Jesus bloody christ!

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For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by Frostblood
Cat Fuzz : Jesus's message is simple, love thy neighbor as theyself. "Love is the fulfilling of the law, for love does no harm" ( or something like that ).

pretty much.
now me, im not grimm, i dont even pretend to research this stuff, i already know that i dont beleave in the bible from what i hear about it all the time, and from my own beleafs.

i dont think we are in any way special. just different, like cats are different from dogs, and goldfish from the smartest dolphins.

the "we are gods special little creations bit" smacks of conceit and arrogance. or if you wanna get biblical, vanity.


Active Member
May 2, 2000
Originally posted by BangOut
In Emperor: Battle for DuneTM, you command any of three unique armies in a battle to control the universe. Political intrigue, social upheaval, and all-out warfare unfold before you in glorious 3D!

Hmm, there is a fourth Dune game?

I played Dune 2 (which is a RTS), then they did another one (which was a bit crap by all accounts) and there is now another one?

Is it good?


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Ulukai

Hmm, there is a fourth Dune game?

I played Dune 2 (which is a RTS), then they did another one (which was a bit crap by all accounts) and there is now another one?

Is it good?

I guess by the other one you mean Dune2000, the Dune2 revisioned version. Better graphics, crappy intro, all the charming li'll details scrapped. B$
The new one is Dune3 methinks. Supposedly pretty good.


Active Member
May 2, 2000
Yeah, Dune 2000. That was it. None of them seem to have captured the atmosphere from the David Lynch film, which I guess is what they based it on, given that most people assume us 'young folks' don't read books anymore :/


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Weeell... I DID like Dune2 very much. I loved the intro. "insidious" is one of my favourite English words :lol:


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
"pretty much.
now me, im not grimm, i dont even pretend to research this stuff, i already know that i dont beleave in the bible from what i hear about it all the time, and from my own beleafs.

i dont think we are in any way special. just different, like cats are different from dogs, and goldfish from the smartest dolphins.

the "we are gods special little creations bit" smacks of conceit and arrogance. or if you wanna get biblical, vanity."

We arnt special, but we are more intelligent and have the "knowlege of good and evil"...this is actually a very good summing up of the only difference between us and the other animals. I dont see what you see in the bible and I do believe in god but at the end of the day, its not what you profess to believe but what you do that counts.


...smells like groin.
Nov 4, 2001
Right behind you...
Dune 2000 was Westwood's shameless attempt to capitalize on its ground-breaking original RTS.

It was basically the same game, just with slightly better graphics and controls. I played the demo for five minutes and knew when I had stumbled into kaka.

Dune: Emporer or whatever it is is a 3D game with many of the older units and obviously a slightly deeper environment with the new graphics plus the same three-house storyline.

How does it play? Dunno... damn Westwood hasn't released a demo. I'm sure it plays like every other formulated Westwood RTS... God bless 'em for putting life into the genre and shame on them for stagnating it as well.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Originally posted by Frostblood
Cat Fuzz : Jesus's message is simple, love thy neighbor as theyself. "Love is the fulfilling of the law, for love does no harm" ( or something like that ).

Thats only a small part of it and very insignificant compared to the main message. Jesus did not come to teach people to be nice. Jesus came to be living sacrifice for the atonement of sins. There can be no forgiveness of sins without sacrifice. The Jews before Jesus's time had to regularly make sacrifices to God to atone for their sins. Jesus was meant to be a once-for-all sacrifice. A free gift of salvation that only has to be accepted. Jesus was and is God. But He is also the Son Of God. Seperate but the same. When He suffered on the cross, he felt every nail pierce His skin, the struggle to breathe, the thorns on His head, the taunts and ridicule of the people watching Him die. God fully felt what it was like to be human. The pain, the temptation, hunger, thirst. His coming was prophesied hundreds if not thousands of years before in many writings from prophets that knew nothing of each others existance. When Jesus died, the curtain seperating God from man in the Temple was torn in two, thus allowing access to God to all who believe in His Son.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Originally posted by Frostblood
maybe so, but in terms of how he tells us to live, love thy neighbor is at the heart of it.

No, thats not the heart of it. The heart of it is atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ. There is no other way to God. There are only two choices that really make any difference, service to God, or service to satan. There is no middle ground. The only way to serve God is to accept His Son and allow Him into your life. I know its difficult to give up control of your life. I'm always trying to take back control myself. Its difficult for people to accept that they are not good enough for God, no matter what they do. The ONLY thing that makes you good enough is to accept Jesus as your Savior.

Oh, man, I've really stepped in it now.


bNasal Implant=True
Dec 6, 1999
the real world.
Cat- I'm glad you spoke your mind. i'm not a believer in religion. i was brought up to NOT believe in God. but on my own search for truth i cant deny the possibility of a God. For instance, isnt it a coincidence that the sun and moon apear the same size in our sky?
but on the other hand when jehovahs come to my door and say god planned/created everything, i ask them did he plan each and every direction a branch grows on a tree? thats the chaos part of our universe. the unplanned part that makes it exciting and different.

