being relatively fresh (maybe 2 months playing..damn addiction...gotta delete inf...argh) ive discovered that:
1. on non-ra server u can be on top by rushing with an akmsu, or *gasp* a un-acoged sig551 or nade spamming (and still having ur team lose
2. on non-ra server playing realistically means being on the bottom of the frag list (most ppl run off to get some frags...Joe: Tango Down..Joe is out.)
3. on non-ra servers u can easily dance and dodge bullets (nobody can hit me on azteca at mid ranges while i do a CS style dance or some silly zig zagging)
if i choose to play "realistically" on non-ra servers i camp with a sig551 (acoged or unacoged) or a robar and im on top.
well, my point is ra ownz
cant wait till 2.87 but i must delete inf...its destroying my life heh