Alright, this is beyond my experience, bear with me and let me ask several questions and make terrible researched assumptions real quick... remember I can define default footsteps, but I wish to detect the texture a pawn is walking on so I can make environment based footstep sounds (IE Snow sounds different than stone when stepped on).
I'm guessing that even if I knew the source code behind WalkTexture() it would be useless because it wouldn't be encode able to UScript and probably isn't even implemented at that.
So that leaves the decal idea. NAB does not contain the decal actor class. If I just copy paste ALL the code from decal to a class in NAB that I added, it cannot compile it because it is 'not a dll' (assuming this has to do with native functions). I'm also going to guess that there is no way to adapt that code to a point where it will compile without removing its functionality that I need.
But the decal really is the only function to contain a function that returns feedback between an actor and a surface texture.
So, can I find another way to get these functions into another game?
Can the class be exported and imported or will that just result in it not being able to find functions (AttatchToSurface or whatever it is called).
Can I crack into these functions and find their base code and create a similar function in an add-on manner?
Is that even legal, or is that kind of code protected?