I'm fiddling around with a bit of a total conversion for some game you've probably never heard of. I want to use the first unreal engine's per texture footstep sound field to make well, per texture footstep sounds. I found the WalkTexture event, but it doesn't seem to be called in any way that I can grab the texture data from it; I tried.
I had tried this once in what is basically UTPlayer:
But that doesn't work, it would seem the event is unimplemented. SO my question would be does anyone have any ideas on how to implement a similar, custom function that can detect the texture you are walking on (and it's footstep sound field)?
I had tried this once in what is basically UTPlayer:
Var sound CurTexStepSound;
event WalkTexture( texture Texture, vector StepLocation, vector StepNormal )
CurTexStepSound = Texture.FootStepSound;
simulated function FootStepping()
local sound step;
local float decision;
if ( FootRegion.Zone.bWaterZone )
PlaySound(WaterStep, SLOT_Interact, 1, false, 1000.0, 1.0);
if(CurTexStepSound != none)
step = CurTexStepSound;
decision = FRand();
if ( decision < 0.34 )
step = Footstep1;
else if (decision < 0.67 )
step = Footstep2;
step = Footstep3;
if ( bIsWalking )
PlaySound(step, SLOT_Interact, 0.5, false, 400.0, 1.0);
PlaySound(step, SLOT_Interact, 2, false, 800.0, 1.0);
But that doesn't work, it would seem the event is unimplemented. SO my question would be does anyone have any ideas on how to implement a similar, custom function that can detect the texture you are walking on (and it's footstep sound field)?