For the benefit of those who do not have access to the private testing forum, I posted this:
I think I've got it!
I'm about to present a lengthy analysis of the JBExecutionBurning and how it interacts with the players on each team. I will state where the problem is occuring and then give my reasonings. The public forum has provided enough information, it all just needed piecing together and linking, which is what I'm about to do:
Mychaeel said:
Might have something to do with JBExecutionBurning... or is there another Jailbreak map using that execution method which doesn't crash?
Yes, but no one has ever experienced the crash in this map because, to be honest, no one ever votes to play this map. JB-Cavern has the JBExecutionBurning actor in it when the lava rises.
Dark Pulse said:
(Last enemy died on a suicide)
This is
extremely important. I'd bet that all the crash cases stated in the public forum where when the last player suicided in whatever way. But why?
Mychaeel said:
On second thought, there's no client-side code in JBExecutionBurning or its related classes, so that doesn't sound so likely after all...
Now I dont know exactly what is client-side code and what isn't, but Mychaeel does go on to say:
Mychaeel said:
There is some client-side code in Epic's HitFlameBig emitter class
It is how the JBExecutionBurning interacts with
the Celebration Screen which is where the problem is. Using the information in the previous quote, we can conduct to case studies, the second of which will be studied after another important quote:
Case 1: Last Man Suicides
This stupid player is presented on the celebration screen. His animation moves are displayed in a live feed on the celebration screen, but he never actually moves on it (while he's alive).
I'm about to speculate what the exact cause of the problem is, but I'm confident that it is here where it occurs. As soon as the JBExecutionBurning flame effects kick in, it could be that the celebration screen tries to draw these effects since they are attached to the player. The celebration screen knows it should draw the player, and maybe since there are live effects attached to it, it tries to draw them as well. This might not produce a crash bug because its not the same bit of UScript going round and round, its just drawing on screen. This is also why nothing odd in the log happens... the game doesnt log everything its about to draw.
This case study continues after this quote:
LL|Skold said:
This time, at least 5 other people locked up at the same time.
The emphasis is on "this time", indicating that there isnt a set number of crashes. The rest of the sentence was left to put it in context. Lets try to think
who is looking at the celebration screen with the suicider on. It obviously isnt the captured team... they're being roasted, but
the capturing team are. I'd also bet that it is the human players on this team that all suddenly crash out as each client's celebration screen tries to draw the flame effects on the suicider. This is why some people remain; the captured team. They dont see the suicider (unless one of them dies by other means before the execution starts). When they eventually see the celebration screen, no character is displayed or a corpse is displayed, but in neither case would the flame effects be present. The server doesnt crash either because drawing game effects is obviously done client-side.
Case 2: 'Normal' Capture
In this instance, the celebrator is on the capturing team. He just dances about taunting them. A crash will never occur in this instance because the flame effects arent trying to be drawn on the celebrator. The game resumes as normal.
- The problem only occurs when the last man suicides.
- The problem occurs at the point where the game tries to draw flame effects on the suicider.
- Only those clients who are trying to draw these effects crash out. This would be every human player on the capturing team.
- Those who dont see it carry on playing as their client didnt have to draw the effects on the suicider.
Possible Complications
This report is pure speculation, but conducted over plenty of evidence. The one point that doesnt meet the comments of everyone in the public forum is:
Haarg said:
Mychaeel said:
Random, but only in JB-Arlon and always exactly when players are about to skeletize, right?
I do see the player skeletons, but otherwise you are correct.
I think this could be a misinterpretation of Mychaeel's quote. You
do see the player skeletons in a 'normal' execution and if you are one of the players being executed. Unless its possible for a player in a JBExecutionBurning environment to be skeletized
before having the flame effects rendered, my evidence has a flaw in it.
However, that said, I do feel that the problem is on the Celebration screen for the reaons described above.
We'll see if Mychaeel and the team confirm this or not soon I hope