Mike Capps On Unreal Engine 4

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Active Member
May 27, 2004
I think the biggest problem for anyone using an UE on Wii would be support for the controller. Its not impossible ofcoarse...

The way I see it is if Nintendo dont offer hardware up with MS and Sony's next things people can use UE3.5 if its comparable to 360/PS3. Either way I think people are in for a big shock when they see the next generation of consoles, its going to be the hardest sell yet because pictures alone wont do it (unless you blow them up 10x).

Im predicting a market shift but hey, guess Epic doesnt see that one coming, infact alot of companies seem oblivious thinking that just because theres money today means there will be money tomorrow. We've seen it 100 times before in the technology sector, dont think just because its entertainment it wont touch you :p


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
They're saving PC gaming? Not to me.

If they sit down and make a PC-only game, fully tailored for PC alone, without all the added console development, then I'll assume they're trying to help.

I did use the word trying. i didnt use the word succeeding. And the size of the PC gaming market has nothing to do with the software developers. It is up to the hardware manufacturers to catch up with the times.

That needs to happen first before anything else you guys are talking about, which is all good stuff but if epic built an exclusive game for the PC it would essentialy be throwing money away right now.

The vast majority of PC owners cannot purchase their games and that is why PC gaming has become a niche market. Honestly though I do not believe it is going to stay that way, the hardware manufactures will catchup, we just have to weather the storm untill it does. And in the meantime stop blaming epic for doing what they have to do to survive in this climate because when PC gaming does make a resurgance, we will be glad they did.


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
Eh. It's no real surprise that UE4 will be console based. I mean, Epic IS a console company now. And the pc gaming market is not much more than an afterthought to devs anyway these days.

Exactly my point. And it isnt their fault and it isnt their doing and we should stop blaming them for it. Yes, we are all upset over it. I dont like this any more than any of you guys.


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
Who cares...the world will end in 2012 anyway.
Mostly, the end of an era could sound better :D, our world didn't end.

Eh. It's no real surprise that UE4 will be console based. I mean, Epic IS a console company now. And the pc gaming market is not much more than an afterthought to devs anyway these days.

If we base ourself on Blizzard, they are doing pretty good with the PC market. Maybe Epic just don't want to adapt or change their formula... and their primary focus isn't Gears of War... it's their UE4.

os][ris;2162524 said:
"Version 4 will exclusively target the next console generation, Microsoft's successor for the Xbox 360, Sony's successor for the Playstation 3 - and if Nintendo ships a machine with similar hardware specs, then that also. PCs will follow after that." - Mike Capps

Can we just admit that Epic is a console first company now and stop this PC bread and butter stuff. I mean honestly it's OK. From a financial stand point it makes sense. But I just wish people, including Epic, would just stop trying to convince hardcore pc gamers that they think of us first. Cause they don't and it's fine. My feelings aren't hurt. Just stop denying it.

Well, looking at how the next generation of console will work, it should be at another level than what it actually is. It will probably be the first time in the video game history that we could see that kind of technology jump happen.

On my side, I'll wait to see microsoft being smarter and let us mod for the next 360.


New Member
Feb 26, 2008
Can we all just stop blaming Epic for doing the sensible thing?

Epic is a business. Businesses go where the money is. The money is in consoles. End of.

It would be nice if Epic payed more attention to PC gamers but there is more money in console games and therefore, more of Epic's attention is going to be focused on consoles.


will forever be nostalgic
Oct 14, 2003
Visit site
I think the biggest problem for anyone using an UE on Wii would be support for the controller. Its not impossible ofcoarse...

I don't agree with this at all. Although I'm of the opinion that Eluan Miranda (the person currently working on the Wii Quake port) must be a genius, still, IIRC when he took over from the previous guy it only took a week or two at most to add controller support that works pretty damn well once you get used to it. Actually, the main reason I cross my fingers every once in awhile and hope for EPIC to pull an id and open-source the original UT code is because it would be hilariously fun to play UT1 on a Wii.

Sorry to nitpick though, other than that I think you made good points.

As to this thread in general, I'd join in on some of the hatin' (although agreeing that the points about the UT1 bonus materials are well made, and personally yeah I always figured the bonus stuff in the 360 version of UT3 was entirely justified) but my roommate picked up Gears from a thrift store the other day and I'm too busy finally playing through it ;)

Anyways, let EPIC do what they wish, as others have pointed out the strategy this time around has been precisely what they're saying for UE4, and though I know I've been a bit disappointed myself it certainly hasn't been the end of the world, yaknow?


