[Apoc]Discord said:
Short version: it moves your shot back in time (serverside) by the amount of your ping. The upshot, apparently, is that it makes it easier to hit and harder to dodge.
Well, if they make the move to minimal hit-scan, that the concept of "easier to hit, and harder to dodge" is kinda silly. It would slightly defeat the purpose, if they make a bunch of projectile weapons, that would include occasions where "you can't see them coming".
Epic hasn't done anything like client side prediction in the past, because of how it would effect weapon balance, and I'm sure also because of the dodge. A quick concise move, that can't be predicted.
Honestly, I don't know why this discussion is so heated. I could feel a 10ms difference when playing UT. Now, if I'm sub50, if feels like lan, and I play at 10ms pings frequently. I think net play in this game feels as good or better then any other game I've every played.
Internet routing will dictate where we play, probably forever, or until encryption is so crazy we can safely shoot information through the sky, and bounce it off low obriting satelites, and me and edhe can compete in the same competative ladder.
And what about improoving hardware? Broad band connetions are rampant, and competative, giving constant upgrades to service lately. There are company's in america, ISP's with gaming packages that garuntee their bandwidth. I think if Epic simply sticks too what they are doing, and make their realistic adjustments to it, everything will be fine.
Mostly though, I think jafo is talking the most sense. If you don't want false positives, then epic needs to patch physics (and I don't mean in game).