I may have to throw in the towel...

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Jun 10, 2001
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IndySkyz said:
I think Red is proud of the fact he is 100% poopoo head, and not 100% poopoo cock like you. These guys are all heterophobic dude, just leave them to belive what they will.

10% is not a big number, whats next Beastiality being ok, Cannabilism, Child molesting, Murder? if we only went by the percentages of what was natural, then everything would be ok.

Stilgar its obvious you are the same dude with atleast 3 nics, you claim to be 100% hetoro but you have "exclusively gay" as a forum tag, hmmmm wonder why I didn't think you were hetero.

This is how I think God would reply to your arguments. "Plug A goes into Hole B not Hole C, Hole C is an exit only.......God"

I'll have you know, I am 100% Hetero male pal. But I happen to agree that EVERY US citizen should be treated EQUALLY under the law. It's Jim Crowe attitudes such as yours that still causes strife and ill will in the world today. You, sir, are a detriment to Progress and Harmony, with your smallminded outlook.


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Sep 6, 2004
Nebel said:
hold back, hold back, now that thin line is who?


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
Btljuice said:
I'll have you know, I am 100% Hetero male pal. But I happen to agree that EVERY US citizen should be treated EQUALLY under the law. It's Jim Crowe attitudes such as yours that still causes strife and ill will in the world today. You, sir, are a detriment to Progress and Harmony, with your smallminded outlook.

I agree with you totally dude. Can you tell me when the next Straight Pride Parade is? :2thumb:

If you want to be treated equal then keep your sex life private like the majority of the rest of us, thats all we ask.


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Sep 6, 2004
Btljuice said:
I'll have you know, I am 100% Hetero male pal. But I happen to agree that EVERY US citizen should be treated EQUALLY under the law. It's Jim Crowe attitudes such as yours that still causes strife and ill will in the world today. You, sir, are a detriment to Progress and Harmony, with your smallminded outlook.

Your a 100% male pal? , figures
Those NEWS stories in themselves are NOT biased, no matter wich website they may reside.


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Jun 10, 2001
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IndySkyz said:

I agree with you totally dude. Can you tell me when the next Straight Pride Parade is? :2thumb:

If you want to be treated equal then keep your sex life private like the majority of the rest of us, thats all we ask.

Tell me something. Why is it ok for you to talk about your wife/gf/whatever (this IS a part of your 'Private' sex life) but Gays can't? You already mentioned her in this very thread.
Think about how often you talk about your wife every day. On your job, around your friends (if you have any), how often you go out together in public, how often you hug her or kiss her in public... yet you want Gays to not do the very things you do? Kinda selfish, aren't we?


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Jun 10, 2001
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ReD_Fist said:
Your a 100% male pal? , figures
Those NEWS stories in themselves are NOT biased, no matter wich website they may reside.

Those aren't 'news' stories. Find it on established news sites dude. One without an axe to grind for or against Homosexuality.


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Sep 6, 2004
You can't rebutt those news stories, facts are facts, and yet I knew nomatter ware I got any links from, people would say exactly what you said.
They are not "anti" gayed up at that website and they do have a lot of facts to read.
However they fullpress and other things or people did a polished job of bending your mind into a mold of thier liking.
Along with that whopping 4 million fags against 300 mil, just in usa alone.Looks to me that if 300mil against 4mill and they bamboozled you to agree along with such a minority of the total usa population, that YOUR the biased one.
Hell I would say 10, 20 30 40 mil and it's a drop in the bucket from the rest who know gayizm is a bad funky thing.

Why should that ammount of people think we should change, go try it anyware you think and cause a ruckess,work,home,bars, anyware ,but then still think your not brainwashed.
Lets say drive at night with no car lights, the gay adgenda will have you believing it's the correct way to drive at night.
Or got a church service and start swearing really loud and tell me if they think ONE person isn't going to be put out.

But the way it's being done they have that faggy tripe in TV shows,and infiltrating the rest, well I aint that damn stupid to go along with that crap
Then it's like, hey don't say I can't swear it's my right to do it, but it still isn't right.

Then youl run into a crowd who doesn't want to hear swearing, and they throw you out, next day you take them to court for descrimination.
So my point is, if you want to swear or be faggy or whatever, the majority or whomever will not stand up for you, and that crowd doesn't want to see it or hear it.
And whats really proof is such a minority, but yet 3 suckass movies wich came out recently, and the mainsteam news hyped them way above normal movies along with all the gay rights tripe.

Finaly, that 4mil people have the nerve to FORCE the rest of us to treat them the same, the more I see and hear about gay rights makes me hate them more and more.So my rights is being walked on, I don't want that crap on TV or seen elseware, because it's wrong and it grosses me out especialy on TV.

And, as far as I know I thought freedom meant "democracy" and the "majority" rules, so they have NO rights above and beyond anyone else.But no they keep it up, the smallest crowd has the loudest voice.
This is much different than racism,I can see they are black or mexican, faggots need to look and ACT for people to know, not go by some dreamed up so called facts wich had to be thought up.
So again they DO NOT have the same criteria to claim descrimination as an actual DNA-race differences.
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The nipples from Napels
Nov 3, 2001
IndySkyz said:
LOL, funny thing is I'm 3 times your age.
Then you must be a very sad old man, getting all worked up about sigs (and gays)^^
Get over it, you're not part of the sig-approving council and there'll still be plenty of gays.