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
I know it's generally not popular for me to try and dissuade crazy forum opinions, but I'd be curious about what people think "consoles first then PC for UE4" actually means for them exactly?

The first thing this means to me is UE4 will support the PC. People can't be unhappy about that, right?

The next thing it means to me is thank God we're working on the closed platforms first. Getting UT3 to run on a PS3 or 360 after playing in the bottomless memory playground of SLI'd 8800s and 4 gigs of system ram would have been brutal. This is simply a smart development approach.

I'm not an engine expert by any stretch, but this is evidence of Epic SUPPORTING the PC platform, not abandoning it.
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New Member
Jan 21, 2008
I think the next gen consoles need to be upgradable so they can keep up with PC's incremental advances. That should solve that problem for you. There already starting along that path with upgradable hard drives. Why not continue the trend with adding more system memory and modulized graphics cards that can be upgraded every 6 months or so.

Then whenever theres a major new engine release they can release a whole new console and start all over again. If they do it right it should mean more $$ for everyone.


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
I think the next gen consoles need to be upgradable so they can keep up with PC's incremental advances.

You're right about them starting down this slope with HDs on the 360, so who knows the future.

It's been my experience that one of the attractive elements of consoles, for both consumers and developers, is that they're stable platforms. Swapping parts akin to PCs would likely reintroduce some negatives, but never say never.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
Unless UE4 is like, completely photorealistic, I think the hardware you can currently get for PC will suffice in running it. Moore's Law and all.

That Epic Guy Who Will Receive A Ton Of Questions Real Soon said:
The next thing it means to me is thank God we're working on the closed platforms first. Getting UT3 to run on a PS3 or 360 after playing in the bottomless memory playground of SLI'd 8800s and 4 gigs of system ram would have brutal. This is simply a smart development approach.

I wouldn't be too pleased if the limited hardware in the consoles put a limit on how effectively the hardware in PCs can be used. Like, I have a setup running 280GTX in tri-sli, but it's useless, since the consoles don't go beyond 9800GTS. My point is, you could easily go to way higher levels of graphics, but you won't, because you're limited to the hardware of the consoles.
You could of course make something like a console and a PC version of the engine, like you did with UE2. Just the other way around this time.

Disclaimer: I don't have 280GTX running in tri-sli.
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Active Member
May 27, 2004
I don't agree with this at all. Although I'm of the opinion that Eluan Miranda (the person currently working on the Wii Quake port) must be a genius, still, IIRC when he took over from the previous guy it only took a week or two at most to add controller support that works pretty damn well once you get used to it. Actually, the main reason I cross my fingers every once in awhile and hope for EPIC to pull an id and open-source the original UT code is because it would be hilariously fun to play UT1 on a Wii.

Actually I was really digging the comments I think it was mark rein who said putting UC2 on Wii, think that might have been back before it was even called the Wii... Anyways yeah I thought melee with the gunplay it could really add another level there.

The real reason it would be tricky though is not just the support for the controller but when you are used to working with gamepad or keyboard and mouse you kinda get stuck thinking in those conventions. Not always but Im sure its an easy trap to fall into, so its not just a code problem but a design issue for any game looking to do that with the design you get more work for the coders as well.

With Quake its an existing game so its basically a port so I dunno how well it'll actually use the Wiimote in comparison to a product specifically designed to take advantage of that. Interesting though, I didnt know there was a Wii port of quake ;)

Im certainly not going to get on Epic about this decision but I would like them to be alittle more upfront (thanks for posting wartourist) about things like others have said. Also going after the money isnt always a bad thing but my points are about the market (which is risky either way) and perhaps Epic taking more of a stance instead of saying something about a company and not backing it up and/or praising a company for the sake of it.

Theres certainly going to be some praise but its hard to pick fact from fiction coming out of Epic atm, especially in regards to certain voices. I guess you can fall into a trap but I do agree with alot of what Epic says, its just the way its put across most of the time or the peanut butter spreaded hype.

