Logan6 said:
Well, Duke, my problem with the M4 is its recoil. It seems to have none, therefore giving you uber accuracy and firepower.
You must be kidding right? did you read duke's last post... congrats on looking like a freaking retard.
It doesn't compare well to the M16A2 ingame which has a far greater recoil.Therefore, people with the M4 can snipe better than people with the longer barreled M16A2, and I have seen this in game, people sniping at distance on full auto with the M4.
How funny! yesterday I got killed a few times by a sniper on full auto... with a sig551 + acog. Lets go start a thread to whine about SS's sig551, that crazy fullauto uberweapon...
The guns need to be equalized in recoil (or made as real as possible ), either one way or the other, because right now one kicks like crazy while the other kicks not at all.
Welcome to the wonderfull world of we don't care. Sentry Studios as openly admited that their weapons are ballanced for gameplays so that Muffers don't run out crying "Mommy, my gun isn't as good as his...". We decided NOT to do that, trying to give a real life like feeling to the weapons. I'm sure you can understand that we are not Sentry Studios and that we can decide by our own how we want our weapons to be modelled. If you don't agree, well go play on servers that don't use the pack. If you can't find any, then maybe it's a sign.
But the idea of equalizing the recoil in a game that advertises the slogan "This is as real as it gets" is just plain stupid. If you want to run around and shoot people with balanced weapons, then go play Counter Strike or Desert Combat.
The major problem here is that we have two teams with different ideas about how the weapons should be, and the weapons are being mixed in game causing some bad imbalances.
Well, get over with it! Because if you can't live with somethings as simple or even understand that, I'm sure you'll have fun going through your first real life problems. Remember... the day you'll commit suicide because your hamster died, try to keep it clean for whom ever will find you.
I'll finish by quoting the readme that was released with the weapon pack...
readme said:
The members of the Infiltration Mod Team create these weapons solely for their own interest and enjoyment. The weapons in this pack will NOT be updated unless any major show-stopping bugs occur, as the team is now working on other projects and aren't interested in whether some people think a weapon is unrealistic. If you don't like them, don't use them. If you really don't like them, ask the server administrators to disable them. None of the members of the Infiltration Mod Team can be held responsible if your computer explodes while using this weapons pack, if you get beaten up over an argument on whether the weapons are realistic, or under any other circumstances.
Now can we please come back on the topic. A stupid thread about this weapon pack was already started. Stop being a dork and hijacking serious threads for no reasons.