If I had a say on how CJing worked, this is what I would say. Non-blinding CJing is not bad for the game. In fact, it is good for the game. However, I don't think that that behindview should be the method to CJ without getting blinded. In my opinion, the best CJers shouldn't be the ones who know how to bind a key to a fancy behindview weapons switching alias, rather it should be the players that have mastered a specific CJing skill. In other words, if you are just standing still and shoot a concussion grenade straight down you should be blinded no matter if you are in first person or third person. If you are running forward then the blinding should be just a little less severe. However, say a person dodges and CJs ... then the blinding effect should be slightly less (and the blinding effect would be the same whether you are in first or third person). Finally, if you do a boost-dodge and then CJ, then the blinding effect should be even less and should run out in a half a second or so. If you think about those four different situations realistically you will see they make sense. Standing still you see the grenade hit your feet and you experience max blinding. Running forward, dodging, and boost-dodging would therefore have the effect of having the grenade hit the ground farther and farther behind you which would result in less and less blinding effect. I hope the devs will consider this method and discuss it.