Its great and all but it could be better (Community WeaponPack1)

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.

What should be fixed

  • Fix the Priority bugs

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • take off the "safety” Animation for the M4A1

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Match the Reflex sight on the M4 with the M16

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Change the ROF animation forthe M4A1, its too exagerated.

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Change the sounds for the Mag-7, Especially long range sound

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Change the sounds for the M93R, sounds like flak

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Reskin the M93R, black preferably

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters


White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Dr. J said:
now, if a thousand idiots say that one plus one equals three (i know that this is possible with very advanced pure maths, but lets talk in general) does that make them right even after you tell and demonstrate to these thousand idiots that one plus one equals two?
Therein likes your problem: you consider us 'consumers' of your product to be idiots. I'm glad you finally revealed your true beliefs, it makes my job much easier.

Dr. J said:
and i also noticed that as soon as anyone decides to make something (whether it be yurch, duke or the inf mod team) there is suddenly a divide that forms between 't3h communiteh' and the developers. what? just because we decide to make something out of interest and somewhere along the line we wanna put it out it makes us different?
Of course it makes you different. As soon as you add your bit to the community, you've set yourself apart. Making some addon or change to the game sets you appart, even just a little. You're no longer 'another guy', you're 'that guy who made X'. However, just creating content doesn't completely set you apart; how you react to it matters as well.

Dr. J said:
were just as much the community as you are. i hope that someday you create something and people piss the **** out of you, just so that you can see what its like being repeatedly harrassed for producing something you give out for free (i say this because were not getting critism here, were getting abuse).
Congrats, strike two. I have created content and mutators for Infiltration. I've received comments back on them. Some harsh, some illuminating. Never, however, did I strike words back at the 'consumers' of my mutators. Rather, I addressed their concerns, or quietly let the concerns die. Usually the latter, because I was lazy and didn't want to fix things, or they were rather difficult to fix. People are fickle. If they like it, they'll put up with the problems it has and use it. If they don't, they'll set it aside and not use it. However, the biggest way to stir up problems is, to use a metaphor, bust up the hornets nest. You're a gamer, from this community, so you say. If so, you know damn well the consequences of something being done wrong in the eyes of "the people". Messing up a little thing like that won't get you shat on right away, no. However doing what you, specifically, Dr. J, have been doing and saying "fuck off" to the people who want to help...well, let's just say you brought it on yourself.

Read over that guide I linked to again. It will save you tons of headache and pain in the future, I promise. I say this to you as one community member to another, and as one developer to another: it's worth it. Read it over and take it to heart, and maybe you won't get gray hair by the time you hit 25 ;)


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Mychael's modding etiquette is all well and good, but we're not interested in 'making people like [our] creation'. As I gather, Sentry Studios do much the same. How the team handles PR is entirely up to us - there isn't a right or wrong way to do it, it's not a science.

Keg, we consider the people giving us abuse to be idiots, never did anyone state that the whole Inf community are all idiots.

I'll second ecale's request - this discussion is pretty much pointless.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site
Just because it's hard for you guys to read and is aggravating doesn't mean it should be closed. The community has a right to discuss this. If you want to censor, do it on your forums.

Some of us tried to be (somewhat) civil by simply pointing out things that are wrong. Not "wrong" based on "personal vision", but "factually wrong". There are the lot of us that hope to see INF aim more towards "simulation". For this crowd, making things as realistic as possible is the main goal. We assumed that's what the mod team and most of the community was aiming for. Your general response is "we did it that way because we liked it that way, so it's not going to change (even if it is wrong)" or "**** off and make your own".

