Flag Pack 2005 (or FP2)
CTF-FP2-Ages - from Flag Pack II; like combination of wood and stone in old castle feel, cobwebs, trees, vegetation, vines, trim, stained glass, lighting, torches, banners/flags, outside “head-stones”, weapon placement and layout; bots are good and it’s tough to CTF in here, but mine have trouble defending.
CTF-FP2-Gauntlet-Classic - from Flag Pack II; like the custom music and classic layout and I like the upgrades for UT2004; bots could be a little better though (mine can actually defend this time though).
CTF-FP2-Grizzled - from Flag Pack II; I like the discontinuous ramps, straight on medium-sized CTF layout, lighting and flow; the bots can defend and CTF but they still could be a little better.
CTF-FP2-JunglePass - from Flag Pack II; it’s a jungle in there (imagine that); like the trees, vegetation, rocks, music choice, flag rooms, skybox and awesome layout among the rocks; but I didn’t seem to hear my bot voices in this one and not sure why; the bots are decent albeit silent.
CTF-FP2-Rankin - Flag Pack II version; classic Rankin made for CTF and it works well; I like the lighting, rain, cobwebs, layout for CTF, flow, drips, steam, minor vegetation, but bots could be better.
CTF-FP2-Rankin-SE - SE version released after FP2; the bots seem tougher in this version, but maybe it’s just because Jax was on the other team; ah, I see, some BSP hole that I didn’t notice in first version was fixed.
CTF-FP2-Zittarion - crazy futuristic station of some sort; I like the lighting, z-axis layout, plenty of ramps and many cool paths; bots can be tough at times.
EDIT: I still can't believe I never commented on the Flag Pack maps from either pack until now.