You can't rebutt those news stories, facts are facts, and yet I knew nomatter ware I got any links from, people would say exactly what you said.
They are not "anti" gayed up at that website and they do have a lot of facts to read.
However they fullpress and other things or people did a polished job of bending your mind into a mold of thier liking.
Along with that whopping 4 million fags against 300 mil, just in usa alone.Looks to me that if 300mil against 4mill and they bamboozled you to agree along with such a minority of the total usa population, that YOUR the biased one.
Hell I would say 10, 20 30 40 mil and it's a drop in the bucket from the rest who know gayizm is a bad funky thing.
Why should that ammount of people think we should change, go try it anyware you think and cause a ruckess,work,home,bars, anyware ,but then still think your not brainwashed.
Lets say drive at night with no car lights, the gay adgenda will have you believing it's the correct way to drive at night.
Or got a church service and start swearing really loud and tell me if they think ONE person isn't going to be put out.
But the way it's being done they have that faggy tripe in TV shows,and infiltrating the rest, well I aint that damn stupid to go along with that crap
Then it's like, hey don't say I can't swear it's my right to do it, but it still isn't right.
Then youl run into a crowd who doesn't want to hear swearing, and they throw you out, next day you take them to court for descrimination.
So my point is, if you want to swear or be faggy or whatever, the majority or whomever will not stand up for you, and that crowd doesn't want to see it or hear it.
And whats really proof is such a minority, but yet 3 suckass movies wich came out recently, and the mainsteam news hyped them way above normal movies along with all the gay rights tripe.
Finaly, that 4mil people have the nerve to FORCE the rest of us to treat them the same, the more I see and hear about gay rights makes me hate them more and more.So my rights is being walked on, I don't want that crap on TV or seen elseware, because it's wrong and it grosses me out especialy on TV.
And, as far as I know I thought freedom meant "democracy" and the "majority" rules, so they have NO rights above and beyond anyone else.But no they keep it up, the smallest crowd has the loudest voice.
This is much different than racism,I can see they are black or mexican, faggots need to look and ACT for people to know, not go by some dreamed up so called facts wich had to be thought up.
So again they DO NOT have the same criteria to claim descrimination as an actual DNA-race differences.