Some of us have decided to "**** off and make our own".
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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
Visit site
Well lets see the second post of this thread it was clearly stated that:
1.I'm still not sure if we know what causes the "priority bug"
Which means they are trying to figure that one out. Soon after a temp fix was found.
2.The safety stays, period.
What part of this don't you understand. Obviously none of it since it kept coming back up.
3.The reflex difference was due to the M16A4 being reskinned, if the M4 skin gets an adjustment then you'll get your reflex fix.
Has been explained a few times and why it is not going to be fixed at this point.
4. Dunno what ROF animation your talking about, so I cannot comment.
I don't think this problem has been clearly explained although you can correct me if I am wrong.
5. I've heard lots of complaints about the Mag7 sounds, so we'll see what happens.
Well to me that sounds like they are looking into it. Crowze in the third post explains a things a bit better.
6. I think the M93R sounds fine
Clearly stated that he feels there is no problem. Also the sound engine sucks for UT99 and what sounds good on my system may suck on yours.
7. the skin on the M93r is 100% accurate.
When the skin is %100 accurate and you want realism why are you asking for it to be changed?
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
[LD]CrAcWhOrE said:
Just because it's hard for you guys to read and is aggravating doesn't mean it should be closed. The community has a right to discuss this. If you want to censor, do it on your forums.

Some of us tried to be (somewhat) civil by simply pointing out things that are wrong. Not "wrong" based on "personal vision", but "factually wrong". There are the lot of us that hope to see INF aim more towards "simulation". For this crowd, making things as realistic as possible is the main goal. We assumed that's what the mod team and most of the community was aiming for. Your general response is "we did it that way because we liked it that way, so it's not going to change (even if it is wrong)" or "**** off and make your own".

Some of us have decided to "**** off and make our own".
I never said it should be closed, it was my opinion that, since we've made our stance clear, nothing more needs to be said. Clearly you are having difficulty getting the message, so I'll say it again. Any suggestions made here will be ignored.


I'm a video game review site...
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site

Crowze: I never said it should be closed


Crowze: I'll second ecale's request - this discussion is pretty much pointless.


Ecale: Please just lock this stupid thread keg, i've had enough, and as a moderator you really shoulda stopped this long ago.


Clearly you are having difficulty getting the message

I didn't make any suggestions Crowze. I made an announcement. Read more carefully next time champ.


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
Relaaaaaxxxx... or whatever...

ok folks, I'm more or less back online (via my working office - internet at home will be back at the 5th hopefully) and one of the first things I have to get pointed to is this thread. Developed a 'bit' since I dropped offline a few days ago, tho.

ok, personal chit-chat aside... if you guys have problems with each other, then please discuss this via PM or email, but don't post 'you said this or that' posts here cause it cannot end in a good way then normally. It only gets personal pretty fast and then this here isn't the right place to continue your debates of any kind.

If you have any kind of input to the actual topic - Weapon Pack 1 - that can be used in a worthy discussion and is not flaming or beating a dead horse a thousand times, then continue here.
Discussions about the Weapon Pack and what you want to suggest to be changed, added or whatever can be done here, sure, but as suggested above, the INF MOD team has a forum for such things too. So, I guess if you want to get heard, then post in their 'territory' in a polite and constructive way and I bet that you will get heard then.

However, if you want to discuss community things here on our forums, then you are welcome too of course. But please respect the folks from the INF MOD Team as much as you want them to respect you. Else it can get hot pretty fast as you can see on the last pages. Personal stuff is always a bad thing if you want to discuss things.

Ok, enough chit-chat from my side... will be back online in a few days hopefully... and I hope that you guys have sorted out things till then and got back on topic in a proper manner then too.


Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
Crowze said:
Any suggestions made will be ignored.

Fixed ;)

Doesn't matter if it's here or on your beta testing forums. You are lazy and
arogant, a very bad combination in a developer, and it shows through in your
half-assed and stylised work. How many times was the priority bugs brought
up during beta testing only to be flat out ignored? And what of the floating
hand on all of the UZI animations.

You call the community idiots and tell us to **** off, yet you expect us to
grovel at you feet and worship you for giving us incomplete weapon packs.

Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
Demo, you are out of line. Crowze and all of the rest of the Inf Mod team have given a lot to this community, both as part of the Infiltration Mod team and seperately with many mutators, etc. What have you done for the community lately, other than make it look bad with bull**** posts like that?


