The artifacts in the multiplayer are ridicluos, those tiny pentagrams appearing etc. As if that was really scary or anthing, it has the opposite effect here im afraid.
You should at least give it a chance and play it first before completely condemning it
When the time comes;.
That's the funny thing about Leo ranting. With his prehistoric computer he's probably not even able to play doom3.
That's exactly why. I'd have not a problem with it if it really clicked together, hence my comment that Doom3 was better than this basically. While it obviously takes some ideas even from the doom bible, the execution is poor.I still have Doom beta code that came with Wolfenstein New Order, but after watching those E3 videos my enthusiasm isn't that great.
All the Doom elements are there, but somehow they don't click. Bland enemies (or overall yellowish colour scheme), double-jumping, weapons don't seem to have enough "oomph" are just few things I noticed. Also those finishers could be limited for berserk mode.
I'll reserve my final opinion after I tried out.
But that's just another trap, another cliche to fall into and given what i've seen so far it's just that. yet it laks the kick or any atmosphere to speak of. The original didn't, despite having those qualities. They just can't look at it as a whole or really experience what made the old game great and that's the problem.But that's the entire point of this new Doom; they aren't going for a scare-fest like Doom 3 (even though I thought it was well done). Carmack said he wants "demons and shotguns".
But that's just another trap, another cliche to fall into and given what i've seen so far it's just that. yet it laks the kick or any atmosphere to speak of. The original didn't, despite having those qualities. They just can't look at it as a whole or really experience what made the old game great and that's the problem.
well if that's the case, that would be great.But that's the entire point of this new Doom; they aren't going for a scare-fest like Doom 3 (even though I thought it was well done). Carmack said he wants "demons and shotguns".
Perhaps not great, but it had some and the maps made sense, the more you knew about them. Sure you can pretend it's just walls and stuff but there was real atention to detail flor ikts time, all those computer panels, stadiums, control towers. It all had a purp;ose. Sadly that purpose and sense of atmosphere was completely lost in many of doom2's maps.I never found the original had a great atmosphere. It's was a barebone experience that was fun because it didn't bother pretending to have this grand story you see nowadays shoehorned everywhere. This video's real problem IMHO is that it looks like D3 and has the same problems: monochrome palette, weapons lack punch and monsters feel static. They at least changed D3's problems of "Can't see anything", "2 monsters at most on the screen" and the lack of speed. On the other hand, it lost all D3's scary atmosphere (I actually really liked Doom 3).
To me it looks like an average mod.