Although it's been a while since Dallas posted, I will defend him on the difficulty to hit a target at 100 yards without magnification.
If any of you high and mighty marksmen took a bot to the rifle range and stood him out there by the 100m target, then returned to the firing line, you would see that he is very VERY small.
In fact, in 1600x1200, the bot is only 11 pixels tall and maybe half as wide as the smallest front blade site on any of the weapons. That's just under 1% as tall as your screen, and that's pretty small.
Furthermore all of the weapons except for the PSG-1 and the Robar exhibit bullet drop at this range, so compensation is necessary.
Granted, if you were given some time, and the target remained still, you could dispatch it without the aid of a scope. However, most players consider shots at this range "sniping" and if the target has a Robar, and you have a plain Jane M16, you're pretty well screwed, unless they REALLY suck.
My guess is that all of you perceive the distance incorrectly because of the 90 degree field of view, it is a common mistake.
Oh, and my most common loadouts:
-MP5 40/A3
-4 MP5 mags(for extended battles, and I have been experiencing a lot of packet loss lately)
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades(Useful!)
-25 total bulk
-M16 A2
-3 Stanag mags
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades
-24 total bulk
Mid-long range battle(e.g. Dogtown, Mayan Valley)
-M16 A2 (or Sig SG551)
-3 Stanag mags (or 3 Sig Mags)
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades
-29 Total Bulk