Lockup on execution sequence in JB-Arlon

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Strategic Military Services
Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Moscow, Russia
just read ZedMaestro's post - you might want to know that we played Humans vs Bots and UT bots always liked to "forget to come up for some air" or blow it's own rocket in in it's own face. That's another "pro" for ZedMaestro's suggestion


May 18, 2003
Dorset, England
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Ok, suggestion number 2:

Today in my Java programming lecture I was taught a little bit about "threads", where you can simultaneously run different bits of code. One part of the lecture struck me as a possible cause of the apparently random crashes in these maps. I can't apply this to anything in JBExecutionBurning because I don't know what happens in it.

Imagine there are 2 processes running in the code.
  • Process 1 is waiting for something from Process 2.
    Process 2 is waiting for something from Process 1.
    Result: Infinite wait, and because nothing abnormal has happened in the code, no error is thrown.
I hope that you coders can see what I'm getting at.


New Member
Yes -- a race condition (or deadlock).

However, even though the engine might internally use threads, UnrealScript doesn't -- all UnrealScript operations execute in a well-defined order. On the one hand, that means that race conditions as such are impossible; on the other hand, it means that an infinite loop in a single actor can freeze the entire game -- but then the game would crash after a while because it has detected too many iterations.

It'd greatly help if we could reproduce this problem. Fixing a problem we can't actually observe first-hand is near impossible. :hmm:


May 18, 2003
Dorset, England
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Well we know that the bug crept in since the burning emitters were able to appear online...

...Could the bug be related to the emitter? Maybe something like number of particles, or random spawning?
...Or it could be something to do with their attachment to players.

Just throwing a few ideas around :hmm:


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Mychaeel said:
it means that an infinite loop in a single actor can freeze the entire game -- but then the game would crash after a while because it has detected too many iterations.
It actually depends on the time required to execute each individual loop iteration. Imagine each iteration logs several Accessed Nones (those just love to pop up in groups ;)). You need over 1000000 iterations in a single frame for a runaway loop crash - that would create hundreds or even thousands of megs of log data that need to be written to disk before the engine even gets to the point of detecting a runaway loop. Depending on your HD speed and the actual number of Accessed Nones per iteration this could take several minutes or even hours.


Unreal Tournament Junkie
Feb 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah i have now starting crashing during execution sequences and, when I was in jail I saw someone Ion Cannon another player outside the jail right in front of me and the game crashed. It is odd however, since the game only crashes on online play. Is there an explination for this?
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Nov 28, 2003
Cardiff | UK
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Quick-fix for JB-Arlon request

[17:38] <Kal976|BuF`afk> hey Mych - so i was wondering if there was a chance of a mini-patch to remove the jail sequence from Arlon [that sometimes causes client lock-ups] with a 'known-good' execution sequence? :)
[17:39] <Mychaeel> Hmm -- well, all that'd take was opening JB-Arlon-Gold and removing/replacing the JBExecutionBurning actors...
[17:40] <Kal976|BuF`afk> that would be a good start - it's one of the best maps & we [@ fragbu] daren't play it :(
[17:41] <Kal976|BuF`afk> I read that others had the same issue with Cavern - tho we never have
[17:41] <Mychaeel> Perhaps suggest that on the forum -- I'm sure somebody would feel like doing it. There's no need for somebody from "the team" to do it.
[17:42] <Kal976|BuF`afk> k. scuse my ignorance, but if it's that simple to fix, how come it didn't get done already?
[17:42] <Mychaeel> Because it's not a fix. It's a workaround.
[17:43] <Kal976|BuF`afk> hehe true
[17:43] <Mychaeel> It doesn't solve the problem, which is that this burning execution sequence occasionally locks clients up under circumstances which could not be reproduced by me, yet.
[17:43] <Kal976|BuF`afk> right
[17:46] <Kal976|BuF`afk> imo it would look better if 'the team' released a version of Arlon with a 'known good' execution sequence - that way everyone [server people & clients] would be on the same page.
[17:47] <Mychaeel> Yes. Can you please post that suggestion in the forums? :)

edit// so I PM'd the map author [WillySurvive] about this too - fingers crossed :)
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Silas Mercury

May 28, 2005
Toledo Ohio

I am inCoRruptus of Clan CoR, on our server (which is currently down) we frequently play Arlon Gold. The execution lock up problem, for us anyways, occurs as you have stated except for one thing. 95% of the time, the lock up occurs right as somebody starts talking during the execution sequence. We have made a point of not talking during Arlons execution sequence because of how frequently it causes the lock up. This seems to alleviate the problem.

Go ahead and try it sometime, get a match going online and start talking a bunch during the execution sequence. More likely than not it will lock up.

I hope that this is of some use to you.

Silas Mercury

May 28, 2005
Toledo Ohio
ZedMaestro said:
Maybe something to do with the "talking" animation or something more in-depth when you press the Say button?

Could be, all I know for sure is that the lock up is linked to talking in some fashion. I was suprised nobody else mentioned it in the forum here actually.

I'm not sure if the person who is talking even needs to be on the screen or not, wasn't ever paying close enough attention to take note of it. (too busy not gloating for fear of a bsod) :lol:


Oct 14, 2001
Syracuse, NY
Hmm, I just noticed this thread, I'm kind of surprised I didn't before I usually read every single thread. I hereby give permission for anyone who wants to to re-release Cavern without JBExecutionBurning actors (although it'll look like crap, the burning really makes the execution). If no one else does, I'll do it the next time I have some spare time/energy/effort to do so, which will be at least "two weeks" :p

Vatcilli zeitchef

Dead and back
May 16, 2005
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Well as these things should be on the error page already
maybe the fixes in JB2004c will put an end to it.
I'n Lan games this never happened though.
(We also played Arlon and Babylon there 20 min max)
but exept of in some maps not working execution
Secuences no other errors were seen.
hehe maybe on the next lockdown we should
all open our unrealtournament 2004 log file.
Most error messages wins.


Turbo charged pogo stick
Feb 9, 2005
The Aswan problem is explained here, and I think it's fixed in the beta version in that thread, although there isn't a final yet.

There is also a 'fixed' version of Arlon in this thread.