ILCR All-start Match?

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Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
by the hard headed Radiant said:
I guess the saying "When idiots run out of arguments they turn to fist fighting" is true after all. You want to talk about contamination? You should try reading your own posts. If that was your idea of a "hazing" you really need to work out something better. If it was an attempt to scare me away, it didn't work. It's going to take a lot more than swearing and writing with leet and big letters to do that. Obviously. I'm still here....

blablabla no one cares...

You just dont know when to quit nerd do you? You come in here acting like you have actually done something for anyone here by insulting someone who has, without even knowing that person. Then when not just me, but a FEW people give you a hint that your being an ******* you keep at it. I bet your not even a newb but a vet who thinks its 'cool" to do what your doing. Just remember who started with who cause unfortunately my pride doesnt allow me to back off sorry. I dont take **** in real life and I am not gonna take it from some probobal nerd on the net. Will I get shot eventually from my attitude ? maybe. But most people tend to steer away from me in real life when they see me. Unfortunately the internet grants too much cojones to people who otherwise wouldnt have any.

[RANT] On a side note, I always maintained the belief that first gunpowder and now the net is destroying the order and fabric of society. For instance, before someone genetically gifted could be a mighty warrior and there was simply no way other than assassination to kill that person ( or a bow but thats sorta assassinating the person as well given he wouldnt stand there letting you shoot him.) So people knew there place socially as to how much crap they could talk. Along comes guns. Uh oh. That little skinny slow dimwitted person can now kill someone who is stronger and smarter.

Now enter the net, a platform for the nerd to unleash. Now he can talk all the trash he wants to someone superior physically, maybe even mentally, without any physical retributions. Its social interaction unbound by the thousands of years of body language built up in our instincts. Thousands of years of humans knowing that by giving "lip" they could have said lip broken. Now they can just simply insult and attack emotionally and mentally another person without reprisal. [/RANT]

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Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
This whole "elitest" thing confuses me.

First off, there are very few "elitest" players in this community. Most of the good players are still very cool with the community.

Second, an All-Star match is not a celebration of the players as much as it is a celebration of the game.

Third, why wouldn't you want to celebrate the more highly skilled players? For the most part they were not born that way. They put a lot of time into playing this game and are a big part of why it lives on. I do not consider myself even close to one of the all-stars and I sure do not have a problem patting the best of the group on the back. It is just a game so I am comfortable with my level of skill in is a shame that some of the rest of you are not.

Fourth, sometimes your best player is the one that crouches in the corner by the truck on Skopje and whose sole job is to make sure the rest of the clan knows if someone else is going after the CD. Skill is not as simple as kill counts, even on TDM, but especially on EAS. But more importantly, I would think each clan would cartefully select their ambassadors...I know that, if I had an ass on my clan, he/she would not be sent to the all-stars regardless of how good they were.

Like I said, I cannot control the actions of the clans. I would like to see every ILCR clan participate but, if they will not then I can work around it.

It would also be really cool of the all-star team if they would like to participate in one or several many versus few maps or spend a few hours just playing against the community. The purpose of this event after all is to get some community PR going and pull more people in.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Yay! Jumping on people for not conforming to made-up standards they don't know about is awesome! GG, Way to keep the community tight fellas!

Hint: Typing "it was a joke" rather than acting like a cunt doesn't force him to defend himself in kind, and would probably even get him to appologize. If your pride really wants to know, it sure as hell looks like you started it, NT.

Soon I'll have to show everyone how the whole 'large text' thing and the internet penis size rant is unnessesary. Is it really this hard for you people to function in a social enviroment?


New Member
Sep 7, 2004
{GD}NTKB said:
You just dont know when to quit nerd do you?

I see you are still at it too. I don't know when to quit? How about you? Do you know? Seems to me you are not only equally nerdish, you are also a hypocrite. Yay for you.

As you may or may not have noticed, I have only replied to your flaming and shit throwing. I have even tried to steer back on topic, while you persist on dragging the thread back into the mud.

But hey, how about we both at least pretend to be adults here. Let's end this right here, right now. I'll keep my mouth shut unless it is to reply to the topic at hand. Let's see you do the same.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Er no. Dont anyone say I started this. I wasnt the one who pissed on someone else first but whatever. I find it funny you have the audacity to insult me then the next paragraph try to make peace. Sooooooo ill show you another version of what you typed:

Radiant your an ******* and an idiot but can we stop being immature ?

And im the hypocrit.

Yurch, thats my point. This ISNT A NORMAL SOCIAL ENVIROMENT. There is NO body language, no understanding of others personalitys. The Internet did alot of damage to normal social structure. He comes in here and immediately assumes im a troll or some ******* and without knowing im a naturally sarcastic comedic type assaults me verbally. Personally, I think the internet is not done properly. Perhaps anonymity (sorry if I spelled it wrong) is a bad thing on the net? If everyone knew who you were and where you lived I DOUBT they would talk so much **** and be so bold. It would al least stop parents from letting there kids unsupervised on the net and it would stop such stupid blind hatred for others remarks and personalitys like "Radiant" did. Yurch you can try and turn this around on me all you want. I dont care. The fact remains that this is a BAD platform for social interaction as it is.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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{GD}NTKB said:
Yurch, thats my point. This ISNT A NORMAL SOCIAL ENVIROMENT. There is NO body language, no understanding of others personalitys. The Internet did alot of damage to normal social structure. He comes in here and immediately assumes im a troll or some ******* and without knowing im a naturally sarcastic comedic type assaults me verbally.
Come in kettle, this is pot.

