Let me rant about your loadout!

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either like me or love me
Nov 24, 2001
Of course I have a loadout for each map, not saying i use a different loadout every single map I play on but just the layout of the map plays a huge role in what I roll with. Small large etc. Most commonly I Carry H&Kmp5 2to3 rounds 4H67nades robar 2 rounds, and of course kabar. Smaller maps I stroll with either the SIG with scope attachment 2 to 3 rounds a couple nades and and H&Kmp5 2to3 rounds, or my third common is a Benelli 2 boxes of shells DE .357 2rounds a nade or 2, and a p90 2rounds. I will often experiment with other weapons as most do but tend to keep it where it is .

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The Great Southern Thread Killer
Jun 6, 2001
I must have somewhere close to 20 loadouts. I put together basicly every weapon combo there is. but I just use the fake loadouts on bots. Online I'll use one rifle or smg + pistol and nades. My main one would be M16 (with and without the m203) and the DE. Or the Mp5 and DE.


I survived the flood of 2000 B.C.
Jan 1, 2001
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Although it's been a while since Dallas posted, I will defend him on the difficulty to hit a target at 100 yards without magnification.

If any of you high and mighty marksmen took a bot to the rifle range and stood him out there by the 100m target, then returned to the firing line, you would see that he is very VERY small.

In fact, in 1600x1200, the bot is only 11 pixels tall and maybe half as wide as the smallest front blade site on any of the weapons. That's just under 1% as tall as your screen, and that's pretty small.

Furthermore all of the weapons except for the PSG-1 and the Robar exhibit bullet drop at this range, so compensation is necessary.

Granted, if you were given some time, and the target remained still, you could dispatch it without the aid of a scope. However, most players consider shots at this range "sniping" and if the target has a Robar, and you have a plain Jane M16, you're pretty well screwed, unless they REALLY suck.

My guess is that all of you perceive the distance incorrectly because of the 90 degree field of view, it is a common mistake.

Oh, and my most common loadouts:

-MP5 40/A3
-4 MP5 mags(for extended battles, and I have been experiencing a lot of packet loss lately)
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades(Useful!)

-25 total bulk

-M16 A2
-3 Stanag mags
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades

-24 total bulk

Mid-long range battle(e.g. Dogtown, Mayan Valley)
-M16 A2 (or Sig SG551)
-3 Stanag mags (or 3 Sig Mags)
-2 Beretta mags
-5 frag grenades

-29 Total Bulk


Aug 6, 2001
Western Mancunia
Antedeluge, just the opinion of a 'high and mighty marksman' while they may be small at 100m, I can still hit them. As for the shooting range, I was always under the impresion that it was inaccurate...


New Member
Nov 5, 2000
much to my surprise in 2.86 i found the preset loadouts to pretty much fit me well.
i only changed the robar loadout to M9 instead of mp5 and adjusted the frag grenade amount in the mp5 loadout.
i also swapped the stupid DE in the M16 loadouts for a M9 ;-)


I survived the flood of 2000 B.C.
Jan 1, 2001
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The Pistol range (indoor) is inaccurate, but I believe the rifle range(outdoor) is fairly accurate for distance guaging. You'd have to ask the Inf team to really know how many Unreal Units represent a meter in Inf. I did not say that the target was unhittable. I merely said it would take a little time, and if the target has seen you and is toting a Robar or other scoped weapon, you do not have a lot of time.
Mar 19, 2001
San Diego, CA
I only have 2 loadouts I ever use

For CQB/Midrange
M16 w/ ACOG and max ammo
3 hand nades
1 knife

For sniping
Robar with 3 mags
DE with 3 mags
3 nades

I use the DE cause its pistol with the most punch at close range but I will switch it to a suppressed SOCOM once 2.87 comes out. Also Ill make a suppressed FAMAS loadout.
Long Range: Normally, a Robar RC-50 + FN 5-7. Lately I have also been toying with the PSG-1 and Beretta.

Medium Range/General Purpose: M-16, with and without the ACOG scope, depending on the map. Usually without the ACOG, I prefer the iron sights.