IMO God created the universe in a big bang and let it go on its own from there. its up to us to find god and become what he envisioned. i dont see him being a part of our daily lives.

but like i said i dont really believe one way or the other.


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Cat Fuzz
(...) His coming was prophesied hundreds if not thousands of years before in many writings from prophets that knew nothing of each others existance.

That topic was raised b4 I recall, and I think it was GoAt who pointed out how unclear (or even implausible) those prophecies were... there was even an explanation given how one prophecy with certainity meant someone else, long before Jesus.
I think you never even tried to rectify that, but maybe with GoAt's help it can be sorted out once and for all... :D

Only I remember from the old forum how good Fuzzy would say something completly different rather than replying appropriately to an argument most of the time... :p
Dos anyone wonder why the good old chrstianity dicusssions led nowhere? 'cos you need at least two parties to argue... and see above


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Cat Fuzz

No, thats not the heart of it. The heart of it is atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ. There is no other way to God. There are only two choices that really make any difference, service to God, or service to satan. There is no middle ground. The only way to serve God is to accept His Son and allow Him into your life. I know its difficult to give up control of your life. I'm always trying to take back control myself. Its difficult for people to accept that they are not good enough for God, no matter what they do. The ONLY thing that makes you good enough is to accept Jesus as your Savior.

Oh, man, I've really stepped in it now.

Sure you did. As we knew you would.

So Jesus didn't teach ppl to be neice to each other? But he should have, 'cos that's what ppl need telling.
Besides, I did get a christian education indeed, by a parish priest (what kind of stupid term is that? It's what the dictionary says, sounds pretty stupid to me) and I remember is consisted of reading from the bible how Jesus gave an example of how people should be nice towards each other by beaing nice to someone, and telling people to be nice just like he was, and the priest emphasizing how we, too, should be nice towards other people.

While I've turned my back on the church, I think this message is a good one, and one that should be indoctrinated instead of the B$ you're telling us Fuzzy.
I mean, what abstract B$ it you're telling us anyway? Propagande. It's of no preactical use, or how do I do 'atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ' ?

You are practically tell me I can live my whole life without committing any sin, stayin' pure as a newborn baby, and get tossed into hell for not believing in God, but a murderer who's raped little girls and whatever else, you got phantasy so please yourself, gets to heaven after a short trip to Purgery 'cos he f*** 'accepted God's son as his saviour' ?
Looks like God has some pretty low standards. Oh, wait, now I remember; we're all too lowly to live up to god's standards, so I really am no better than this piece of scum.
So in fact all the difference that matters to god is submittal, kinda "serve me or go to hell".

Sounds like your god is a tyrant to me. Being a good man doesn't matter; being his loyal servant does.
I'll rather be a good human, and f-word your god; what an *******.

But in the end, I believe you are just led astray. I go with Frost that God (whatever that means) may have created the universe. If that's so, he (or it) created the whole universe with a set uf rules to make it run as he wants to; much like a simulation if you want. I doubt he would've made mistakes, so it was surely perfectly as he wanted it from the start, and men's appearance was according to the rules that apply in the universe.
Maybe it is chance we appeared on this planet. There are propably many, many other planets, some of which may bear life.
What I doubt is that he intervendes, breaking the rules of his little experiment or whatever it is to him.
I also doubt he want us to serve him, and will punish us for not believing in him.

Oh, and do not forget to be nice to each other ppl :)


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
"No, thats not the heart of it. The heart of it is atonement for sins thru the blood of Christ. There is no other way to God. There are only two choices that really make any difference, service to God, or service to satan. There is no middle ground. The only way to serve God is to accept His Son and allow Him into your life. I know its difficult to give up control of your life. I'm always trying to take back control myself. Its difficult for people to accept that they are not good enough for God, no matter what they do. The ONLY thing that makes you good enough is to accept Jesus as your Savior.

Oh, man, I've really stepped in it now."

Exactly. Accept christ by following Gods teachings, e.g love thy neighbor as thyself. Are you saying that a murderer who professed to love jesus would be considered better than a good aetheist? From what i've seen and heard of the bible thats not the point at all, because anyone can profess to love god but the only way to actually do it is to follow his teachings, which boils down to love thy neighbor as thyself. I respect your point of view but i think that what is meant by accepting god is to accept his teachings, not just say you've accepted him.


Dec 20, 1999
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I was completely addicted to Dune2 on my old A1200...
I bought Dune2000 for the pc and I didn't think it was all that bad.... the new fremem units were kinda neat, but you still couldn't control air units, which is a PITA... over all it offered little over C&C ...but I still bothered to play it right through to the end :>


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by Cat Fuzz
I'm not gettin into this again. I'm bowing out. Soemone else can take the arrows.

cat fuzz, you never get into it. you always bow out.

abyone know where this "saintbeam" has got to? we need a more willing debater/victim. ;)

oh, and its not what i expected actually fuzz, but im glad you decided to share :)