Oooook, I'm back to the thread
Ok guys, I'm a bit behind you all so...
Do you remember the fight in earth orbit? Ok. Do you remember this here?:
Lord Khaines attack fleet
Earth orbit
"My lord, we need urgent assistance!, "The Hatred" has exploded and cripple the Dragons Bane, half the fleet is damaged" shouted the captain
"What condition is the gleeptoidians fleet in?" asked Wolf, as he manovered his ship for another attack run
"Sir, we havent meet the gleeptoidians yet!"
"WHAT?" bellowed Wolf, he cursed to himself as his concentration sliped and his left shields were stripped by a volley of laser fire.
"It was the Hatred, it just blew up!"
"Curse's, that Lord Khaine is more evil than we thought, all units break off and fall back to the main fleet. I repeat, all units fall back to the main fleet. Lets move it!"
Wolf's fleet disappeared as quickly as it appeared, leaving the remains of Khaine's fleet alone to wonder what had just happened.
"Loibisch, escort the attack group to these co-ordinates, I've transmitted you're orders to you, I'll meet you at nav point alpha #3857, Khaine out....."
Khaine's ship turned and warped after Wolf's fleet.
"You heard him guys, lets move it!" bellowed Loibisch, still in shock from recent events.
Well, things didn't work out quite as planned...
"One last thing", Loibisch activated the comm. "Fang Squadron, our orders have been changed, proceed to Nav5, your board computers already have to coordinates. I got no idea what's going to wait for us there". He switched off the comm, sighed, and switched it back on again.
"Warp to Nav5 in 5..
ok, now we're..4..
jumping to Nav5..3..
which is near the fleet of Chryst..2..
and surely heavily guarded..1..
and the last thing I told my squad was..." and again all ships warped at exactly the same time, really looked cool.
The 1.63 seconds in hyperspeed (or Hyperblast? inside joke...) we're as boring as hell.
With a
very loud noise the 673th Black Fangs Squadron shot into the the surrounding area of Nav5...and landed in the biggest damn dogfight they ever had. And the last one...
"Oh my..." Loibisch wasn't able to speak/think this to the end (hey, that needs a while...

). Instead he did something to save his lfe and rolled his ship left to avoid the laser salvos. Well, not all ofthe pilots have been so smart, and so the 673 Fangs squadron had it's first loss. It was Mike, the newest member of the squadron. Loibisch imself once said that Mike would never make it into a big squad and if he did he'd surely die on his first misson. It wasn't his first mission but his second so Loibisch had lost the bet with Zaccix. But at this very moment Loibisch had some bigger problems than Mike (he's already dead, so what?).
"Incoming enemys" he didn't say which direction, didn't matter. They came from everywhere. After some of his standard maneuvers the first 3 enemys got bored and became some easy targets

. The rest of the Fang's squad did pretty much the same, but already the next wave didn't bother with the maneuvers anymore but simply used a big rocket (still in beta stadium), called "Redeemer MkII". It's predecessor "Redeemer MkI.V" was mostly used in "to the death" fights, the so called "Unreal Tournaments" pretty bloody sport, and the death count per person had never risen above 1, as far as Loibisch knew, pretty bloody sport...
Avoiding the Redeemer blast was no easy task, in fact another 2 Fangs members died in the explosion of this deadly weapon. Jim-Bob-Jimmy-Ray-Joe (he never got that name right) did something very amusing...well of course only if you can laugh about kamikaze runs. JBJRJ flew directly into...well, I donT' have to tell you that, do I? *sigh* Ooook!
JBJRJ flew directly through a pack of enemy fighters, oine of those fighter had his frag count risen by two, the other one by three (4 minus one for self-kill). A 3rd d00d shot the rocket straight after JBJRJ, to the mother ship...I
won't mention his fragcount here.
Unfortunately JBJRJ died in the explosion, not of the Redeemer but of the mother ship =P.
The other dead guy isn't worth a mention (he was the guy who said he'll take out whole Chrysts fleet on his own...).
Loibisch himself was a bit more safe in his ship than the restof his squad. His RTS (Return-to-Sender) system did it's job very well, not to say pleasing...
The third wave was a bit harder, they had ION-cannons which were pretty effective against the Fangs squad. Loibisch's ship got disabled to 67%, engines running on half, weapons running on 3%, core unstable. He decided that the best way to deal with teh situation would be a tactical retreat (hey!). He ordered his squad to retreat back to the rest of the base.
Loibisch himself wasn't able to flee back to the burned out hull of "The Hatred", too many enemys in his way. So he decided to try to make it out of Earth orbit, into Earth atmosphere...unfortunately he didn't watch his six properly, and his enignes got disabled another 27%, rendering them too weak, not to say useless, for navigating in Earth atmosphere.
His ship - almost ocmpletely out of control - was falling "down" to Earth. With the little control Loibisch had left he managed to have a - let's call it "safe" - landing near the surrounding area of
Las Vegas
Next passage in Vegas coming soon (I hope)
So the squadron lost 113 of it's 12 members (or something like that

), and only Loibisch survived (I g2 get rid of that squad...
