new LCD monitor?

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New Member
May 7, 2009
Hello Friends,

I have one PC which is good planning about to purchase new monitor i mean LCD monitor so but the i have taken a review of different user well there is a mixed opinion and at present i am confuse what to do?thanx..


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Well, I don't know how the tests really work for CRTs, but I can't even see the THX shadows at all. So, I can't get rid of them on my LCD and can't see them at all for my LCD. What does that mean? For me, it means I'm glad I watch movies on the large TV in the other room.;)

For the CRT, I ended up changing the contrast to 80% and the brightness to 55%. I think that should work.:)


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Yeh, I ended up doing that and I think I have settings I can work with right now. Yes, I can't see the shadow at all on this CRT (Viewsonic G90f). I wonder what people were suggesting to be the best brightness/contrasting settings for this monitor? Both DVD-ROMs are Asus and the new one for the LCD is the E818A3T and the old one for the CRT is the E616P3.

Any ideas on these comments I found online (talking about my CRT)?
"to get rid of the fuzzy text, simply use the front panel controls on the monitor to bring the brightness down to about 1/3 and increase the contrast to maximum. And make sure you're using 9300K in the viewmatch color menu. That will get rid of the fuzzy text and it will make whites appear white. It will also reduce the visible change in brightness of the desktop that is apparent (with the default settings) when you switch between open windows that are not maximized."
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
my stuck pixels (two that is) are is stuck then all unstuck, then one stuck then two stuck, one unstuck, etc. This would be a great b-day present if all went unstuck forever tonight.:)


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Yes, but that has nothing to do with BenQ as you're always crap shooting with stuck pixels when you buy an LCD monitor. Oddly enough, I was playing Quake3 for about 5-10 minutes and they disappeared, but came back later. So I know I can get a perfect screen, if I can only figure out how to keep it that way or if it would just magically stay that way.;)

Thanks for the B-day wish.:)

EDIT: Also, i just ran the UT2003 benchmark program and all but one pixel went away. Apparently, there was around 4-5 bad pixels (or possibly more), but they're bigger than I thought they were so it looks like only 2 (if that makes any sense). All went away and only one came back, but it's so small that I would really not care at all about this if this was the only fault. I'm not sure if only one pixel will remain; although, I'm liking what I'm seeing. Maybe I'll run the UT2003 benchmark before playing any game.;)
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
Since I started playing more games, it looks like either one extremely small stuck pixel (one pixel it looks like) or no stuck pixels at all!!! Yippee!!!


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
I haven't been playing video games for a couple weeks and the stuck pixels are back. Let this be a lesson to you kids.......keep playing video games.;)