BTW, just to answer some unanswered questions, the Steyr AUG and F88a1 both use a 1.5x magnification optical sight, however with updating to the a2 version (features a rail over the reciever), any optical sight can be mounted.
And i can't believe somepeople actually think Australia ditched the F88 for M16's and M4's. The M16 failed pretty much all the tests we put them through when looking to replace the L1a1. The M16 was issued during and after vietnam to replace existing stocks of Owen and F1 SMGs, and currently the M4a1 is only issued to SASR and commando units, and even then the men can choose to use the F88 instead, it's just the M4a1 is better suited to carrying multiple attachments than the F88 is.
So Sapper, whats with the 4 year revival anyway?
Beat me to it
Personally i'm not a fan of bullpups, given the option, i'd rather an M4.