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New Member
Mar 18, 2004
13:37 <-- Think about it.

"It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way." (Proverbs 19:2)​


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
Friday July 22, 2005 at 13:37 EDT, the day traffic spiked and broke the internet.

More changelog updates over the weekend.


New Member
Dec 18, 2004
I can't wait to see the new effects! I always liked the Unreal effects for the mod I just never played the game or had it for that matter. They pout up two new screenshots of the new effects/maps in the media page!


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
though it might was a bug, that you did not got blinded in U2XMP by the concussion in 3rd person view, it made it really a lot of fun, and I like it that way. like it is now in UTXMP, is no fun. you can only see on your radar how you move and that is very boring.

the only usefull weapon (overal of each weapon) of the gunner is the rocketlauncher. The flamethrower if it hits something you get damaged no matter what, but the napalm seems fine though. and the concussion is no fun and the fireing of the grenade launcher is to slow... I almost begin to think the developers hate the gunners rofl :D :lol:
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
I find great fault in the logic just because something was unintended you can draw the automatic conclusion that it is bad. White Out was unintended, but it's fricken awesome. :p Anyway, concussion jumping is good. Though if I was doing UTXMP, I wouldn't reemplement the behindview non-blinding hack. I'd just code it so CJing made some sense physically. You are standing still, shoot straight down, you still get blinded and you go real high straight up. You're running forward, you shoot straight down, the nade will land a little behind you so you don't get blinded as much but still too much for the jump to really be useful. But, once you get in the dodge and shoot and boost dodge and shoot territory, the nade will explode far enough behind you that only a quick screen whitening will take place and you'll be able to do a useful CJ. Plus, there would be a "sweet spot" in your dodge / boost dodge where you will get the most distance and least blinding that will take both skill and practice to find and master.


The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
MAEST frakking rocks! I wouldn't mind a second or so of blindness as long as I could see where I land. And it doesn't make sense to blind me if the grenade goes off behind me, anyway. It doesn't blind you opponent if it lands behind them afterall.


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
I just like the freedom you get from the concussionjumping. and it is really a nice experience :p catching up raptors :)


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
I admit conc jumping on u2xmp was a lot of fun, but jumping a quarter of the map for 5-10 health is not exactly balanced. It either needs to blind you, or take a lot more damage


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
Naib said:
I admit conc jumping on u2xmp was a lot of fun, but jumping a quarter of the map for 5-10 health is not exactly balanced. It either needs to blind you, or take a lot more damage
It should blind you if you do it wrong i.e. you looked straight at the nade. If you use some skill and get the nade to land behind you when you're not looking at it (important: it should still blind you if you're looking down when the nade explodes) then you should be rewarded with a blindness free jump.


destructive poppets!!
Nov 25, 2004
however, I just love the concussionjumping in U2XMP, and in UTXMP it sucks. The gunner is the slowest class, so let him have some speed allright?

I don't like the gunner now in UTXMP. and all the players that don't play the gunner but the ranger would ofcourse say to remove it. and the gunners are rare so...

Naib said:
I admit conc jumping on u2xmp was a lot of fun, but jumping a quarter of the map for 5-10 health is not exactly balanced. It either needs to blind you, or take a lot more damage

it is the slowest class... it is not that the ranger is concussionjumping rofl
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
It is the slowest class by design, but with u2xmp style conc jumping it's possible to catch up with a ranger for a ridiculously small penalty. Feel free to argue how that is balanced, but remember that saying you enjoyed conc jumping is not good enough ;)

It's hard to tell for sure with the current problems with weapon reloads, but I think the classes are quite nicely balanced.


Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
The best you can do is usually 7 to 10 health lost with about 30 shield. Shield is relatively a useless point. To catch up to a ranger, it generally takes at least 2 concs by the time you decide to use it.

1) If you're a good ranger, you will snipe the gunner out of the air.
2) 1 headshot kills the gunner regardless because his health is automatically that low.
3) Concing generally must happen out in the open, where the ranger always has the advantage in any battle. So arguments about, the gunner should only be in "his environment" is moot. Since concing only can occur in the open, where the ranger generally decimates gunners.
4) Splatter damage is now different for the gunner on his rockets then they were before - it takes at 5 splatters to kill a tech. In u2, it took 3. For rangers, it's 3 and it used to take 2.
5) Classes are faster than they were before (just slightly, but this speed increase nullifies the slightly faster rockets that the gunner has now)
6) What's even faster is suiciding and respawning in the direction you know the person is going.(of course you need a spawn point)
7) And yes, gunners is now a rarity for the most part. I've played games where 11 of 14 people are techs and the last 3 are rangers.
8) 1-7 are really moot because this has been discussed at length multiple times and FMI hasn't put concing in. I doubt it will be put in after we debate it this time either.
9) And no, I don't think the classes aren quite nicely balanced, but I will reserve to explain that after weapon reloads are fixed. See #4,7 for a hint at what isn't balanced.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2004
it's true that the gunner can catch up in a fairly small time but all the ranger needs to do is turn around and snipe the gunner out of the air...
if you can't snipe a floating gunner you don't deserve to keep the art :p

about the whole class balance thing, i think it should stay as close to u2xmp as possible, the balance in it was nearly perfect.


¹²M UTXMP Captain
Feb 15, 2004
Its hard enough to steal an arti from a gunner in a small room. Having to deal with him again, or a freshly respawn one, on the way back to base is quite hard. But wth, who said it shoul be easy.

Oh, and gunners like Naib doesnt exactly float around in the air waiting for a ranger to shoot them down ;)


Feb 24, 2004
Well, it sucked to deal with a gunner in the node just to have him respawn and conc jump right back on top of you raining rockets down on your head (hard to snipe while picking gunner rox out of your teeth), but you guys are right. It's not impossible to snipe gunners out of the air. The thing that really bothered me were the players that used keybinds that made it so easy that concing became like second nature to them. If you could stop the keybinds that made conc jumping so easy, I'd say bring it back. But as it was, gunners that cared to practice a day or two were so good at concing that you all of a sudden had gunners running arts, which REQUIRES a chasing ranger to get the art back. Let's see, how many rangers have you ever seen defending the node?