I've bee thinking about this for a while but with the new/upcoming weapons (and even more with yurch's new hit detection which seems to make lucky headshots less likely) INF seems to be mostly about 5.56 Assault Rifles, which might be realistic but a bit booring since 60% of the amory faces rare usage
In 90% of the maps anybody not using an AR is imposing kind of a handycap to himself. (AKMSU is keeping up quite well)
- IIIa vests render the shotties, some SMGs and most pistols to the state of 'hardcore user only' (at least when used as a primary)
- the burst delay for the SAW makes it an 'defensive only' weapon since its only useful proned/kneeled spamming a passage with bullets
- due to heavy bobbing, long aiming and rather short distances in maps, sniper rifles are rarely useful
- Nobody did an assault rifle with a different caliber yet, so all the ARs are pretty similar, which keeps the variety of efficient weapons rather low
I don't say this is all wrong I'm just analyzing and I wonder wether something simple can be done to make anything none 5.56 AR more attractive... I would personally love to use the MP5 and Benelli, the new MAG 7 and UZI more often but I tend to get my ass kicked already... it just doesn't pay out.
Yurch mentioned a weapon mutie like UN17's Socom mutator for the shottie. Maybe something like this can be done for other weapons
One idea:
Is there alternative, amor piercing ammunition for some of the pistols/SMG's available IRL? Adding it would reincarnate the once widely loved MP5....
The only problem that I see: we would be drowning in muties... maybe SS there is still a slight chance for INF 2.91 ???
In 90% of the maps anybody not using an AR is imposing kind of a handycap to himself. (AKMSU is keeping up quite well)
- IIIa vests render the shotties, some SMGs and most pistols to the state of 'hardcore user only' (at least when used as a primary)
- the burst delay for the SAW makes it an 'defensive only' weapon since its only useful proned/kneeled spamming a passage with bullets
- due to heavy bobbing, long aiming and rather short distances in maps, sniper rifles are rarely useful
- Nobody did an assault rifle with a different caliber yet, so all the ARs are pretty similar, which keeps the variety of efficient weapons rather low
I don't say this is all wrong I'm just analyzing and I wonder wether something simple can be done to make anything none 5.56 AR more attractive... I would personally love to use the MP5 and Benelli, the new MAG 7 and UZI more often but I tend to get my ass kicked already... it just doesn't pay out.
Yurch mentioned a weapon mutie like UN17's Socom mutator for the shottie. Maybe something like this can be done for other weapons
One idea:
Is there alternative, amor piercing ammunition for some of the pistols/SMG's available IRL? Adding it would reincarnate the once widely loved MP5....
The only problem that I see: we would be drowning in muties... maybe SS there is still a slight chance for INF 2.91 ???