F88 AUStyer... What's so bad?

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New Member
May 24, 2000
I am currently a rifleman in the ADF (Australian Defence Force) and use the F88 AUStyer assault rifle on a regular basis. Firstly the F88 is a different design to the Styer AUG and has different parts. As for the F88 not being left-hand friendly they come in both left and right handed for easier use, as I am left handed I should know! Also the person who wrote about the AUStyer not having iron sights i'll let you know that it has iron sights on top of the 4x scope.

Here's the post by Gryphon -

"Not to mention all the accidental discharges being experienced by the Australian army, which has forced them to rearm their participating forces with M16's and M4 carbines!"

--huh??? Where the hell did you get your information from anyway? Australia has NEVER and WILL NEVER use M16 or M16A2 assault rifles for the simple fact that they are mass produced pieces of junk.

As for the 10 pound trigger pull, well, all I can say if that Aussies only need one round... You other troopers are going to make some noise switching that selector switch, all we need to do if pull the trigger, oh, what? aren't you tough enough to pull the whole ten pounds, or are you afraid you'll pull the rifle... Let me just remind you that in most exercises with the American's the Aussies have won.

Thats all i wanted to say, next time get all the facts about things before making comments...


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Mar 3, 2000
From despair to where
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humm humm humm

hmmm...I've only used the Steyr AUG as a Airsoft version /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif and I personally like the design of Steyr AUG...it feels pretty comfortable.. Now I don't have any idea how well it handles in combat (and I'm not too interested in that either), but atleast the design is fine..


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
Lucky for me I'm not American=)

The combination 10 pound trigger and useless iron sights(don't you call them 'emergency sights' in Australia?) is definately a vice in the AUG's design from a tactial POV. I've fired one, and I can say I wouldn't want to use one in CQB. You can't deny it's horrible for pointshooting. The AUG is a rifle suited for an infantryman. Nothing more, nothing less.

On the other hand, the 10 pound trigger saves grace that the AUG has no proper trigger guard.

At last! Another person who hates M16s! =D

BTW, where you stationed buddy? I have a pal in the Adelaide ADF.

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Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
mmm, Australian SAS...

From what I recall the AK-47 is generally prefered over the M-16 simply because it doesn't jam all the time. I mean, it only stopped production in russia a few years ago.

Oh, and for your info, us Australians PRIDE ourselves on the fact that we don't suffer from that little thing called "Patriotic fever"

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New Member
May 24, 2000
F88 AUStyer

Well, SAS and 4RAR Commandos use the AUStyer in CQB they just shorten down the barrel, I must admit that the F88 is not the ideal weapon for CQB but it has proved it's yards there...

I am stationed in Townsville, QLD. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


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Jan 15, 2000
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please don't get TOO nationalistic to the point that you insult other people, we don't want that "My military is better than yours" stuff that's been going on in the Counterstrike Boards.


New Member
May 25, 2000
I like MP-5s even though its a SMG (so is the AK `offically')

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Mikeez UT

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New Member
May 25, 2000
The M-16A2 is a POS no full auto and the M-16 (v1 + v2(with crome plateing in chamber) had it but had a clip of only 16 rnds!!!(Note you could load it to 20 rnds but then say goodbye to the spring in the clip!) The M-16 commando seems ok though?!???????!!/Damn! Just go for your SMGs!!!!(really tell me the diffrence in usefullness between Ass.Rifles and SMGs /besides range/)

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Mikeez UT

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de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Oh, anything without full auto is a POS now? Very rarely would it be in the best interests of an infantryman for him to go nuts on FA and empty his clip. A 3 round burst should be more than enough most of the time, if he just unloads his entire clip at enemies 400 yards away chances are only the first few rounds will hit anything anyway. Personally I too prefer full auto because I would use small bursts anyway (and with FA I'd have more freedom to vary the burst length), but it's a pretty good way of keeping moderately trained grunts at a high level of accuracy.

Besides range, assault rifles can deliver more severe wounds and better armor piercing ability than submachine guns. (They are also more accurate, but I got the feeling you meant in close quarters battle.)

And I would say the M16 doesn't "jam all the time" either, I'll admit that older versions were very unreliable, but that has changed. I wouldn't compare it with the reliability of the AK, but it has other advantages that make it preferred by modern, *well funded* armies over the AK.

Since the rest of the M16 bashing contained no reasons to back it up, I guess I'll just ignore it.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
You can never miss fast enough to win a fire fight=)

Actually, 9mm ball penetrates farther than 5.56mm ball at ranges below 200 meters. Arcane 9mms have been known to go though engine blocks. 5.56mms however cannot.

