Originally posted by Cat Fuzz
No, thats not the heart of it. The heart of it is atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ. There is no other way to God. There are only two choices that really make any difference, service to God, or service to satan. There is no middle ground. The only way to serve God is to accept His Son and allow Him into your life. I know its difficult to give up control of your life. I'm always trying to take back control myself. Its difficult for people to accept that they are not good enough for God, no matter what they do. The ONLY thing that makes you good enough is to accept Jesus as your Savior.
Oh, man, I've really stepped in it now.
Sure you did. As we knew you would.
So Jesus didn't teach ppl to be neice to each other? But he should have, 'cos that's what ppl need telling.
Besides, I
did get a christian education indeed, by a
parish priest (what kind of stupid term is that? It's what the dictionary says, sounds pretty stupid to me) and I remember is consisted of reading from the bible how Jesus gave an example of how people should be nice towards each other by beaing nice to someone, and telling people to be nice just like he was, and the priest emphasizing how we, too, should be nice towards other people.
While I've turned my back on the church, I think this message is a good one, and one that should be indoctrinated instead of the B$ you're telling us Fuzzy.
I mean, what abstract B$ it you're telling us anyway? Propagande. It's of no preactical use, or how do I do 'atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ' ?
You are practically tell me I can live my whole life without committing any sin, stayin' pure as a newborn baby, and get tossed into hell for not believing in God, but a murderer who's raped little girls and whatever else, you got phantasy so please yourself, gets to heaven after a short trip to Purgery 'cos he f*** 'accepted God's son as his saviour' ?
Looks like God has some pretty low standards. Oh, wait, now I remember; we're all too lowly to live up to god's standards, so I really am no better than this piece of scum.
So in fact all the difference that matters to god is submittal, kinda "serve me or go to hell".
Sounds like your god is a tyrant to me. Being a good man doesn't matter; being his loyal servant does.
I'll rather be a good human, and f-word your god; what an *******.
But in the end, I believe you are just led astray. I go with Frost that God (whatever that means)
may have created the universe. If that's so, he (or it) created the whole universe with a set uf rules to make it run as he wants to; much like a simulation if you want. I doubt he would've made mistakes, so it was surely perfectly as he wanted it from the start, and men's appearance was according to the rules that apply in the universe.
Maybe it is chance we appeared on this planet. There are propably many, many other planets, some of which may bear life.
What I doubt is that he intervendes, breaking the rules of his little experiment or whatever it is to him.
I also doubt he want us to serve him, and will punish us for not believing in him.
Oh, and do not forget to be nice to each other ppl