I like this one much, much better.
i play at 1280. i want minimal stuff... and what's there i want to be useful and organized in a way that makes sense.
look at this design, and some issues arise real quickly.
first, on the botton left... it's wasting space. there's a good chunk at the corner itself of unused space. why? keep in mind... xmp is nearly info-overload and an FPS. every inch counts.
i dont think you need the large text indicators on energy and stam. the labels are veyr good idea, but i dont think one needs to know they have "0458" energy. the bar is the important part there.
likewise, you need to break up the colors. Health has to be a very distinct color and/or shape. Health should be bright green or red. nothing else should distract the eyes from seeing it.
in this image below, the ammo bar is the strongest indicator and health is the weakest.
likewise, the colors are all blending together in lines (XMP has a lot of info which was always a problem for new people).
color is essential, and you want to have the generic background stuff a very "neutral" shade, with progressively brighter and distinct colors of the most important indicators.
consider pushing the health/ammo/shield stuff in the bottom left right down into the corner, flush.
consider burying the energy and stam bars to the far right, with weak colors. those are NOT very important indicators... and as lines... as HUD elements they should be the least prominent.
3 bars on the far right: team power, personal energy and stamina... all in weak shades of orange and dark yellow (make the text verticle). they are not uber-important things you are constantly watching like... health and ammo.
if you do this structure, you have the bottom right being sorta more in depth info... and gameplay status. the bottom left becomes purely about immediate combat info. make the immediate combat stuff bright green and reds.
DIM the whole thing down a ton... cuz this is just a HUD. it should not interfere with gameplay.