Red_Fist :
Time for a little psychology lesson. Why do you think there are gay rights activists and the whole "homosexual political agenda"? The inherent gay lust for world domination?
No, it's a direct result of people like the Family Research Council and Rush "Junkie" Limbaugh! Any group of people will react against percieved aggression or persecution by fighting back - it's entirely natural, if not always very clever.
I guarantee, we would have Blonde Pride Parades in a flash if some people started taking blonde jokes seriously. Then in reaction to that, we'd have idiots talking about the "Blonde Agenda", and the whole thing would become a farce, just like it did with homosexuality.
The reason that there's a gay rights movement is because certain people are giving the impression that they think gays should have less rights. By doing so you are actively helping the cause of gay rights! I hope you don't mind that.