Good luck Ms. Palin.

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Rattus Norvegicus
Jul 17, 2001
^^^ Do you not know how to read people's attitude? You can see the uneasiness about Sarah's face, you can HEAR it in her voice every time another question is asked. Me and my friend played a drinking game called Mudslinger where every time a the Prez/VP accuse each other of some BS, we take a shot. I had to be Joe Biden, and GUESS WHO WENT HOME NEARLY SOBER?!?!? That's right :mad: Me. Biden could've tore her apart instead of just grinning and looking like a smug prick every time that bitch opened her mouth. But he knew better. Yeah he took a couple of shots at her - and I, my whiskey - but alas, he would not stoop to the level of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING and just straight-up trash talk her eskimo ass. F*ck, he should've just gave her the Stone Cold Stunner, but he didn't. America would've LOVED that. We love the lurking vultures and the prowling hyenas of politics don't we?
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Aug 17, 1999
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I was surprised Palin was as coherent as she was, even if most of her answers were not in response to the questions asked. It's unfortunate that they did not go at each other back and forth more, as there was plenty of opportunity. It was just too civil.

Biden was definitely in control of the debate, and was the least annoying of the two.

McCain's health care plan sounds pretty stupid, btw.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
The best part of the debate was when Palin chided Biden for once again going to the past and bringing up the Bush failures. Even he got a chuckle outta that one.


Strong Cock of The North
May 25, 1999
Tokyo, JP
Biden could of tore her apart, and maybe even drove her to tears, but that would of been a sure win for her with a lot of female voters that would of accused him of being an *******. She poked him very rudely about his wife being dead and losing children. Typical amoral Neo-Con bull****.
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Lizard Of Oz

Demented Avenger
Oct 25, 1998
In a cave & grooving with a Pict
The best part of the debate was when Palin chided Biden for once again going to the past and bringing up the Bush failures. Even he got a chuckle outta that one.

Biden should have came back with...

"Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it."

Also, that was obviously a line fed to her as a retort for bringing up anything McCain has done in the past.
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Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Funny how I and everyone I've talked to so far thought the exact opposite.Hands down even.She owned him and shes a noob at Washington style politics.
If you think she owned him, then that really calls into question either how much you paid attention or how much critical thinking you applied. Dressing up talking points in folksy language and being inflexible when the question asked came at a major issue from an unexpected angle is not anything like good substantive debating technique, and nor is pivoting away from answering in context to said talking points. Most people do that, but she did it all of the time.

Even the Fox news correspondents on their website haven't been stupid enough to try and paint Palin as being ahead on substance there.
We need both parties to work together as much as possible to get stuff done.Obama and Biden will not cross the line for anything as far as I can tell.
You didn't listen very hard to the debate, then.
The talking puppet politician is a big turn off for many people I know.She seems more down to earth and I trust her moreso than the other ticket to do the right thing if elected.Biden lies,distorts,and exaggerates often.
The idea that folksy and uninformed hasn't worked so well for 8 years, you'd have thought that people would wise up. You can be as down to earth as you like, but this is not a qualification for running a country, and this is why Palin has had such troubling numbers when it has come to polling whether people think she's able or even if they like her.

This is a woman who can't name a supreme court decision other than Roe v. Wade, a woman who came up with the worst answer on her foreign diplomacy experience that there surely has ever been and is someone who can't operate beyond talking points.

And despite your blinkered view of lies and distortions, if you actually look at the, the republicans are waaaaay behind when it comes to truth in this election campaign, and also in both debates their candidates told more lies, a couple of which have been long debunked. Also, with Palin we're talking about the woman who lied about the bridge to nowhere and is currently being investigated for misconduct.
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I think a lot of the points that Democrats bring up about the debate are good points. However, I think they are wrong on what will be important to the race and what won't. Both campaigns did what they wanted at the debate. The difference is that Palin had a lot more to gain than Biden did. So in this respect this debate is going to help McCain a lot more than it will Obama, at least in the short run.

The thing is that many of the things that Palin is criticized for in this debate are the reasons why she did so well. For instance, many accuse her of changing the subject, and just talking about what she wanted to. I felt that this was actually a very positive strategy for her. If she had not done so Biden would have been able to dominate the direction of the debate. She knew she couldn't win from responding to everything Biden was going to say. She went in with a clear idea of the message she wanted to connect with, and she did so very effectively.

I think that the McCain campaign realized what happened in the last debate. McCain and Obama are the same on the bail out. By not providing a contrast Obama wins the economy battle. This also gives Obama the momentum in the race. Hence in a debate that was fairly evenly split Obama wins. The only way McCain can really win in these debates is if Obama/Biden makes a mistake. Meanwhile because he was trying so hard to win he never was able to effectively get his message out. Hence in this debate Palin walked a thin line of trying to keep a psudo-stalemate while at the same time bypassing the debate and giving her message directly to the American people.

I think it was good strategy, but it's not going to be enough. This debate might help reignite Republican resolve, but that alone won't do it. McCain would need a real game changer to put Flordia and Virginia back into the safe Republican category before he even stands a chance. He simply can't defend Flordia, Ohio, and Virgian, and take Pennsylvania at the same time. Not as the race stands today.

Senator Obama

A debate is meaningless when my ticket's intentions are disingenuous, promises are hollow, and fundamentals of my policies are flawed, based on failed socialist practices of redistribution. I'm going to raised taxes on big businesses in the midst of economic turmoil :)

I do have to say that my supporters and their adherence to denial is just the kind of lockstep ignorance that I need to hold on votes of at least Democrats. Vote now before more dirt gets dug up on my background and associations! That way you can always say "well that's not the Barack Obama that I've come to know".
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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
A debate is meaningless when my ticket's intentions are disingenuous, promises are hollow, and fundamentals of my policies are flawed, based on failed socialist practices of redistribution. I'm going to raised taxes on big businesses in the midst of economic turmoil :)

I do have to say that my supporters and their adherence to denial is just the kind of lockstep ignorance that I need to hold on votes of at least Democrats. Vote now before more dirt gets dug up on my background and associations! That way you can always say "well that's not the Barack Obama that I've come to know".

Welcome to BuF Mr. Obama! :D


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 1, 2002
Visit site
"Senator Obama" is clearly an impostor. He actually is a smear campaign of John McCain. My evidence? Look at his signature:

My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.

Only McCain would use that conditioned phrase everywhere he goes.
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