welcome to the boards. i am glad you have so much enthusiasm for mapping. i, too remember way back when in UT99 when i started mapping. I thought each map i made was really sweet and i wanted to show it off to every forum I was on.
Years later I see why my maps werent cool or popular. They just weren't good. I'm not saying your ideas and layouts arent good, but ALL of your maps look like they came out of Counter Strike (the original).
I want you to start UT2004 and open ONS-Urban, and then open your FO maps and compare the two. They arent even close, they dont even look like the same engine!
Im not trying to be mean, trust me I have been mapping for some time and I am not that good. I am trying to be realistic. People are bashing you not because youre a new mapper but because of your attitude.
You come in here looking for a mod team and show a few very poor editor shots. You show very little grasp of static meshes, design, or basic lighting. You're, "i dont see what's wrong with my maps" attitude is wearing a little thin I suspect.
Take what we say in stride, actually THINK about separates your maps from the "good" ones in UT2004, and keep working at it.
I guarantee in a year or two you will come back here and laugh at how far you've gone!!!!
Good luck!