I must say this thread is getting pretty entertaining.

Balton said:
I see filters.
Yes, I smell the rape of pixels too.

@ReD_Fist: I don't like fat-as-**** people, and I don't like them having equal rights. Because to me they're pretty disgusting and definately unnatural. See where I'm going?


Don't F with me! Biatch
Nov 21, 2005
Btljuice said:
Tell me something. Why is it ok for you to talk about your wife/gf/whatever (this IS a part of your 'Private' sex life) but Gays can't? You already mentioned her in this very thread.
Think about how often you talk about your wife every day. On your job, around your friends (if you have any), how often you go out together in public, how often you hug her or kiss her in public... yet you want Gays to not do the very things you do? Kinda selfish, aren't we?

It was a sarcastic joke you idiot, there is no Straight Pride parade, get it. As for speaking about your partner thats fine, but you don't see any straight person with "Exclusively Straight" for a forum tag do you?

I only like blue cars, does that mean everyone must now buy a blue car or die, hell no but it also means I personally don't have to like your car if it is red. You not only want me to except gays, but to also agree with thier decision and say its ok, this will not happen, and I don't appreciate people like you corrupting the young with your theroies, if anyone is a detriment to society it's you.


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
If you define "homosexual" as "ever having had a same sex sexual encounter", the percentage is something like 20% in men(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/..._uids=7619092&query_hl=13&itool=pubmed_docsum) and that's the ones who admit to it.

Given that only about 25% of American men voted for Bush at the last election (55% voted, just over half of them for Bush) it looks like being a Republican is only 5% better than having gay sex! Ouch!

But hell, that's nothing compared to the nearly 50% of people who have used illegal drugs - drugs are twice as good as the Republican Party, according to Red_Fist's new "Majority = Right" theory of democracy! Let's make a magic mushroom President right away.
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
frostB,,,,, but 50% isn't .o31% (4/300) if the EXTERNAL chemical physicaly get you addicted, unlike "deciding" to use them is a whole different thing.

They would then say, well we have to tell all that doing drugs is the right thing and be proud to say so.

Gmotha,,,, but 98% of fat people will tell you they would be happier to be thinner, and not be "proud" to be fat.And they don't go out and force the rest to believe it's thier rights.And the people who are so called proud to be fat is an escape to not face the truth.
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The nipples from Napels
Nov 3, 2001
ReD_Fist said:
Gmotha,,,, but 98% of fat people will tell you they would be happier to be thinner, and not be "proud" to be fat.And they don't go out and force the rest to believe it's thier rights.And the people who are so called proud to be fat is an escape to not face the truth.


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Jun 10, 2001
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IndySkyz said:
It was a sarcastic joke you idiot, there is no Straight Pride parade, get it. As for speaking about your partner thats fine, but you don't see any straight person with "Exclusively Straight" for a forum tag do you?

You not only want me to except gays, but to also agree with thier decision and say its ok, this will not happen, and I don't appreciate people like you corrupting the young with your theroies, if anyone is a detriment to society it's you.

And you totally miss my point altogether. Why am I not surprised. You cannot sit down and have a civilized debate, you have to couch things in the most abrasive and insulting manner. And when you get backed into a corner to prove your point, you, and others like you (RedFist) result to insults and name calling. I wonder why that is? Maybe because you cannot defend your bigotry and hate for someone different than yourself?
I am not saying you have to ACCEPT Gays, I'm saying they MUST be treated equally under the law. You are using the same circular illogic used the mysogenic that tried to keep Blacks from equal rights. Jim Crowe is dead. Deal with it. Jim Crowe laws didn't work, and your own stance is just as doomed.
You don't HAVE to appreciate a damn thing I say or do. But as a citizen of this country, you must support equality for EVERY citizen, because if ONE citizen isn't free, then none of us are. You, sir, are the one corrupting, not myself. Remove the beam from thine own eye before you seek to remove the mote from your brothers.
The yoke upon your brothers neck is also upon your own.


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Sep 6, 2004
""you must support equality for EVERY citizen, because if ONE citizen isn't free, then none of us are.""

BS this free citizen don't go marching in a pro cigarette parade because I smoke, and talk about being descriminated against, and taxed.
I aint being treated equal at all, but how the hell could i demand that all smoking areas be banned, no special tax,etc etc nothing.
And there is a hell of a lot more smokers than fags, your in the land of Oz buddy.


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Jun 10, 2001
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ReD_Fist said:
""you must support equality for EVERY citizen, because if ONE citizen isn't free, then none of us are.""

BS this free citizen don't go marching in a pro cigarette parade because I smoke, and talk about being descriminated against, and taxed.
I aint being treated equal at all, but how the hell could i demand that all smoking areas be banned, no special tax,etc etc nothing.
And there is a hell of a lot more smokers than fags, your in the land of Oz buddy.

You can't help but prove my point each time you open your mouth, can you?


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Sep 6, 2004
Btljuice said:
You can't help but prove my point each time you open your mouth, can you?
And how is that?

gays have no rights above and beyond the majority, smokers on the other hand are purposely segragated, and smokers don't march up and down streets to make a spectacle of themselvs.

So what does your wonderland of Oz think, I have not proved any of your ideas, yes ideas, not real worls thinking.
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