How would you like the current vehicles tweaked?

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Jun 24, 2004
By current vehicles I mean the vehicles already present in UT2k4 (Axon).

What bothers me the most when I play onslaught is how some vehicles can kill in totally ridiculous ways, although some of those ways are often associated with the somewhat simplistic physics, which is bound to be a lot better in UT2k7. Most of my gripes though are with splash damage as you will see.

Here's what I want tweaked:

Goliath: IMO the current splash damage radius is overkill. Personally, I think it's way too easy for the driver to kill infantry even if he misses by a wide margin. The radius doesn't necessarily have to be reduced, but the damage dealt should be considerably less in the outer radius. Another thing about its splash damage is its capability to deal damage to pawns through it's own body.

Raptor: Either less splash damage or splash damage not limiting movement as much as in UT2k4. How many times have you not seen people being trapped by its fire and when they pull out their avril, the splash damage detonate the rocket in their own face?

Manta: Basically the same as above. We've already seen its new primary fire (or as AEnubis suggested elsewhere in this forum, a special burst mode), which is much more rapid than the current primary fire. Therefore I seriously hope, if it actually is the new primary fire, that it doesn't do a lot of splash damage, which imo would be overkill seeing as it's already very efficient against infantry.

Hellbender: The only gripe I have about it is its skymines. Although I don't mind that they are powerful, I hate it when they deal damage inbetween the mines.

Otherwise, I hope that the enhanced physics in UT2k7 in general will prevent people from getting run over by a vehicle that is hardly moving at all or while standing on top of the vehicle.

What do you guys think, do you agree or disagree (remember, this is just my opinion)? If you agree, do you have anything to add?

Rant over.


New Member
May 25, 2004
I think that vehicles should not be weakened, goliath is good as it stands, raptors guns are good but it needs better missiles, manta, wll we dont know yet, hellbender... umm i dont understand what you mean.

Anyways, we know nothing about most of the vehicles so far, all we can do is lie and wait.


JB Mapper
Jul 3, 2004
I love and hate the Hellbender. Love when I have teammates with me. But a lot of the time I'l find myself on my own, a sitting duck. Just add some form of weaponry on the hellbender forn the driver. Nice big spikes on the front so you can ram other vehicles and damage them :D


New Member
May 29, 2005
i think the vehicles sounds need a overhaul, they sound just weak. I want to hear those future engine roar with power. I think that the slash damage is good as it is... i mean, they are vehicles.. are they are meant to be better than being on foot. I cant wait to have my boosters and rockets on my scorpian.... it was just bad in 04

The Levithan... I think should weaken it and make it faster


Jun 24, 2004
FireCrack said:
hellbender... umm i dont understand what you mean.

What I mean is when for example the gunner shoots out two mines, one to his left and one to his right, and I'm standing somewhat in the middle of them not near enough to them to get dealt severe damage, but yet somehow I'm killed even though the combos didn't even come close.

Could just be my imagination though, but I could swear that's how it is.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
BooGiTyBoY said:
My only wish for the current vehicles was getting an XMP-like booster on my beloved scorpion...
I agree. It was one of my first thoughts about possible improvements for the scorpion after release.

I do think I'm going to miss those bola-thingies in UT2k7. It's a shame that the scorpion's signature ranged weapon is replaced by a boring old rocketlauncher-thingy :)


Jun 24, 2004
The bola fire is kinda cool, but c'mon it wasn't really that effective...especially not against infantry. The rocketlaunchers, although I'd agree are slightly boring and unoriginal, will (hopefully) help balance it out and make it more efficient against infantry.


Jun 24, 2004
Well, that's the thing. Those things are easy as hell to dodge (same with the bolas) and leaves it very vulnerable against most experienced players since it lacks proper backup firepower.

I don't really mind it as it is now, but since it's so slow compared to the manta and has slow moving projectiles, most people get raped by infantry while using it. :)


New Member
Jun 1, 2005
I'd like a scorpion with a turret-like minigun (more powerful). So maybe primary with a rocket launcher and secondary seat with a bender like turret, but a minigum. Ok ok, à la Halo, I have so much more fun with warthog than with the scorp...

But hey, no green ribbon, what are we gonna do against mantas? :(

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Majik- said:
By current vehicles I mean the vehicles already present in UT2k4 (Axon).

What bothers me the most when I play onslaught is how some vehicles can kill in totally ridiculous ways, although some of those ways are often associated with the somewhat simplistic physics, which is bound to be a lot better in UT2k7. Most of my gripes though are with splash damage as you will see.

Here's what I want tweaked:

Goliath: IMO the current splash damage radius is overkill. Personally, I think it's way too easy for the driver to kill infantry even if he misses by a wide margin. The radius doesn't necessarily have to be reduced, but the damage dealt should be considerably less in the outer radius. Another thing about its splash damage is its capability to deal damage to pawns through it's own body.

