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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
JagoXmp said:
Well, it sucked to deal with a gunner in the node just to have him respawn and conc jump right back on top of you raining rockets down on your head (hard to snipe while picking gunner rox out of your teeth), but you guys are right.
The work around for this is that they are still blinded while concing, but unblinded at a point so they can see themselves land. I think almost all the gunners wouldn't mind as long as they could see half a second before they landed. Prior to this build, if you conced, you were blinded on the ground for about 3/4 seconds after landing.
It's not impossible to snipe gunners out of the air. The thing that really bothered me were the players that used keybinds that made it so easy that concing became like second nature to them. If you could stop the keybinds that made conc jumping so easy, I'd say bring it back.
This is going to be nearly impossible as there are too many macroing programs about to stop this, including the nostromo.
But as it was, gunners that cared to practice a day or two were so good at concing that you all of a sudden had gunners running arts, which REQUIRES a chasing ranger to get the art back. Let's see, how many rangers have you ever seen defending the node?
The cool workaround for this and I think it would be awesome and make the conc worthwhile is that if you're within a certain radius that the conc forces you to drop the art. Although this is probably hard to code since there isn't a way to "drop the art" without dying.

So basically if you are a ranger and a gunner nearly hits you with a conc, you drop the art. Since this is relatively hard to time already, and the radius affected should be small, it should impact gamely a little bit, but stop gunners from running the art with cjing.
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The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Runners would almost never make it out of the node room with an arti where Gunners were defending. Of course, in a normal-sized node room, everyone would also be blind. That's also assuming the launcher actually fires...


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
What I mean by a small radius is about 2 paces from the conc grenade's hitting point. Being blinded doesn't make you drop the art, but being THAT close to it does. So this would include any conc jumping gunner, since they aren't directly hit by the conc when they cj. If you made it so that if they were directly hit, you would loose the art, then a gunner could conc jump. There needs to be a small radius. 2 paces would be right.

And no I don't think this could be easily abused, if the radius is kept small. Keep in mind a person may still get blinded. There would have to be a message like, I'VE DROPPED AN ARTIFACT immediately said.
Mar 6, 2004
Rangers can't hit **** now, you even agree'd with me and thought you were the only one to notice this today.


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
well how about the rangers then? they can get on some places with the walldodge, and from a distance, a ranger on a mountain, everybody knows that situation, you will just be a target to shoot on, and the gunner will now be a threat to the ranger because the rockets are way, way to slow for that. and you can concussionjump yourself to safety. come on guys, just stick with the old.

and why do you guys think that most players play the ranger?
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Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
I think there's an issue with hitscan for some people. I've noticed and so have others playing rangers that time to time it just doesn't hit even though it should.

Part of it might be the engine. I think that the difference between utxmp and u2xmp and the netcode is that you aren't supposed to lead, just put the crosshair on the target and fire regardless of ping (I was told this by Jago or something, I don't remember)


Lei STILL sux. It's true.
Jan 6, 2003
Fresno, CA
Visit site
(GR)Killer said:
I mean ranger class not your gunner class.

I've been playing as ranger 80% of the time in utxmp.

I have no problem with any of the hitscan weapons. I feel like I hit when I should, and I miss when I should. The particle size on the blood spurts on a hit could probably be a bit bigger, but I don't miss 'em.

If you wanna elaborate more about why the pistol/rifles don't hit, great.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
I can testify... I have been on the wrong end of Fleury's ranger pistol on more than one occasion in the past couple of weeks, and he definitely is hitting his target. :)


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
fireball said:
Because the ranger was overpowered in U2XMP and now they're upset it's not.
The pistol crosshair is physically off apparently, fix that and rangers should be a lot more deadly.

so the ranger would be even more overpowered if the gunner can't concussionjump like in U2XMP. I usually take a vehicular for protection from those rangers.
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