If you know that the internet is socially void, you should have also known that he can't be expected to read into your posts more than he is given. Expect them to be seen at face value. The intimidation factor is stupid and has nothing to do with it.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
He can however get to know someone before posting a stupid remark.

Regardless, I didnt say it was socially void. I said it was void of important social factors. hence it takes longer to get to know someone for who they are. You cant read into one post and assume anything. The intimidation factor is EVERYTHING. The most important aspect of social interaction is percieving others for there physical attributes. You may chat for hours with some heffer on AOL and love it, but if you saw her repulsive rolls in real life you wouldnt give her the time of day. We are physical creatures and the net takes that important aspect of interaction and toilets it. Trust me I know, I used to be 400 pounds of fat. When i was a fat boy I was respected less, people assumed I could not fight, people percieved me as docile, and most importantly people treated me less respectfully than they do now that im in shape. So yes, physical "intimidation" plays a HUGE role in social interaction.


New Member
Sep 7, 2004
I see that didn't work. The stupid remark you are referring to would be "Those damn Europeans :mad: ", right?
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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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I really hate agreeing with NT but he does have a point. The internet is a bad forum to conduct subtlies in conversation. To read everything at face value though is rather dull and not all that helpfull either.

If NT posts something like he did most of us know that he is just being NT and messing about beacause we know him. If it was me that said the same thing there would probably be a different reaction from those unlucky souls that know me. Also most of us in the community has commented on the fact that the Euros don't use many or any mutators. No big deal. NT did not bring up anything new in this regard but just reminded us. He just used his normal NT charm to do it.

Although I won't be in it I think it is a very good idea. I am ssuming it is only open to clans that were in this season as it should be. Also it should be restricted to players that played in those matches.
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Taijutsu Specialist
Dec 7, 2003
This thread is so full of "the dark side of the force". I would delete it and start a new one. :(

@Shan: Having only 2 players from about 6 clans play against each other does not reflect "community event" to me. It's more like "private golf club" event. You see, by restricting participation to only members in ILCR clans, you cut out a large portion of INF players in general. Now, I don't mind if you go ahead and do this "All-Star" match to pat "the best of the group on the back" (ie. Ego stroking). I'm just not fond of activities not open to the general public.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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I see your point but is it an All Star from the league or All Star from the community. Either way I'm out. How about both?


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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{GD}NTKB said:
He can however get to know someone before posting a stupid remark.
That's impossible with the size of the internet. Also, did you get to know him before replying?
The intimidation factor is EVERYTHING. The most important aspect of social interaction is percieving others for there physical attributes. You may chat for hours with some heffer on AOL and love it, but if you saw her repulsive rolls in real life you wouldnt give her the time of day. We are physical creatures and the net takes that important aspect of interaction and toilets it. Trust me I know, I used to be 400 pounds of fat. When i was a fat boy I was respected less, people assumed I could not fight, people percieved me as docile, and most importantly people treated me less respectfully than they do now that im in shape. So yes, physical "intimidation" plays a HUGE role in social interaction.
"Intimidation" (although I'm going to use that narrow word very loosely) is only important in a social context because it has an actual bearing. It's also a very stupid bearing when you consider what this message board is for: discussing ideas and discussing the game. Good riddance to intimidation in any application. My ideas should be good because of thier merits, not because I could kick the average coder's ass - and I wish this was true no matter where this takes place, in reality or online.

That is what intimidation is, a discrete threat of force, and it does not help society function better. You are confusing it with respect. The two are not mutual.

I do not talk shit to my eighty three year old grandmother in private because she intimidates me. It is purely a matter of respect.
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Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Id hate to interrupt this fascinating and tittillating display of internet social interaction, BUT, i dont associate with clans anymore, nor do i show any interest in anything regarding a group effort for INF as far as any team goes, but according to theabove ascribed criteria for joining said event, i would be excluded, which i have a problem with.
Some of the BEST players {not me, just in general} like the MP,SDS people, no longer have a clan to speak of, nor participation in ILCR, just an observation, if you want the cream of the crop, dont limit your selection....

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled arguements and flames*


You Give Odie a Boner
Nov 19, 2001
Austin Texas
Bushwack said:
Id hate to interrupt this fascinating and tittillating display of internet social interaction, BUT, i dont associate with clans anymore, nor do i show any interest in anything regarding a group effort for INF as far as any team goes, but according to theabove ascribed criteria for joining said event, i would be excluded, which i have a problem with.
Some of the BEST players {not me, just in general} like the MP,SDS people, no longer have a clan to speak of, nor participation in ILCR, just an observation, if you want the cream of the crop, dont limit your selection....

*we now return you to your regularly scheduled arguements and flames*
So, you where not a part of ILCR, so you should not feel left out.

UN17 said:
This thread is so full of "the dark side of the force". I would delete it and start a new one. :(

@Shan: Having only 2 players from about 6 clans play against each other does not reflect "community event" to me. It's more like "private golf club" event. You see, by restricting participation to only members in ILCR clans, you cut out a large portion of INF players in general. Now, I don't mind if you go ahead and do this "All-Star" match to pat "the best of the group on the back" (ie. Ego stroking). I'm just not fond of activities not open to the general public.

Uh what? I believe Shan stated sometime like, "...Each clan that participated in the ILCR would send two of their players"...

What is private about that? Anyone that could round up a team could join up back when ILCR started. ILCR is anything but a Private Golf Club - please. :rolleyes:

Now having a community all star event event, that is cool too, however it needs a new thread and a sponsor. I say UN17 and Bushwack get it started. Let me know, I know some peeps in GD that would be rock! ;)
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