Yea, to you maybe but im pretty sure we can agree on that this announcement is not about Epic making an Official Unreal Tournament 4 with tons of gametypes and maps.
Yes, indeed.
Mang Nux: Couldn't explain in details. Crowdsourcing the making of a game to such a bipolar community as Unreal has (the great UT2004/UT99 schism, it's like a religious difference nowadays)... I'm not too optimisic. On top of that, I can easily imagine the game being turned into a huge experimenting-ground for UE4 stuff instead of an actual game, and the idea that the game is not actually "complete" when it comes out, well I think that sucks. That's what happenned for UT2003 and UT3 (the last one even had a message "if you think things are missing, make them" at some point by Epic), and look how well it turned out. UT2004 had to be build on the ruins and UT3 had to get actual bonus packs to have its CTF-Face. It looks like people will make great things on a complete game, but are unable to make the game from scratch.
I also dislike the idea of making people build your game for you, on a more ethical standpoint.
This and many other things. I don't like the idea generally, but I don't want to write a complete wall of text.
Also, UT2003 a fail? Wasn't it like a huge success back in the days before everyone decided it wasn't UT99-enough? Unlike say UT3 which actually sold poorly on PC (also, UT2003 was good, you should eat it).