CQB: MP-5/40 with suppressor and aimpoint. I used to use the P90, but practicing has made me better with the aimpoint than the little crosshair.


full-auto SIG abuser
Feb 7, 2000
I have to main loadouts:

1. SIG, 3 mags, 2 frags
2. MP5 W/ SD, 3 mags, 2 frags

If I am playing on a ffa server I somtimes these loadouts for the fun of it:

1. AKMSU, 2 Drums
2. Beretta, 5 mags, 2 frags
3. P90, 2 mags, 2 frags

I've been playing a very long time exclusivly with a M16 "pure" loadout (with 3 mags). But since 2.86 I droped it for the SIG (mostly because full-auto saved my life in CQB situations severaly times).
Its quite strange, that I cannot hit sh!t with the ACOG. All those "lines" are in the way...


making personal insults since 1999
Nov 7, 2001
...I said I wasnt gonna be around to rate anything but that's changed with 2.87 coming...I should get to knwo some of you guys seeing as how we shall be playing soon

let me reinterate that this is just my personal opinion, and its 80% the player, 5% the loadout, and 15% the luck and hardware

-mp5 good gun on smaller maps
-full clips for any gun is unneccessary
-lack of nades limit effectiveness
-adding a robar or making another loadout for those larger maps would improve results

I'd remove some clips and add some nades. Maybe a sidearm of some sort so you wouldnt have to worry about reloads

-between those two loadouts you got every map covered..i assume the sig has ACOG but it might not from the m16 comment

I'd say thats about fine as long as you're comfortable at longer distance w/o acog

with the lag and the fact dodging bullets is so easy for some reason, the SIG and Mp5 are susceptable to the other guy just running around until you're out of ammo

I dont know how bad this is in RA, but with Inf in CQC I usually just run around until the other guy runs out of ammo and then pop them.

Most auto guns it only takes a few seconds, even the p90.


Don't Flinch
Jun 1, 2001
New Zealand
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RA makes it more realistic so there's not as much rushing and more teamwork. The robar also weighs a ton and aiming from crouch is more accurate. So if you run like that in a RA server you'll more than likely get shot by someone who stands thier ground.


sneaky bastard
Oct 15, 2000
Valencia, Spain
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My standard loadout :

-MP5 with/without suppressor and 3 clips
-M9 with 2 clips

I use this almost all the time. The suppressor depends on the day (sometimes i like to have it and some times don't)


full-auto SIG abuser
Feb 7, 2000
between those two loadouts you got every map covered..i assume the sig has ACOG but it might not from the m16 comment
The SIG is without ACOG and I dont change my loadout, because of the map. Playing Atoll or EP with my MP5 is not harder than with the SIG. Even with the MP5 you can countersnipe, if you know where to go and where the snipers are.


I Heart Gnat.
Jun 18, 2000
Originally posted by DallasStarsRule
let me reinterate that this is just my personal opinion, and its 80% the player, 5% the loadout, and 15% the luck and hardware

You got that all wrong, but i'll use your numbers

18% luck
60% hardware
0% loadout
22% player

Luck should be higher but i can only go up to 100%. A piss poor player will at least compete with a million dollar setup. A piss poor player with a piss poor setup will never amount to anything. I've honestly seen this in action and it holds true in all the times i've seen someone go from playing with a 300 ping and 20 fps to 80 ping and 60+ fps.

And the loadout has nothing to do with it. It is possible to do just as good with a pistol only then it is to use a sig or robar. Luck is close to player because in INF you only need to hit a man with a few bullets to kill him/her. And when you combine high ROF weapons with that scenario you have a lot of people getting really lucky because all they have to do is shoot in the general direction and you will hit someone because of recoil and rate of fire.

I know VERY few players, if any, who are good who use POS systems. All the good players get at least 40 fps and have under a 200 ping.

When i went from my 20fps MAC to my 60fps PC playing inf, i got a considerable amount better just because of the fps.


making personal insults since 1999
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by BrownCow

You got that all wrong, but i'll use your numbers

18% luck
60% hardware
0% loadout
22% player

The hardware thing isnt that drastic . As long as you dont have a real piece of crap comp you can cope. Are you telling me that if you were on a p300 against some moron newb with a p4 you'd lose?

course not. You'd have to adjust your strategy and not rush them, but you'd still be able to win.

I really dont know how much skill and luck go together. Sometime when you come across the back of 3 guys and shoot them all its luck, and sometimes its brains.

Though I agree loadout means very little. Though not that it doesnt matter AT ALL.