F88 AUStyer... What's so bad?

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New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
MikeeUSA said:
M-4 is kinda almost like an updated M-16

The M4 is not an "updated" M-16, it's a shortened carbine version of the M-16. Aside from having shorter barrels and telescoping rather than fixed stocks, the M4 and M4A1 are *identical* to the M-16A3 and M-16A4.


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
Rage_187 said:
I actually happened across this thread in a google search for information about the F88 and the Steyr AUG. Sorry to bring it back from the dead, but I was wondering, has anyone heard of the new US carbine design, the XM-8? (X because it hasn't been field-tested yet) For those who have heard of it, what do you think? Does it have a chance? Will it be as effective in the field as is it in the factory?

The M8 carbine is essentially an improved version of the G36K carbine; it is almost identical internally but has a different outer shell and is designed to be even more modular than the G36 already was.

The closed gas piston design of the G36 makes it *much* more reliable than the M-16's direct blowback system because the internals do not get dirty and require cleaning; during HK's endurance testing, a G36K fired over 25,000 rounds without being cleaned and did not suffer a single jam or failure to fire.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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Actually I rather had a thread brought back from the dead then a new one started on the same topic. Avoids bringing up old points, hopefully, and instead of everyone yelling use search for the thread they just need to scroll.


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
geogob said:
sara, do you really feel the need to give anwsers to post made in the year 2000?

I don't think she really cares. Usually, she just posts her data t show how much she knows, and disregard any reply anyways, so it won't make much of a difference.


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
On the original topic: Where are the differences between the StG 77 and the F88 beside the fact that the Austrian variant uses 1.5x zoom while the Australian variant seems to use 4x zoom? Maybe any Australian dares to reply. ;)


New Member
Apr 25, 2004
In all fairness, I was the one who brought it back from the dead. I posted my question about the M8 yesterday. I didn't notice that it was so old until after I posted - it came up as a search result in google, and I didn't check the date on the last post. Sorry about that.


New Member
Apr 28, 2004
Vancouver bc
Meplat said:
Umm... who here actually owns the weapons in question?

Who here has actually fired, let alone attained proficency with said firearms?
Norinco m311 which is a made in china ar-15, pretty accurate and light for hunting and what not. 2 years and no problems! I've also been in the canadian forces since I was 17 so about 6 years there. Any rifle in the right hands is deadlier than a enemy soldier with the best rifle ever made. I always thought they based the semi-burst beacause of the insane amount of ammo burned up per kill. I guess they stopped trusting their own riflemen with full auto for a better looking statistic and cut down supply lines bulk overall. I personally don't like the m16/ar15 rifles very much. The c7 and c7a1 we use in canada is sufficient and quite tough internally thanks to diemaco but still seems clunky to me. Would be nicer to have a modernized famas g2 or a F88 that had different sighting options. Or better yet a beta c mag that was widely issued with a light bipod :D .


just fooling around
Dec 9, 2001
I guess Meplat asked if someone has used the XM8, not the F88. The one who brought this thread back was asking (ot) how good the XM8 compared with other rifles is.
But thank you, you are one of the first guys here not saying that the F88/Stg 77 is ****. :)
Btw. is it true that the F88 uses 4x zoom and are there any other differences between the F88 and the Stg 77 (AUG)?

Sapper Stock

New Member
Apr 12, 2008
I am currently a rifleman in the ADF (Australian Defence Force) and use the F88 AUStyer assault rifle on a regular basis. Firstly the F88 is a different design to the Styer AUG and has different parts. As for the F88 not being left-hand friendly they come in both left and right handed for easier use, as I am left handed I should know! Also the person who wrote about the AUStyer not having iron sights i'll let you know that it has iron sights on top of the 4x scope.

Here's the post by Gryphon -

"Not to mention all the accidental discharges being experienced by the Australian army, which has forced them to rearm their participating forces with M16's and M4 carbines!"

--huh??? Where the hell did you get your information from anyway? Australia has NEVER and WILL NEVER use M16 or M16A2 assault rifles for the simple fact that they are mass produced pieces of junk.

As for the 10 pound trigger pull, well, all I can say if that Aussies only need one round... You other troopers are going to make some noise switching that selector switch, all we need to do if pull the trigger, oh, what? aren't you tough enough to pull the whole ten pounds, or are you afraid you'll pull the rifle... Let me just remind you that in most exercises with the American's the Aussies have won.

