HUD Design

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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
That's what I think. I like the other HUDs, but first of all the complaints about the size of the HUD already make a "3d" HUD inefficient, and second of all the reason UT2004 has a small 2D HUD is because it is out of the way (since alot of people rarely use their HUD).


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
For a fact XMP has less game telemetry then many of the games illustrated above. The XMP & UT·XMP HUDs consume more pixel real estate with art goo-gaws (which do absolutely nothing but obstruct your view) then with actual game telemetry and do so in critical parts of your sceen more any other FPS game HUD I'm aware of.

Using a subtle curved animorphic HUD not only will make identical HUD elements use less screen realestate (as the polygons are rotated slightly) it has the bonus of enhancing perspective and creating a more natural sense of pointing in a game.

While it certainly comes down to the aesthetic preference of the game designers; I (and fans like me) prefer HUD design were the actually telemetry display i.e. the game status information takes up MORE screen real estate then the art goo-gaws. In the case of XMP and UT·XMP art foo-faw takes up more then 900 fold (that's 900%) of the pixel space of actual game telemetry, and does nothing to enhance the legibility of these status displays, or create a more convincing perspective environment.

Good HUD design either goes for a pure form that follows function approach, uses art assets only to enhance clarity of presentation, and/or, uses art assets to create a convincing integrated environment that's making the effect more convincing and immersive -- like the projected HUDs depicted. The XMP and to an even lesser extent UT·XMP doesn't really achieve any of these aims.



New Member
Aug 6, 2002
Yet another more technically valid approach might be the TWM Wire-Frame designs applied in the likes of real Military MFDs (Multi Function Displays) and control system and interface HUDs in the likes, NVG to flight control, Air Craft, Land Warrior, of real weapon systems. employed in real war-fighting.


The vast resources of DARPA, DOD, NASA, and commercial and military aerospace have poured billions of dollars into 'human factors' and ergonomic research in task management VIA display and telemetry devices, because it so critical in military and aerospace applications.

While a game like XMP is in no way intended nor should be taken as seriously in design or play -- leveraging the resources and research that has gone into this stuff could make the game more seamless, effortless and fun.

Of course this could be a fun venue for mods as well if the UT·XMP license allows it...



Rokk Fiddler, Farmer
Oct 2, 2003
Oaksterdam, California
Visit site
Hud looks great! I like the transparency option that was mentioned. The ability to toggle the hud off and/or to minimalize it to about 50% at will would be like some fine chick at the door with a half rack of good beer with a few already missing.
But I'm not gonna complain about free delivery pizza.


New Member
Aug 6, 2002
WoWoW! I've been away for a bit and noticed the sticky HUD thread went rather off the charts and was locked... :(

Does anyone know if or for a fact it was said the original XMP HUD will be available in UT·XMP as an 'option?



CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
hoak said:
WoWoW! I've been away for a bit and noticed the sticky HUD thread went rather off the charts and was locked... :(

Does anyone know if or for a fact it was said the original XMP HUD will be available in UT·XMP as an 'option?


For the most part, most of the original xmp players would like to see that as an option ;) after all, i don't hate that hud, but it is a lot better than some of the huds i have had to play and use.


New Member
Sep 23, 2004
I really truely hope that new HUD we are seeing in the screen shots isn't actually going into the game. How about you guys put some flowers right smack in the middle of it too, and some vines all the way around, perhaps some meaningless flashing lights here and there.

You have GOT to be kidding me on the new HUD, just now I understand what the fuss is about, it is the grossest thing I've ever seen. I truely hope this is not an example of the thought/talent put into the game. (did one of your 5 year old girl nephews design it?)


New Member
Mar 31, 2004
im with kaladryn...i seriously hope that that hud dosnt get released its absolutely hideous. how can all you people seriously think that that looks good? its unbelievably terrible.


Status: Unhealthy
May 16, 2004
Heh, I think that's true, a lot of game HUDs aren't that well thought out or stylized, from Quake 3 on and upwards. It's a reason why I'll consider buying Republic Commando ('cause it's pretty exciting looking!). I dun mean to compare RC to any 2D huds, but just saying that it can really make a difference.

Unreal 2's HUD (XMP's) took a while to get used to 'cause they were too small, spread wide apart, and in an unusual location. And I once cursed the game for that! Even now, after getting well accustomed to them, they still take a bit of strain to use. Although the design's main purpose is to allow the player to guage their stats from the bars, haven't you ever not noticed that it was going down when say for example, at the time you thought someone missed shooting at you, and instead realise they actually did after you're dead or you've killed them.

The HUD in the sticky looks *very* interesting. I hope it works if we ever get to try it.


Pong Paddle Jockey
May 8, 2002
New York
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i hate to say it...

but that hud in the latest screen shots really shouldnt be in the release.

it's a lot of pretty "extra" stuff and not useful.

HUDs have to be useful.

what i see is a pretty bunch of designs that make seeing the basic info difficult. it's not a design that's practical... nor that aesthetically great either. it's pretty... but not worth it.

more specifically, the colors and lines blend into each other.

i'd STRONGLY urge the gang to simply toss it and start over with a focus on simplicity and functionality.

aesthetically... id beg you try to stick to the original vibe. likewise, there's a very good reason most games use the 4 corners they way they do. you can't fill up so much of the screen with flowery stuff in an FPS.

and no... while many games & mods have bad HUDs, imma be blunt - they arent this bad. :(

i remember folks joking about the "hud" debate a month ago, and here it seems to have come alive once more with the public screenshots.

get the message folks... it isnt working.
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Pong Paddle Jockey
May 8, 2002
New York
Visit site
I like this one much, much better.

i play at 1280. i want minimal stuff... and what's there i want to be useful and organized in a way that makes sense.

look at this design, and some issues arise real quickly.

first, on the botton left... it's wasting space. there's a good chunk at the corner itself of unused space. why? keep in mind... xmp is nearly info-overload and an FPS. every inch counts.

i dont think you need the large text indicators on energy and stam. the labels are veyr good idea, but i dont think one needs to know they have "0458" energy. the bar is the important part there.

likewise, you need to break up the colors. Health has to be a very distinct color and/or shape. Health should be bright green or red. nothing else should distract the eyes from seeing it.

in this image below, the ammo bar is the strongest indicator and health is the weakest.

likewise, the colors are all blending together in lines (XMP has a lot of info which was always a problem for new people).

color is essential, and you want to have the generic background stuff a very "neutral" shade, with progressively brighter and distinct colors of the most important indicators.

consider pushing the health/ammo/shield stuff in the bottom left right down into the corner, flush.

consider burying the energy and stam bars to the far right, with weak colors. those are NOT very important indicators... and as lines... as HUD elements they should be the least prominent.

3 bars on the far right: team power, personal energy and stamina... all in weak shades of orange and dark yellow (make the text verticle). they are not uber-important things you are constantly watching like... health and ammo.

if you do this structure, you have the bottom right being sorta more in depth info... and gameplay status. the bottom left becomes purely about immediate combat info. make the immediate combat stuff bright green and reds.

DIM the whole thing down a ton... cuz this is just a HUD. it should not interfere with gameplay.

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Jan 22, 2004
you guys worry too much about details like a silly hud
i just want the damn game so i can finally play some proper xmp again
who the hell cares if the hud is ugly
then they have something to work on in the expansion
if the game plays and feels like xmp i don't really care about the hud as long as i can see my health,boost and ammo
even low detailed numbers will do
