Yes "A City Block" is a good example, you can completely cut off the spawn. Just place one into the garagage, another, or better two on the house facing the spawn house (on the big street, where you have to move up).
What happens?
6 vs. 6
Three attackers spawncamp, the others try to kill the rest of the defenders on the map, as an attacker you have the advantage to move in a group while you have to watch many places as a defender, so it is more likely that these three guys are fighting against less people at once.
But at all I think that you still have a fair chance in "A City Block", there it was never frustrating for me, because I accepted it that it was my fault not taking the path through the garage or of not using smoke, I think the same with A Chemical Threat, I think it is your fault if you do not take the southern storage, the map is meant to be "unfair", so that you HAVE to take the southernstorage, this way the defenders gain a bit time and can kill a few enemies. The funniest thing is that I am nearly the only one who is (always) running to the southern storage to capture it, only sometimes (if I have nobody told that I am taking it in fact) another teammate is coming to capture it.
I think there are just many problems, which strengthen each other.
For most people their live is not important, also for me my live was more important in 2.86. So why should you defend your spawn, if your live "does not care"? Another point is that too less people are running for the Objectives, I played A City Block very often (one of my favorite maps
) and sometimes only two attackers try to get the cd, and are left alone if they have it, asking for help does not help. It is the mentality we have to change, but can we change the mentality fast, without losing people on the servers?
Can we enforce that people use smoke, instead of running blind into heavily Minimi fire? This happened to me on Sabriyah. I played in the defender team and lied prone to cover the path on the right of the defender's spawn, but some of the enemy allways tried it this way. They did not get it that it is nearly impossible to come through, they even used smoke (I fired into the smoke
) after a long time they tried to nade me, but everything was without use, so ONE single person kept away around three people and killed them several times. In fact I was killed later because I ran out of ammo
As an attacker it is really frustrating, if you are the only one who uses smoke to "hide" the spawn and who cares for the spawn. The people are just running and running (like Forrest Gump), without thinking. And I think this is the biggest problem.
I accept it, if someone kills me with a gun on this map, I would not accpet it, if someone is using a HK69 to kill people in the spawn from a great distance.
Most people play to have fun, simply and fast, like you do in a singleplayer game, just against men.
And that is the biggest problem, they do not play for and with the team, there'd not be any problem with spawncamping, if there'd be teamplay, but you know that this is impossible, to have teamplay on public servers (I can only say the teamplay on AFA2 with RAV2 was genious
). Ok, sometimes you have it, but most time you won't have it. To keep them playing inf there should be a mutator and that does not mean that every server is using it.
They will learn to play INF with the team, I know it, because even after playing one and a half years 2.86 I learned something new, every match was somehow different, a never ending learn curve.
Ok, it is longer and the sense is smaller as it should have been.