Wierd thing is since PC has this knack for being all compatible (not without bugs etc) but anyways, it has support for a wider number of controllers than any single console on the market. Which would mean prototyping would be much easier on PC as you could quickly swap from testing one to another. I still think alot of it is perception and with the amount of business/work PC's out there people just make the word association with work.

Im still iffy about consoles, especially now theres multiple versions of this n that with external dongles and widgets, I just think Amiga every time. If the next console generation builds on that we could certainly see a swing back to PC, Im actually surprised people keep going back even after being burnt by console hardware failing. The two arnt so different though, as Ive said even console games need patches so I think consoles are slowly getting phased out in place of micro bluechip PC's its just a shame we are stuck with these current trends in games. Once that breakthrou is made things will look up for every one, theres always calm before the storm though.


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
My point is, you could easily go to way higher levels of graphics, but you won't, because you're limited to the hardware of the consoles.

We need to accomodate the full range of PC hardware for your game to sell any significant units. Many growing markets don't have the hardware addiction that the US does and it would be foolish to leave them out of the equation. This isn't a recent development, it's always been the Unreal Engine's goal to run on the widest range possible and UE4 will be the same.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
Didn't you just say that UE3 was developed after a "bottomless" vram model, and this caused you some trouble?


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
Didn't you just say that UE3 was developed after a "bottomless" vram model, and this caused you some trouble?

Sorry, but I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. Are you talking about this?

Getting UT3 to run on a PS3 or 360 after playing in the bottomless memory playground of SLI'd 8800s and 4 gigs of system ram would have been brutal.

I'm saying it WOULD have been brutal if we hadn't taken consoles into account.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
Aha yes, I misunderstood.
I guess I can't really complain about PC being limited to the consoles' maximum, until we actually get the specs of the next-generation. I might even have to finally get myself one, considered the game-markets current course.


New Member
May 10, 2006
Aha yes, I misunderstood.
I guess I can't really complain about PC being limited to the consoles' maximum, until we actually get the specs of the next-generation. I might even have to finally get myself one, considered the game-markets current course.

He didn't say that PC games will be maxed out at the performance of a console. He is implying that, theoretically, the PC minimum is at the console level.


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
Unless UE4 is like, completely photorealistic, I think the hardware you can currently get for PC will suffice in running it. Moore's Law and all.

I wouldn't be too pleased if the limited hardware in the consoles put a limit on how effectively the hardware in PCs can be used. Like, I have a setup running 280GTX in tri-sli, but it's useless, since the consoles don't go beyond 9800GTS. My point is, you could easily go to way higher levels of graphics, but you won't, because you're limited to the hardware of the consoles.
You could of course make something like a console and a PC version of the engine, like you did with UE2. Just the other way around this time.

Disclaimer: I don't have 280GTX running in tri-sli.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

No. If you correctly remember Carmack and Tim Sweeney, the next generation of consoles is going to be far different from the actual console and PC hardwares generation.

Actually we have the actual hardware that is doing everything alone so you will have games that produce specific & awesome features. By example we have Bioshock with the incredible water effects, other games with incredible physics, etc.. but rarely the overall. Plus managing all this is quite hard to get a great overall game.

In the next gen, the hardware should have individual processors or cores to manage all that so one piece of the hardware will only generate the lighting, another just the physic, another will probably work in cooperation with a few others to handle the AI + Animation + physics, etc.. So the hardware won't have to do everything to divide his 100% of power into 10% in the end.

It's like saying that we will have games with unprecedent quality giving us a amazing amoutn of quality in each categories; physics, animation, lighting, AI, textures, etc.

The actual PC generation is far behind. Plus, the Consoles do not handle the OS the same way and can be pretty much optimized to run games. here I'm just thinking about the specific unified-architecture behind the 360, by example.
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I'm in the camp that's actually less concerned with what platform the games are made on and more interested on the quality of the game themselves. As long as the games are good, I'll buy them. The more PC gamers bitch about PC games being left in the dark, the more I want them to be left in the dark.


New Member
Apr 9, 2008
os][ris;2162692 said:
He didn't say that PC games will be maxed out at the performance of a console. He is implying that, theoretically, the PC minimum is at the console level.

I half-agree, the thing we rarely take into consideration is how the Dev Team can take full advantage of the Consoles, so we can't just blame the Console for being behind the PC if the games aren'T even taking full advantage of all the possibilities. :(
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