concussion jumping

There's a reason why the bulk of the combatants in XMP stay reasonably close to
the ground: that's where all the action is. But if you want to get a bird's
eye view of the action, you can try something that's pretty risky: Concussion

Just fire a concussion grenade at your feet, and jump when it explodes. You'll
probably be a little woozy, a little blind, and a lot hurt, but it's possible.


It appears to me the developers of this game NEVER intended for you to
be able to CJ without at least partial blindness. Behindview negates any
and all blindness affects of the C nade.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
JagoXmp said:
It appears to me the developers of this game NEVER intended for you to
be able to CJ without at least partial blindness. Behindview negates any
and all blindness affects of the C nade.

I don't know anyone who has denied that.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
In my opinion the whole situation is pretty weird. One class has to shoot flashbangs on their feet to get proper movement. The proplem is preferably gunner´s pathetic dodging and moving abilities. If conc jumping didn´t exist untill this day and someone put it in game, I think people would regard it as the most stupid feature ever. It´s just a remainder from the past and a slight bug in game´s physics engine. I hope this physics curiosity is fixed and soldiers don´t fly like birds when hit by c-nade.

(Just imagine the amount of energy packed in the fist-sized grenade when it slings people to sky. No way even if it´s UNREAL. If this happens, it should be done in one kilo pieces...)

Let´s just ban all key strings, bindings and behinview tricks and concentrate on the essential: heavy fingerwork that separates men from boys. FPS is first person shooter and let it remain that way. It´s the best way to get immersion and gaming experience though it doesn´t always serve the needs of hardcore gamers that are obsessed to frag, frag and frag some more.
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Apr 20, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
...and concentrate on the essential: heavy fingerwork...
Do you say conc jumping is no fingerwork?
However, if you look at amount of peaple playing gunner nowadays, you will see that gunner is no more last class at the game. Ussually if i see gunner on defence i no longer think he cant catch me. Everyone see jumping gunners and learning to jump too.
Well i know that now there are only veteran players left in u2xmp, and we are probably getting the best games ever these days. Well, look at that, if we manage to get some server full, everyone gets almost the same score at the end of the game, everyone knows what to do, and at most times you can trust everyone in your team to do his job (defending, hacking, stealing arty). So cool.


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
I don´t think cjumping shakes the game´s balance to any direction, it´s just plain stupid to my eyes. But what pissed me off is the possiblity to cut down the difficulty by abusing command strings as discussed earlier. And when combined to behindview and nice aircontrol it allows nice exploitation. Concussion jumping shouldn´t be the answer to gunner´s poor movement, the solution could be eg. better jetpack or slighlty faster running speed or diminished fatiguing.


XMP Beta Tester
Oct 1, 2003
[DF]phalanx said:
so if you want to limit gunners movement by not allowing conc jumping with arti
how about no wall jumping with arti as well
conc jumping stays
let me ask you, can you wall jump across the map?


Aug 15, 2002
manchester uk
Visit site
no but rangers can get quite a long way very quicly wall jumping across the edge of the map blocking volumes
and also air control rangers can manouver great in the air
gunners can hardly manouver in the air


Philosopher stoned
Nov 1, 2004
[DF]phalanx said:
no but rangers can get quite a long way very quicly wall jumping across the edge of the map blocking volumes
and also air control rangers can manouver great in the air
gunners can hardly manouver in the air

Rangers don´t need to use weird programmed key combos from bouncing from a wall to another unlike gunners using conc jumping with 3rd person view. They always say that gunner is the defensive class. Defending situations aren´t just the few secs when ranger drops by and steals/tries to steal artifact. Usually the attacker doesn´t get killed soon enough and you have to go after him. BUT... If so then what´s the point with defender class that cannot catch attackers without shooting himself with a stun grenade. Doesn´t really make any sense. When a fleeing ranger gets further than 70 m or so, it´s no use trying to catch him. :mad:

Concussion jumping is a stupid useless feature that has nothing to do with balance except being an excuse for gunners being extremely slow tank arses. -----> Either gunner needs to be faster or his projectiles.
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Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
.pot.OptimusPrime said:
(Just imagine the amount of energy packed in the fist-sized grenade when it slings people to sky. No way even if it´s UNREAL. If this happens, it should be done in one kilo pieces...)
Completely irrelevant, but flashbangs produce their enormous amount of noise by releasing a tremendous pressure wave. This wave is probably (I'm no expert) strong enough to flip vehicles and send bodies flying. It should in fact do more damage than it does at the moment, but that would be unfair.
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