Raptor: Either less splash damage or splash damage not limiting movement as much as in UT2k4. How many times have you not seen people being trapped by its fire and when they pull out their avril, the splash damage detonate the rocket in their own face?

Manta: Basically the same as above. We've already seen its new primary fire (or as AEnubis suggested elsewhere in this forum, a special burst mode), which is much more rapid than the current primary fire. Therefore I seriously hope, if it actually is the new primary fire, that it doesn't do a lot of splash damage, which imo would be overkill seeing as it's already very efficient against infantry.

Hellbender: The only gripe I have about it is its skymines. Although I don't mind that they are powerful, I hate it when they deal damage inbetween the mines.

Otherwise, I hope that the enhanced physics in UT2k7 in general will prevent people from getting run over by a vehicle that is hardly moving at all or while standing on top of the vehicle.

What do you guys think, do you agree or disagree (remember, this is just my opinion)? If you agree, do you have anything to add?

Rant over.
Quick dissection of your criticisms here:

Goliath: It's a 140mm Shell. That's about 5 1/2 inches, which is a damn massive round. It's pretty realistic; concussive forces, as well as shrapnel. This thing SHOULD kill you if it gets close to you.

Raptor: Again, this is fair. If the thing's shooting right in your face, anything explosive should blow right up. I die from this a lot (Less now, now that I've found ways around it) but I still think it's fair and a relatively dumb idea to fire one at it if it's throwing plasma down your throat.

Manta: No change; agreed.

Hellbender: That's because it's basically a chain shock combo, each explosion having the radius of one; 250 UUnits. The idea is to not engage this thing up close and have enough distance that when they're coming, you have enough time to counter by moving.


Jun 24, 2004
Dark Pulse said:
Goliath: It's a 140mm Shell. That's about 5 1/2 inches, which is a damn massive round. It's pretty realistic; concussive forces, as well as shrapnel. This thing SHOULD kill you if it gets close to you.

Well, who's saying they couldn't make it a smaller shell? ;) Anyway, I get your point, but I'd still like it just sliiiightly less powerful in terms of radius.

Dark Pulse said:
Raptor: Again, this is fair. If the thing's shooting right in your face, anything explosive should blow right up. I die from this a lot (Less now, now that I've found ways around it) but I still think it's fair and a relatively dumb idea to fire one at it if it's throwing plasma down your throat.

Well, my gripe is more about being trapped by it than it detonating the avrils. I don't mind it limiting my movement as such, but when the splash damage starts to pull me down when I'm in the middle of a jump it gets annoying.

Dark Pulse said:
Hellbender: That's because it's basically a chain shock combo, each explosion having the radius of one; 250 UUnits. The idea is to not engage this thing up close and have enough distance that when they're coming, you have enough time to counter by moving.

Thing is the gunner can pretty much shoot mines out in 360˚ and even if I do move a lot (which I usually do) and I'm not really that close to any of the skymines, he still have a pretty good chance of getting me. Oh, and pardon my ignorance, how much is 250 UU compared to a default playermodel?

Dark Pulse

Dolla, Dolla. Holla, Holla.
Sep 12, 2004
Buffalo, NY, USA
Majik- said:
Well, who's saying they couldn't make it a smaller shell? ;) Anyway, I get your point, but I'd still like it just sliiiightly less powerful in terms of radius.

Well, my gripe is more about being trapped by it than it detonating the avrils. I don't mind it limiting my movement as such, but when the splash damage starts to pull me down when I'm in the middle of a jump it gets annoying.

Thing is the gunner can pretty much shoot mines out in 360˚ and even if I do move a lot (which I usually do) and I'm not really that close to any of the skymines, he still have a pretty good chance of getting me. Oh, and pardon my ignorance, how much is 250 UU compared to a default playermodel?
250 UU is the approximate radius of a shock combo or a GES Secondary Discharge. A Rough estimate is about six player widths across.


Jun 24, 2004
That's true to some extent, BB, as I for some reason at times prefer to fight on foot (or the light vehicles of course) and let my teammates make use of the vehicles. Although I do understand the importance of the vehicles and their efficiency against infantry.

I'm not really suggesting that they are radically changed or anything, I just want to tone down the kills done in a ridiculous manner. Like just last night I got run over by a manta when the driver jumped, while I was standing on top of it. I wouldn't mind splash damage so much either if it the movement didn't feel so jerky/laggy or in case of the goliath, if it wasn't used to spawnrape bases (I can dream can't I?).

I just needed to vent my frustrations. ;)

Skrilax, that's old, old, old news. :)