How would you like the current vehicles tweaked?

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The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Hey I hear ya....

Now I shall vent my frustration at them gettting rid of the scorpions bolo launcher...

**#&@%*&&FOOKINEPIC&%*$%&!**@*&%**@!!SUCK ABIG FAT&#*%&$*@!&%%*@&%%@#@$$LICKING**$&#$***&@#**

Thank you.


New Member
May 25, 2004
The bolo launcher was rediculously effective, all ground vehicles except other scorpions and paladins easily fell prey to it, and mantas too!


Jun 24, 2004
BooGiTyBoY said:
*profanity and stuff*

Haha, now didn't that feel good? :)

Ah well, I can see a lot of you don't agree with me (which is quite alright), so I guess there's no need to keep on with this discussion.


Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
Jul 13, 2003
in a bag....duh
Visit site
I'm with boog here on the bolas. Those things were great against just about anything. They did the best against mantas, hellbenders, goliaths, and turrets, but if you caught a raptor or a paladin off guard there wasn't a problem there. I'm also one of those people that worked with the bolas enough that I can hit people pretty consistently from closer ranges. My only problem with the bolas is that they didn't always stick to human targets. I can't even count the number of bolas I've shot through people.

I guess I can live with bolas going away, but it makes me really concerned as to the manta. Scorp bolas were the best thing in the game to take out mantas, imo. If something else isn't created to fill this role, the manta could become ridiculously overpowered.


Slapping myself in the face
Jan 17, 2004
I think the main issue aesthetically is making each vehicles' weapon systems more characterful and unique, rather than just changing the sounds- plasma is so ubiquitous, but the only vehicle it's used in where it fits at all is the Manta. A few bulky-looking shell-ejecting miniguns would be nice on some vehicles, or maybe something more imaginative like a giant harpoon for the Scorpion or Hellbender (adding some sweet anti-vehicle capabilities as well as the possibility of making them all-terrain vehicles).

The balance is a problem in my opinion too though: I can see the need for an AVRiL, because the vehicles are unusual for UT200x in that most can easily kill infantry in a nearly undodgeable manner. However, there is absolutely no place in a game like this for a gun that does all the aiming for you, so it's my opinion that they should take the bugger out (or take away the auto-aim and optimise it for tank-killing) and alter the vehicular arsenal to be dodgeable like everything else in UT200x, but remaining extra-powerful of course.


New Member
May 25, 2004
You know what would be cool, to mkae the bolas come out in a more circular pattern instead of a line and to have it bounce off terrain and have them all contract inwards when one hit. Though that might make it a tad strong...


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
The scorpion needs to be made heavier; I agree keep the bolas, but perhaps send out a web, rather than a chain of grenades.

Giving it a turbo booster instead of blades is a terrific idea though -and a detonating scorpion - better still.

The hellbender and manta is fine as is.

The raptor's missiles need to be made a bit more effective. It has trouble even hitting a cicada. Perhaps give it an instant hit weapon - with no splash dammage - so that it really will give cicadas some problems, and that one on one raptor fights wont be stalemates.

Paladin needs to be made a tiny bit faster

Turrets fine as is, Cicada fine as is,Goliath fine as is,Spma is fine as is

We really need a troop transporter - a dropship type vehichle; and rather than spending a lot of time modifying what we have, creating totally new vehichles to do different roles would be better.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Also the bots should be improved (for players, who not only play UT in the web :D).
It`s really a pitty that, when you have 2 further teammates on your Hellbender, that they mostly kill you before the enemy does, or they weaken you that the enemy needs only one round of a assault rifle to give you the rest.

P.S.: And please don`t say:
"Simply turn Team Damage off...."
Thank you :p


New Member
May 29, 2005
BooGiTyBoY said:
Hey I hear ya....

Now I shall vent my frustration at them gettting rid of the scorpions bolo launcher...

**#&@%*&&FOOKINEPIC&%*$%&!**@*&%**@!!SUCK ABIG FAT&#*%&$*@!&%%*@&%%@#@$$LICKING**$&#$***&@#**

Thank you.

and you say i spam? nice example mentor ;)


surveying the wreckage...
Nov 6, 2002
Somewhere on Route 666
Skrilax said:
hey if you wanna see how the scorpion in ut2007 is check this video out ;)
BTW it has a rocket boost,an eject feature(self-destruct) and it fires rockets not that green blob thing in ut2004 ;)

Hey... not to sound skeptical or anything, but the only place I can find a statement that the new Scorp prim is rockets is BU, and that vid doesn't show the turret firing (just went over it like 4 times in fullscreen).

Anybody got a definitive source on that?

