i got some beef

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l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
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LMAO...get a life

I just have to tell you, that not only did that have NOTHING to do at all with what geogob said (and is therefore, not a rebuttal to his argument in any way), but you are telling someone on an online forum for an online game over the INTERNET to get a life. And you preceded two different comments in a row with LMAO.

-C7C-E RocK

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
geogob said:
:eek: indeed.

Did I really looked pissed off that much in my post?

I came here cause the other day I was at my bro's house who still plays 2.9 once in awhile. As I was on his pc...when I jumped on..2.9 was on so I clicked on the server list and saw about 5 servers with about 5 people on. This was around 8:30pm eastern time. I was like WOW has this thing died out..maybe it was an off night. Don't know. I remember when you couldnt even get on a server around that time about a 1, 1 1/2yrs ago with around 10 to 15 servers running. So I came here (again not to bash) but just to make a suggestion to bring back the run and gun concept. We where the community that played this game day in and day out, for hrs and hrs at a time. IMO...if that comes back with another version with an upgraded engine.. I bet the servers would fill right back up.

You don't need to post another "Well if you don't like 2.9 then leave and go play another game" I did'nt come here with those intentions.


-C7C-E RocK

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
No one EVER forced ANYONE to play 2.9. I gave you guys a few solutions to play 2.86 like "in the so beloved old times". I hope this will get in your heads some day

grr..the I gave you guys a few solutions to play comment was funny. Like I came here for counseling or something :mad:

Now does that make sense to you?


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
One year ago you'd be lucky to find one vanilla inf and one RAv2 server full. Inf has always been marketed (if at all) to a niche - if you don't like it, tough. The inf team make the mod primarily for their own enjoyment. Find another game/mod. Write another game/mod. Go back to 2.86. There's plenty of things to do other than post complaints here that won't really help you.
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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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-C7C-E RocK said:
I was like WOW has this thing died out..maybe it was an off night. Don't know. I remember when you couldnt even get on a server around that time about a 1, 1 1/2yrs ago with around 10 to 15 servers running. So I came here (again not to bash) but just to make a suggestion to bring back the run and gun concept.
That's quite the knee-jerk response.
Couldn't the 2 year wait alone be responsible, rather than the lack of 'speed' in the gameplay? I think many here are annoyed at the assumption that the gameplay change is automatically the main thing at fault.


Avenged Sevenfold...
Jul 21, 2003
Ohio, NE
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Naughty has a member who is a coder, get in touch with TOAD, im sure he can come up withe something for you guys if you can at all convince him its not a waste of his time. Another option is to get together enough money for your own server to run whatever you want on it, they arent that expensive and unless youd have to borrow your mom or dads credit card {assuming your under the age able to posess such a thing} then ya shouldnt have too much of a hassle getting your own together. We did, for a time and we will again, just takes like-minded people with a little cheez{$} to get it together, or try Call of Duty, its more or less like INF 2.86 without the new guns.

MY 2 cents.

that is all.


Koohii o nomimasu ka?
You don't have to leave quietly. The problem with you guys getting bashed isn't because you say out loud that you prefered the previous version... it's because of the way you say it.

It's possible to state very rationnaly in a post that you prefered the previous version and why without saying that something has been ruined or that something sucks.

Saying you don't like something doesn't imply that you have to say it sucks or that it's a lost ruin.

Furthermore, if you state clearly and precisely what you don't like (stemia, balistics, movements, etc), I'm sure you could find someone to help you create a new gametype or something for 2.9 recreating the vanilla 2.86 experience. Bushwack suggested that TOAD might want to help you. Ask him.

I understand that 2.9 was built to be customizable. Doing a Run-n-gun TDM gametype is possible.

In the end, I think it's in the best interest of this community and of the developement team to get your opinions on why you think 2.9 isn't as enjoyable was the previous versions. They might even consider your opinion for future developements or future game types or so on. But if you come on this forum and tell them that "they ruined their mod", that "2.9 suck", etc. I doupt they will have the slightest will to consider your opinions.
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Jan 11, 2001
This thread belongs to OT. You cannot have "run-and-gun" and "infiltration" in the same sentence. It looks like another one of those "im drunk" threads.


New Member
Jan 7, 2003
geogob said:
You don't have to leave quietly. The problem with you guys getting bashed isn't because you say out loud that you prefered the previous version... it's because of the way you say it.

It's possible to state very rationnaly in a post that you prefered the previous version and why without saying that something has been ruined or that something sucks.

Saying you don't like something doesn't imply that you have to say it sucks or that it's a lost ruin.

Furthermore, if you state clearly and precisely what you don't like (stemia, balistics, movements, etc), I'm sure you could find someone to help you create a new gametype or something for 2.9 recreating the vanilla 2.86 experience. Bushwack suggested that TOAD might want to help you. Ask him.

I understand that 2.9 was built to be customizable. Doing a Run-n-gun TDM gametype is possible.

In the end, I think it's in the best interest of this community and of the developement team to get your opinions on why you think 2.9 isn't as enjoyable was the previous versions. They might even consider your opinion for future developements or future game types or so on. But if you come on this forum and tell them that "they ruined their mod", that "2.9 suck", etc. I doupt they will have the slightest will to consider your opinions.
I agree completely. Well said.

I'd like to add that in the last few months with 2.86, it was very hard to find games on any server other than muf. The popularity of INF has INCREASED in the past year, not decreased. Sure, when INF first came out, UT was still fairly fresh and INF had a lot of players because of it. Now, most of the players only have UT installed for INF, so naturally it is going to be a smaller community. When/if INF comes out for a future UT version, you will probably see a similar spike in popularity.

-C7C-E RocK

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
But if you come on this forum and tell them that "they ruined their mod", that "2.9 suck", etc. I doupt they will have the slightest will to consider your opinions.

Did anyone mension "suck"? Again if you read my post sober you will see I came here with only suggestions if there would be another version. I'm not one to sit here and say something sucks. Its either you like the game or not. If not you move on..which I did. But these are typical responses in these forums.
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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
E Rock do you know what the words "Do not take this personnal" mean?

Did you think for 2 second that my post could have been general and doesn't point to you directly?

And yes, someone mentionned "suck". And I know very well that it wasn't you. Stop being on the defensive. My comments are NOT aimed at you, but at the whole part of this community who is having a certain behavior that I describe.

And those comments aren't very agressive either. Especially the last one if YOU read my post sober ;)
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