Note that the Savage 2 community has its own rather active group of fans and a discussion forum and clans
There's another game like that, I think it's called
Unreal Tournament 3.
Whenever I load UT3 I feel dirty. I feel like I'm betraying the UT franchise by adding to UT3's player counts.
Impressive, you actually hate UT3 so much that you despise
contributing to its player count. Congrats, you've stunned me.
UT 2004's Onslaught is superior to UT3's Warfare
Okay, that's just plain stupid. They're the same damn gametype! The only way ONS and WAR are different (besides the orbs WHICH YOU CAN REMOVE WITH THE INCLUDED MUTATOR) is that the Hellbender driver can shoot, the Scorpion has more use than just being a fast transport vehicle with blades that I can actually hit people with, the Raptor's missiles are worth using, and you have a hoverboard for when you don't have a vehicle. Superior my ass. That statement is so bad it doesn't even qualify as an opinion.
the only reason I'd have for playing UT3 would to play on-foot regular weapons capture-the-flag but the last couple times I tried it was ruined by the Titan mod.
Yeah, because every single server in UT3 has the Titan mutator active
It would be a lot easier accepting the UT3-haters' opinions if they weren't so full of stupidity.