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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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Funny, how such discussions end up in everyone discussuing why his fav weap is the best..
(this strange feeling of 'deja-vu'..)
After all I heard the Austrian Steyr, in good condition of course, is said to be the best bullpup design available. I've heard this from various sources, though I really have no idea how trustful they were. I surely think it's better than the SA80 - which has a good sight, but is said to jam every three rounds. Don't know that much about the FAMAS, execpt it has a very short distance between the front and rear part of the sights - which has some negative contibution to accuracy.
As for the Steyr AUG, it's said to be very reliable; the option of two trigger 'stages' can be seen as positive or negative..
As for CQB there are not only versions with shorter barrels - in fact you can change the barrel without the need of tools within a few minutes, but there is also a 9mm SMG version.
Oh, and the trigger weight of the gun can be adjusted.

For the end one question:
A 9mm can penetrate an engine block??????
But a 5.56 AP round can't???????


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New Member
Dec 7, 1999
::click:: ... ... ... BOO-BOOMBOOM!!

First of all, if I hear any more of that "My miltary is better than yours" crap, may I just remind you that with the push of a button, the US can turn Austria or any other country into a parking lot... Which may not be a terrific idea on our part. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Second of all, the M-16 does suck for somethings, but has won a lot of conflicts (notice I didnt say Wars) for us. So there!

I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
I guess I should have said *body* armor. Piercing 3 walls of a house isn't really important to me, actually I'd rather not if there's a chance of anyone I'm not shooting at being behind that wall.

I probably also should have said "at the same time", with 9mm you have to make the choice of being reletively ineffective against body armor (JHP), or having reletively little stopping power (FMJ), wheras a 5.56 FMJ can do the jobs of both.

But a 5.56mm FMJ does have a better chance of piercing body armor AND does more damage than all of the 9mm rounds I see in the armory. And I never really limited it to 5.56 weapons, I said assault rifles (which could be 7.62x51), so the statement stands.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


New Member
May 22, 2000
RE: ::click:: ... ... ... BOO-BOOMBOOM!!

Thank you for reminding us of our worthlessnes, o mighty member of the superior american nation. But... wouldnt it be a waste of space with so many parking lots around your splendid counrty and so little remarkable cars to fill them with?

"He jests at scars, that never felt a wound."


New Member
May 25, 2000
The US is making the right choice of switching from the M-16 to the M-4 and not Nukeing Auss. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif And I'd rather have an MP-5 in close quater combat with the right ammo than the M-16 (Same Dosen't go for the M-4) and I've been to Auss. and it's alot like the US /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

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Mikeez UT

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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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Wanna nuke Austria?
go on, by chance you'll send all your nukes to Australia - since most US Americans do not really know the difference between the two.
(for being sure that no Australian civilians are killed because of me: AUSTRIA, small country south of Germany(Germany, Europe, not Germany, IL), east of Switzerland)

And after all:
That you have nukes does not mean you know how to build a rifle or train an army..and I was by sure not telling the M16 was a bad design - on the contrary: if you studied my previous posts you'll find out that I prefer any M16 over the AUG - just personal preference. I also just wrote, that the AUG is considered a good rifle by many, not that our Army(if you can call it an Army) was better than any in the world.
Why do US Americans always think the whole world is against them?

and for being totally specific about my preferred weapon:



anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Geez, just feel all the lovin in this thread. Chill guys.

Sorry to disappoint you Aussies, but like it or not some of your military forces have been issued M4 carbines. I will find a picture or article soon and direct you to it.

As for the M16 being a POS, tell me then, why do 58 countries worldwide issue them as a standard weapon? Jam-o-matic, yeah well, what do you expect when you tell your troops not to clean their rifles while in the jungle?

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New Member
May 25, 2000
Because They Like The M-16...and mabe it isn't such a POS mabe a POC, anyway I don't like the M-16 "v1"(with no crome plating in the chamber no wonder it jammed! but it was eventually replaced by "v2" shortly after[a year or 2] we [USA] entered NAM) and the M-16A2 but the M-16 "v2" with a larger clip is...ok, but the M-4 kicks all their asses by 20-30%.

Yea Your right Gryphon, they(US army) a said the M-16 was "self cleaning" phffff! What a load of crap, they(US army) diden't even train the troops properly with the M-16! (My dad was trained with an M-14, but luckly he was never acually sent to NAM, he was assinged to train the troops with what he had...M-14, ha!)

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Mikeez UT

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Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
OK! OK! I'm sorry!

I take back ALL the nationalist trite. Let's not go down the CS path... /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

From what I recall though, Australia has some vital parts of the US nuclear system on our "soil". Oh the irony, using a US base on Australia to blow Australia up. If you can hit our PM (that's short for Prime Minister) with a cruise missle though, all will be forgiven. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Sorry to sound like a newbie with this question; i'm guessing the M4 is "sequel" to the M16, but what are the differences (note: this newbie doesn't really know what 'carbine' means)

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