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
Visit site
ACtually, im going to ask Shan to repost all your threads from the BETA Testing thread on our forums, at no time did Crac or you make any statements regarding anything your dragging out in the open here in a public forum, not once, Hell, Cracs postcount on the dev forums is a grande total of 9, hell of a way to communicate to the dev team the problems your having with the weapon pack when you cant manage to post more than 9 times, isnt that funny?
You were slightly more helpful Demo, and at no time had any of the mod team told you to F**k off regarding anything you posted, of the people beta testing, you were the least affrontive in your posts, so why the sudden show of your @ss here on BUF?
The 3 times i came to the BETA test server {when it was running}you jackasses were spawning Nali and redeemers all over everyone, its your server, you do what with it, however, dont call it BETA testing if your jerking off with Nali and monsters, and do not cry foul when your voice isnt heard if you dont speak.
I'm disappointed, seriously, you cry about our lack of professionalism, gimme a break, we ARENT PROFESSIONALS, neither is SS, they are all amateurs, thats why its a FREE MOD to a retail game. Its our first pack, its not going to be perfect, its a learning experience for all of us involved, the next one will be better still. Ive seen some ridiculous statements made regarding things we chose to do, like the rear site on the M4, one poly, but at no time have i seen anyone of you start a thread regarding the inconsistencies on the standard INF models, like the rear site on the SIG, the MP5, these are seriously inaccurate, its all merely cosmetic. Not to mention all the imagined UBER PENETRATION everyone was proved wrong about.

Anyone besides me remember playing INF for Unreal? :rolleyes:
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Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
Actually, all those have been brought up before. When 2.9 was launched, I remember a
great many comment on the lack of improvement on the M16 and other poorly modeled
weapons, most of which were in game. I'm sure that a year from now people won't be
posting complaints about this pack, either. We'll just learn to ignore the problems or quit
playing because of them, and it seems that a lot of the later has been occuring.

As to why I have decided to show my "@ss" here on the BUF, is because all the time
that I have been polite, I have been ignored. I'm tired of kissing ass to be heard, so
I've tried my hand at kicking ass instead. Besides, the flames have proven to be rather

BTW, you didn't stop by three times, unless you count rejoining after I switch the
map/mutators as seperate times. I only saw you there one evening.

FYI, it's only a learning experience if you do indeed learn from it.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Demosthanese said:
Mmmmmffmpfmfmmmpmfpmfffm, mmmpmfpmf fmpmfpppffmmmpp mfpmmmfpmmpp mmpmppmppppp mmppffppffmfmfmmfpfmp fmfpfm mmpmppmpfppfpffmpp. Fppmfpmppppp 2.9 fppmmmfmm pmfmmmfmfpppmmfmfpmppmpm, Mff pffmppppmmppppmmmpmpppff mmm
mfmpffmppmmmfmp ppmmmmpppffm mmfppfppmppmmpppppfmp ppfppp fmpmfpmpp pmfmmmmmfpmp ppfmpf mffppmpfmpffppffpmmppppmmpppppfmp ppfppp fmpmfpmpp Ppm16 mmmpppmpm ppffmpmfpmpppff pfmppfppfpffpmfffm ppmppfmpmmpppmfmppmpm
fppmppmmmpfmppfpppfmm, ppmppffmmfmp ppfmpf fppmfpmffmmfmfp fppmpppffmpp mffppp mfmmmmppmmpp. Mff'ppm fmmfmfpffmpp fmpmfpmmmfmp mmm ffmmppmmmpff mpfpffppfppm pppppffpp pfmmppppfpfmpmfmpp fppppfppp'fmp mmpmpp
pfmppffmmfmpmffpppmfm mmfppfppmpfmpmfmmmmffpppfmpfmm mmmmmpppffmffmp fmpmfpmfffmm pfmmmmmmfpmp, mppmfffmpmfpmpppff. Fppmpp'pmfpmf pmmfmffmmfmp pmfmppmmmpffppp fmpppf mffmfmpppppfpffmpp fmpmfpmpp pfmpffppfmmppmfmppppmfmm ppfpff pfpfmfmfffmp
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Mmmfmm fmpppf fppmfpffm Mff mfpmmmfpmmpp mpmmppmmfmffmpmmppmpm fmpppf fmmmfpppffpp ppmffm "@fmmfmm" mfpmpppffmpp ppfppp fmpmfpmpp MmpFmfMpf, mfffmm mmpmppmmfmmmfmffmmmpp mmmpmfpmf fmpmfpmpp fmpmffppmmpp
fmpmfpmmmfmp Mff mfpmmmfpmmpp mmpmppmppppp pfmppfpmfmfffmpmpp, Mff mfpmmmfpmmpp mmpmppmppppp mffmfmpppppfpffmppmpm. Mff'ppm fmpmffpffmppmpm ppfmpf pmpmfffmmfmmmffpppmfm mmmfmmfmm fmpppf mmpmpp mfpmppmmmpffmpm, fmmppf
Mff'fpmmpp fmppffmffmppmpm ppmffm mfpmmmpppmpm mmmfmp pmpmffmmfpmpmffpppmfm mmmfmmfmm mffpppfmmfmpmppmmmmpm. Mmpmppfmmmffmpmmppfmm, fmpmfpmpp mpfpmfmmmppmmppfmm mfpmmmfpmmpp pfmpffppffpmmppppp fmpppf mmpmpp pffmmmfmpmfpmpppff

