New Samus Thread

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New Member
Jan 20, 2008
naahh~ next time :lol:

thats just to regain back fenix spirit!

True, GF needs all the motivation he can get. Honestly, I don't care if there is a Samus model already or not. It's like when you made KOS-MOS Xeno, another one made her own version but people still waited to see your own model. Same for GF's Zamus (Short for Zero-Suit-Samus). I don't think ANYONE has ever had the idea of making a Zero Suit Samus for UT2004, or even Alma or Kirby or Yoshi! That's "respect" people, people that makes characters that stick out of the crowd. Just like Xeno's models.
People complain that they look out of place and such gibberish, but that is such a narrow-minded thought. Come on people, grow up and see things for what they are, and respect it! UT is a game made for creators to create anything they want! If we go and talk down thoce who create special characters or levels for UT, then we bring it down to Kingdom-Come!


Sep 21, 2005
a place that only I can exist in
hah, its not the fact that there is a Samus model out there already or not. Its has a simply put it before: Im not the same person I used to be. I simply do not like spending all my time on forums or making fake women, not when i have a life and a real woman, etc. I have woke up alot and I cant go back to the forum life again. But I will finish my characters, and make more down the road, I just wont be around that often.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Haha, think you're all cool now. It takes like 5 mins a day to make a couple posts. Oh and that's scary that you're comparing modeling to real women, what were you using your models for? :eek:


Sep 21, 2005
a place that only I can exist in
Sorry no its not cancelled. I just suck at getting things done. I am getting extremely into UT again mainly for UE3 Editor and level design, and Im still working on her but havent for a long ass time. I talked to Krootz not too long ago about her, seems he is back and waiting too so now I have more motivation. Truly there isnt too much to be done but I dont want to release her until I get everything on her that I intended because I dont want it in my mind to appear half assed or anything even if it isnt too others I guess. Im trying though ha, but Ill post some updates real soon in here


New Member
May 29, 2008
lol kinda glad I bumped this thread

Also, I may have forgot, but does she have custom animations, or would you be basing her anims on the default female anim?
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Sep 21, 2005
a place that only I can exist in
Also, I may have forgot, but does she have custom animations, or would you be basing her anims on the default female anim?

Yep, has all custom animations. I regret using some because since shes so old now back when i began the anims i didnt do them has real as I can do now using IK and manipulators alot more. Ha I wanted to do a custom voice for her but thats not gonna happen heht

I know I show more Maya shots and renders than I do in game or in the Unreal Engine, so after I port the newest content over to UE2 and 3 Ill show some shots. Since UT2004 doesnt use normal maps being an older tech, I found that its easy to get the details of the normal map if you just convert the texture of it to greyscale and then use overlay mode to blend it over your diffuse/color stuff in photoshop, which is what I did for her in UT2004. Its a shame though, Crysis would be like the only game I could possibly get her in to where she would look like or closest to how she does in all the Maya Renders. I say its a shame because for one thats an entirely different franchise and engine, and two, I dont know jack about Sandbox 2.

But for now here are the most current Maya renders. Since the last time, I added more detail to her suit like scratches and marks. To her anatomy on the textures I defined more muscle and faded out her abs ALOT on the normal map. I mean jeez your abs wouldnt burst through a suit like that. If they could other parts of her would be bursting through too ha.




Has for her release, honestly; there isnt alot left to be done. Hasnt been for a long time. I need maybe 10 more anims, probably not even that, and she should be good. Has for a UT3 release, thats entirely dependent on how that Engine works. I havent learned how UE3 works with the whole character parts setup, although i have found ways to successfully show her in the Character Selection, just not in game. Also, UT3 uses a WHOLE different type of skeleton. I dont think its the traditional UT2k4 way of Bip01_head etc anymore, so I dont know exactly what to do or use. Guess Ill just have to mess around with it some more and see what I can pull off.

Also, regarding her rather huge ass and such, haha; this model was started about 2 maybe 2 and half years ago. Hate to say that Im that lazy. I didnt know much or anything about human anatomy especially female, so I guess she kinda just leaned in a obscured direction. She has been adjusted alot, if you recall the old Samus thread before that huge swipe of data happened. I would reduce things down to a more traditional Samus, meaning; yeah it can be done nothing is stopping me technical wise, its just Id rather not unbind her skeleton and go and re-sculpt her and go all the way back to the modeling again, I am done with that and dont want to go back. It also isnt tooo extremely huge and eye catching so I can see how it can fit the character or this separate version. So I guess the best thing to support it would just pretend that she eats alot of stuff that goes straight to her thighs haha. Varies pastries and fast food haha
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Sep 21, 2005
a place that only I can exist in
Here's Some ingame screenshots. Spent about an hour just now importing things so the packages are all up to date. Good news and bad news. Good news is it looks cool and great and works, and I eliminated tons of things that didnt need to be in some packages, overall more efficient and smaller size than planned. Bad news is, since I did the anims long ago on the old mesh of her where she had a elongated body and higher up eyes; the mesh does stretch in parts to adjust to the old skel positions and such. Its not too much but if you care to look at the ref pose compared to any animation youll see what I mean. Also, I had to take out eye and eye brow movement for animation. Because I lowered her eyes after the anims were done, they want to go back up to where they were when the anims play, which pulls her eyes out of her sockets. In UT3 Ed there is a setting called Rotation Only which fixes this and the other problem, but UT2k4 doesnt have it. But yeah, no biggy, just saying.

But here are some ingame screenshots that are taken today after I updated her.






next thing to do is UE3 screenshots, which wont be during a match though cause I cant put her in that easily. But I can get shots from the editor or play testing from the editor.

Also need to update the portraits and do cool stuff to them.
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New Member
May 29, 2008
Yeah, she looks kinda buffed on teh white background pics, like she's about to clobber someone silly. :p

But ingame she looks fine, prolly due to the darker background.


New Member
May 29, 2008
Looking nice, looking REAL nice :D

For some reason those UT3 pics made her suit look kinda shiny. Makes me wanna make her shiny too in UT2004 :p

One thing though, when she's talking to the receiver, shouldn't she be looking at the direction of the receiver, and not the opposite? Or does her eye move randomly from left to right while the animation plays?
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