Hyrulian Hero said:
Thanks to Intruder, the Windows version of the UT2k4 Message Colorizer now has a preview window, much like the one seen in G-Lite's Linux version. Download the new version now!
Download links and a new screen shot can be found
at the top of this thread.
Hah! I still beat you to it!
I actually forgot to add a yellow preview option myself, because that's the color you see on the scoreboard instead of teamcolors. It still works okay though, can't be bothered.
Looking very nice, there.
I personally like colors, but not the way they are implemented. Looks to me like it was meant as an internal thing, really.
I'd definitly like to see it revised and implemented in a better way with a limited color palette and options to turn it off.
Preferebly show it in the scoreboard and deathmessage ('You've been killed by ...') only by the default and a GUI option to turn it off completely.
There's always room for some more fine-tuning in .ini files such as showing it up and chats and stuff.
Maybe an option to allow it in the actual chat messages as well would be nice, but it should be disabled by default because it'll be heavily abused, I'm sure. Clans without voice comm might find it handy to communicate with in teamsay messages though, and may want to temporarily enable it for clan matches.