Thats all i wanted to say, next time get all the facts about things before making comments...

Sapper Stock

New Member
Apr 12, 2008
I am currently a rifleman in the ADF (Australian Defence Force) and use the F88 AUStyer assault rifle on a regular basis. Firstly the F88 is a different design to the Styer AUG and has different parts. As for the F88 not being left-hand friendly they come in both left and right handed for easier use, as I am left handed I should know! Also the person who wrote about the AUStyer not having iron sights i'll let you know that it has iron sights on top of the 4x scope.

Here's the post by Gryphon -

"Not to mention all the accidental discharges being experienced by the Australian army, which has forced them to rearm their participating forces with M16's and M4 carbines!"

--huh??? Where the hell did you get your information from anyway? Australia has NEVER and WILL NEVER use M16 or M16A2 assault rifles for the simple fact that they are mass produced pieces of junk.

As for the 10 pound trigger pull, well, all I can say if that Aussies only need one round... You other troopers are going to make some noise switching that selector switch, all we need to do if pull the trigger, oh, what? aren't you tough enough to pull the whole ten pounds, or are you afraid you'll pull the rifle... Let me just remind you that in most exercises with the American's the Aussies have won.

Thats all i wanted to say, next time get all the facts about things before making comments...

Why are you wasting your breath on a sepo? Let them think that they know it all and that there opinion actually has substance, your a soldier in the greatest military organisation on the globe. Just pay this F*ckwit off and let him talk his yank sh*t . We all know they have the toys but little knowledge of how to use them.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
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Sapper, I have come from the future! I have important news...


Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
BTW, just to answer some unanswered questions, the Steyr AUG and F88a1 both use a 1.5x magnification optical sight, however with updating to the a2 version (features a rail over the reciever), any optical sight can be mounted.

And i can't believe somepeople actually think Australia ditched the F88 for M16's and M4's. The M16 failed pretty much all the tests we put them through when looking to replace the L1a1. The M16 was issued during and after vietnam to replace existing stocks of Owen and F1 SMGs, and currently the M4a1 is only issued to SASR and commando units, and even then the men can choose to use the F88 instead, it's just the M4a1 is better suited to carrying multiple attachments than the F88 is.

So Sapper, whats with the 4 year revival anyway?

Sapper Stock

New Member
Apr 12, 2008
Fair enough, I just get enoyed when people talk sh*t and blast it to the larger population with no real content in their coments.
I love the F88, and can group 80mm at 300mtrs, so what is it with all the styer bashing that's going on? I hear that wer'e losing it inside two years? Not sure if that's a good idea. Better be something very spectatcular that replaces it.

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
Personally i think the Steyr AUGa3 as well as the F88a3 are damn ugly, the AUGa3 just loses it's classic styling (one of the things that disappointed me when i got R6: Vegas), and the F88a3 pretty much just has the handguard as removeable, and lots of ugly rails hanging off it, and their not even close to the weapon, they sit like an inch away from it.

Personally if the Aust. Army is getting a new rifle, some paper pusher needs a kick up the arse. Granted it does have some flaws like less than desirable automatic fire, and stoppages when you apply excessive oil to some of the working parts, but it operates far cleaner than the M16/M4 family, it's pretty easy to strip and assemble (once you know what your doing), it's issued with optics straight off the bat, and it isn't too hard to train troops in it's use (especially the sights).

I haven't heard any rumours about a new rifle, but then i haven't been keeping up on the goss lately, but if it is my guess its either misinformation on the AICW project or their referring to the F88a3. If it's the latter then there's been talk about that for years, and it's been known for years that it was intended to be the next phase in improving the design for our needs. Personally i think a rail directly on the top of the reciever (closer than the a2's rail), and a removeable handguard (for the M203) and an adjusted M203 mounting bracket is all the F88 needs, then running trials to adopt a variety of optics for out needs besides the 1.5x, such as the Elcan, ACOG, etc, and a replacement for the AN/PVS-4a.

Considering Australia prefers to manufacture their armaments locally as much as possible, and considering our stocks of them (and the F88 isn't that flawed), i doubt we'd move to completely replace it any time soon.