MmpFmpFpp, ffmppffmf mpmmffmpmppp'fmp fmmfmpppfpfm mmpffm fmpmfppffmppmpp fmpmffppmmppfmm, fmfppppmfmppfmmfmm ffmppffmf mmfppffmfpppfmp pffmpppmmppfmffpppmffpppmfm mmmmpffmpmpppff Mff fmmfppmfffmpmmfmfp fmpmfpmpp
ppmmmmpfm/ppmfmffmpmmmfmpppfpfffmm mmmfmm fmmmpppfmmpppffmmmfmpmpp fmpmffppmmppfmm. Mff ppfppppmfffm fmmmmmfpp ffmppffmf fmpmfpmpppffmpp ppfpppmpp mppfpmmpppppmffpppmfm.

MpfFfmMff, mfffmp'fmm ppfppppmfffm mmm pmfmppmmmpffpppmffpppmfm mppfpfpfmmpppffmffmpppppmmfmpp mffmpf ffmppffmf mpmppf mffpppmpmmppmppmpm pmfmppmmmpffppp mpfpffppfppm mfffmp.

ok. did you read your pm? I thought it was more decent to get this offline, via PM, but obviously you think not.

1. We did not ignore you. If you though we did during testing, then think again. If you think we do now, after those post from you and cracwhore, you are probably right.

2. If you have something personal against bushwack take it offline. I suggest him doing the same.

3. FYI, we aren't as stupid as you would like us to be. we know what a leanrning experience is. If you really think that we did not learn anything from this first pack and it's release than I wonder why you or cracwhore won't be on the Beta team anymore. Maybe it's just a coincidence. If you don't really think that we did not learn anything and simply post that statement here in a futile attempt to flame us and to flame bushwack, you are even more pathetic than that Jules Winnfield character who call's himself duke.

Now please, I have already sent you a private massage. It seems that your are not familiiar with the concept. If you have anything personnal to add to this subject, please do it via PM. If you have anything new and constructive for use or the community to ponder on, post it here. Simple eh!
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
Why do you think everything is a personal attack? I can't send a PM to the entire mod
team. BTW, I love the qquote. It was very creative. How long did it take you to come
up with something so ingenious?

While your at it Bush, why don't we post all f the AIM logs and server logs to show
how often it was brought up. The forums were a joke. Duke's first words to us was
along the lines of WTF are you doing here. Go away. You can post that along with
the rest of the threads ;)


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Demosthanese said:
Why do you think everything is a personal attack? I can't send a PM to the entire mod
team. BTW, I love the qquote. It was very creative. How long did it take you to come
up with something so ingenious?

I don't reallu consider those post personal attack. But I see them as uninteresting for the general public as they bring no valuable point nor information (or probably not more info as this post you are currently reading anyway).

As for the quote, it took me about the time it takes to select the text, right-click and select the encoder type "Kenny". I was playing around with some feature from Mnenhy for Mozilla. Found it funny so I leaved it like that. I could have used Morse code too, but kenny is funnier :p

-.-. .... . . .-. ... -- .- -. .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- --. . --- .-.-.-