Dandeloreon1984 said:
hmmm... i think everyone would like the original xmp hud if the regular blue was redone to show your team color
the original HUD's color system was confusing. the design itself wasnt so bad.
XMP has SO MUCH INFO to convey that there almost needs to be a tab-based 2nd HUD for the ongoing team-status & objective info.
the important thing is to not push aesthetics over functionality. the last hud i saw them talking about was MUCH better than the one folks saw in screenshots.
i personally dont want it to look amatuerish and any LESS pleasing than the original (which looked good... just had issues).
i'd much rather them take the original and improve on it (in terms of using nuetral colors and making sure your TEAM is intuitively understood)... than remake an entirely new scheme that has the few fans yelling and screaming for months to come...
it has to be simple and effective, so much so that folks stop talking about it.