Maybe WIP - Egypt Pack for ADSU

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Ok it all started with a friend of mine. She says the MäxX in UT2k4 is real cool and wanted to have herself in game. Due I always calling her my "godess" it was the logical consequence that I gave her an Egypt char.

It was nothing special but I like the fact having her also in game.

btw, she did the hairstyle back and looked serious to make things easier for me, irl she is much beautifuller

anyways after that made some minor changes to the egypt body and gave her a minion. I`m not sure if the colorsheme is way too hardcore but I really like the idea with the mask!

When I have more time I want to alter the textures in a way not to make them simply recolors, if I release them! Same procedure for jug fems....

What do you think of it?


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
I like the colour scheme on the second. Asp/Cleopatra I'm not a fan of at all. I'd sure have loved to skin Roc/Hyena but it seems I won't get around to it so good luck with it MäxX :tup:

This is for 2k4, right not 2k7? :lol:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
I still hope that some of our gods make some great and I`m looking for fitting existing ones. If that all fails than I have to try it :lol:

I`m not sure exactly, if someone ports that model into UT2k7, well than chances are good ;)


sex boobs nude
Feb 7, 2004
You need to correct those eyes she has. She looks like she is squinting outwards, but only on the model ingame. And clear up the colors in the eyes they are really dull looking. More color to them, and remove some of that pure black makeup too thick IMO even for an egyptian.
Yes I know it is hard to fit a picture onto a model. Easier painting it yourself.

For the other one keep the colors. Maybe make a new texture for his armor parts and dull down the yellow a bit. Else really good idea with the mask, and maybe make it transperant? I know that is possible in UT2k4. The UV maps where ****ed in UT2k3 on that models visor.

Looking forward to seeing a total conversion skin from you MaxX :)
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ME2 Lover
Nov 5, 2005
Milky way
the_rex said:
You need to correct those eyes she has. She looks like she is squinting outwards, but only on the model ingame. And clear up the colors in the eyes they are really dull looking. More color to them, and remove some of that pure black makeup too thick IMO even for an egyptian.
Yes I know it is hard to fit a picture onto a model. Easier painting it yourself.

For the other one keep the colors. Maybe make a new texture for his armor parts and dull down the yellow a bit. Else really good idea with the mask, and maybe make it transperant? I know that is possible in UT2k4. The UV maps where ****ed in UT2k3 on that models visor.

Looking forward to seeing a total conversion skin from you MaxX :)

Seconded :tup:

MäxX, your friend is very pretty :)


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
thx for the hints and comments I`ll see what I can do :tup:

I like her more on that pic ;)
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Today I had a little bit time left to try improving my WasteInProgress of Mathophis (I think I`ll call him that way)


The armor color and tribals definitaly look more like an egyptian IMO

Let`s see how it develops :)
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Random Elite

Put your feet up and frag.
Jul 9, 2005
MaxX, not saying you've a bad taste in women, but the skin's face looks a bit...ya know...blergh. Lighten up the skin a bit. Less eyeliner, and lighten up the chin/cheek area. The in-game-you looks well done, please follow the trend with this one. Other one looks good.


Link(gun) Lady
The male version looks great, I like his armor pretty well. I`m also a little bit in sorrow if that purple fits perfekt. You should try some other stuff here.
The idea with the mask is great, can we have a closer look at it?
I`m looking forward for the release of the pack, looks great :tup:

The female version definitaly needs more work, the face is nice but you should make the changes mentioned above. Maybe you give her a armor with similar design to the male one?

Keep it up AND make it PINK :lol:
Pink Egyptians OMG :lol:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
thx for the coments I`ll see what I can do for you ;)

First I`ll try to make the male Anuban better (also gonna try some other colors for that purple) let`s see what my time allows me to do.

I`m not sure if I`ve time today for it, but I`ll try to make you a closer shot of his head


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Unfortunately I didn`t have much time today but I tried it with black now (still kept the purple version)

Black looks also quite good, other colors didn`t match that way IMO

Here is the promised closer shot of the head (still many things to change, and if I switch back to purple of course the "old" one with the purple stuff will be taken):

I also made a quick test how the TCs could look:

tbh at the moment I tend more to take the purple version, but let`s see how it goes in the end, for the moment I tried to get rid of the last wings in leg area, but not with the wished results. I`ll try some other things ;)

@DD: seconded at 300% ;)

@RE: I know, that model sucks a little bit

@Legendary: My brother tried something like that a time ago (I remember his curses about failed atempts in making the helmet look chrome :lol:).
Let`s see if I can find that stuff somewhere.
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The Divine Tyrant
Dec 8, 2005
MäxX said:
Today I had a little bit time left to try improving my WasteInProgress of Mathophis (I think I`ll call him that way)

The armor color and tribals definitaly look more like an egyptian IMO

Let`s see how it develops :)

wow thats really really nice maxx as far as I can see this is shaping up to be and awesome pack I cant wait to see it. Keep it up:D :eek:
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