nice thoughts, im starting to understand what the community wants, only yesterday I had Zenny from BeyondUnreal (news reporter and stuff ) PM saying how much he likes the site and how it reflects the quality of the game.
The problem i had with releasing a pvp only first, is that you are not going to be able to make it 100% clear why or when the co-op will be added, and about 60% of everyone who reads about the release or downloads it would jsut go, uh, no co-op anymore and leave it at that, without knowing it wold come later.
Anyway... ive started working on a new menu map. I dont know if its less laggy than before as there seems to be more going on in this one, then in the corridor version before.
Background info:
Its taken from one of my early island maps. Its a bunker on the shore line, In the distance is a tropical storm comming in over the sea. This is to make DA look a lot "darker" but still keeping the cool island effect. Thats why the sky is dark in the distance, ive added lighting flashes in the clouds to simulate distance lightning and added thunder from UT99
the beach has some nice stormy effect to show the sea is getting rough but its still sort of light there as the storm is not over the island yet.
I will be adding some Marines patrolling in and out of the bunker, and will be adding some beach stuff later. I want to make the plam trees sway in the increasing wind but that might not happen.
Here are 3 pics; the sea foam and splashing looks better ingame
BTW, its not finished yet
I get 100fps on a 1280x1024 monitor with all of Ut2004's gfx details on max