Re: bolas. Those do two things really really well: take out mantas and take down powernodes. For the rest they weren't nearly as effective (or at least easy to use) as the rest of the vehicle weapons. That, combined with slow movement, really seemed to hamper the scorpion for general use... and while it obviously has its fans, if you were to take a large sampling of ONS/ VCTF players and ask them which vehicle was most in need of a buff, they'd say likely say the Scorp.

IMO it's gotta be something, but I dunno if I want rox.

Anyway, source anybody?


New Member
Nov 24, 2004
I think that the bolas should be kept (or at least transferred to another vehicle, perhaps necris, it just doesn't seem to fit the other vehicles...) though i would improve them by making them more like a sticky rope with plasma grenades on it, or a net with grenades, like what was suggested before. but that would probaly need an air vehicle, and to make it tie up/slow down opponents would be kindof cheap... unless you could make it destructible....

Any way, thats my $0.02

PS, i think the slefdestruct thing will be cool, and i think the grapple on the hellbender would be awesome.


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
i think that the bolas that are shot should have a trace between the sticky balls, and when something gets in the way of the trace, it snags the projectile... that way its much easier to catch people on foot, plus the net should be elastic or something so if one part catches a character and another stick to the ground or something, then the character will be stuck to that place


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
But if there's one button to shoot, another for turbo boost\detonate, and another for blades; either this vehichle either has three "fire" buttons; or they are droping the blades.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
[Apoc]Discord said:
Hey... not to sound skeptical or anything, but the only place I can find a statement that the new Scorp prim is rockets is BU, and that vid doesn't show the turret firing (just went over it like 4 times in fullscreen).

Anybody got a definitive source on that?
Now that you mention it ... I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere except on BU. I think it was from the PC Gamer article, so that might explain the mistake.
Let's hope they stay in in some form.

That said ... they don't really fit the 'advanced human military'-theme of the Axxon-vehicles. I think they would look more at home on a more alien-style Necris-style vehicle.


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
rhirud said:
But if there's one button to shoot, another for turbo boost\detonate, and another for blades; either this vehichle either has three "fire" buttons; or they are droping the blades.

Nope the blades are definitely IN...You can see them (along with some nice rag-doll physics) in the E3 demo. I guess the boost button could be a combo type thing, or a button on the keyboard. Then I guess if you hit exit vehicle while it is actually in a boost, you'll eject and the Scorp will detonate on impact.

As for vehicle tweaks...well alots been said already about the weapons, but little about the movement/control. I would really like to see the vehicle physics totally re-done to try to make driving vehicles like the 'bender and the scorp feel a lot more weighty and fun. I don't like Halo at all, but the way the Hogg feels to drive, the fact that it actually feels as though it's in contact with the ground and has some weight is superb. When you jump a Hogg, it feels like it's airborn, and when it hits the ground, it feels really solid....that's just not the case in UT2k4.
I also find that sometimes, the merest change in incline will spin the bender, scorp and SPMA around too much...I'd like the vehicles to feel like the have suspensions that take me straight over stuff like that, not spin me 180º.
This is true of the Goliath, sometimes when you're driving across a map, you hit a sligh change in incline on one side and it pushes the tank in a way you don't want to go. This is supposed to be a heavy tank with all it's treads on the ground, I don't want it to be turned so easily, I want it to go in a straight line and absorb the bump...sure I want it to look like it's going over the bump, but it seems that an object as heavy and with a grip on the ground like a tank is turned far too easily.

There are also issues with gravity and getting snags, especially on the earlier maps and especially in the tank. You can drive it over a cliff (like the central ravine in Torlan) gets bizarrely stuck onto the side of the wall half way down, as though it's snagged in the vegetation or something. This also happens on ramps (Icarus, Tricky), when the tank just won't move and it's utterly ludicrous as the weight of the tank should take it down.

This sounds like I'm criticizing harshly, I've played ONS pretty much most days since it's release and love it. For Epics first crack at a vehicle based gametype it's pretty awesome, but it can be improved, and the things I've outlined above occasionally really irritate me. After playing it this much, you learn to get used to it and drive in a way that gets around these things...but I'd like to not have to do that, I'd like the vehicles to feel their weight and feel more solid.

Oh yeah, it would be great if Epic could incorporate something in the AI of the bots that made them stop just a second before they jump in a vehicle. When I'm playing on a server which has bots, maps like Crossfire and Torlan get really annoying when the bots shoot off with the vehicles, and DON'T use them well, leaving me in base waiting for a node to come up so I can teleport and get a ride (and in Torlan, there's often still no freaking vehicle left at the first node).