F--king pirates!

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New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator

<jargon> /vay'pr-weir/ Products announced far in advance of any release (which may or may not actually take place). The term came from Atari users and was later applied by Infoworld to Microsoft's continuous lying about Microsoft Windows.

See also brochureware.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
BlAcK_PlAgUe22 said:
I've been playing for over two years and I think the server's only been down for me once. Ah well. It is the best solution for dealing with piracy though. Require the CD-Key to be used to register an account.
Well I've been playing almost daily (in case the user browser thingy works again search for Yeh_Ho_Di_Do IIRC you can see when the account was created in the history) till some months ago and it was down for me a quite some times, sceduled and unsceduled.

And even if I'll catch a lot of flack for this: it's quite possible that the copy protection of Tribes 2 killed the game for me (in a without it I would still play it way). The reason I stoped playing is that I don't want to join a tribe and prefer to play on publics. Sadly since quite some time it's not exactly easy to find a server with a decent ammount of people playing (Tribes 2 screams for big teams, not 4vs4 matches IMHO... and classic is crap :p ) and the ammount of people who play as a team vs the ammount of n00bs you find on publics became rather discouraging. Chances are, without the often not working logon copy protection there would be more people on publics and I doubt all of them would be n00bs.


May 24, 2001
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What annoys me is that when you buy software you're buying a licence to run the game on one pc in most cases. Now at home I have three pcs recent enought to play Q3A or and 2 for UT2k3 to be able to hook'em up and play online with my kid brother that would mean owning 2 copies of the game or at least 2 valid cd-keys. Well I'm sorry but I already payed for the darn product and I can't even enjoy it to the fullest. This realy pisses me off. No I won't used cracked cd-keys because I'd end up makeing someone who payed for a game miserable. Lack of copy protection made M$ what it is now, without piracy they would not be the dominant pc OS. As far as music goes artists don't make their money off cd sales they make it of royalties from radio and TV broadcasts as well as live performances. CD sales money goes to the industry (mainly to pay marketting costs for big names) and middle men. RIAA, SIAE and whatever else are just institutionalised mobs in my opinion. This doesn't mean piracy is right (possibly justifiable ...), but it does mean the current system is fubared and outdated.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
While it's not terribly related to the topic I wan't to give an (for me recent) example what I mean with companys should pay for beta testers. GTA3 has some serious flaws. I had some fun with the game but right now it pisses me off. In one mission you have to steal a Mafia Sentinel. While that's easily done driving it to the garage isn't. I had to go back and steal a new one three times couse some tard shot at me with a shotgun and set the car on fire. What's the problem with that? You can't evade the mafia members. It's so that you can see a car in the distance, turn 360° and there's a different car, or no car, or two, etc. Unless you triggered something or look at them the cars/people around you are completely random. You kill some gang members, turn around and kill some more, turn around and kill some more, turn around and kill some more... ad infinitum or till you die or flee. It's completely random if I beat a mission the first time or if I have to do it 5 times. Right now I have to steal one of those columbian gang SUVs ... problem is every columbian gang member in the area shoots at me the moment he sees me. So.. killing the suckers and waiting for a ride dosn't work instead you have to drive/run around dodgeing bullets in hope to a random event makes it so that there's a car but no suckers around you (maybe ther's a car parked somewhere that I havn't found, quite possible, dosn't change what annoys me though). What's equaly bad is that thoese ****ers can shoot at you all the time and noone cares but the moment you fire back you have the police chasing you. Just great.

*edit* I just tryed that mission again. This time it was piss easy. GTA3 is to random.
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 7, 2003
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A bit sidetracked but concerning that electronic distributation.

In my old work I used to attend to quite a few exhibitions around the world concerning cable tv and such. (sort of miss those days :( )
Anyway, there was this company (can't remeber the name at the moment) bought or was about to buy the rights for Sega Dreamcast technology. They planned to make a set-top box with the Dreamcast so you could download games via cable. Beautiful idea that sadly didn't happen.



Loose Cannon
Oct 19, 2003
For all the talk of copy-protection, someone will always find a way to break it. If man made it, man can destroy it. Look at the PlayStation: at the time rather revolutionary copy-protection, within a few months the first mod-chips had come out and it was all over. Anything that the industry comes up with will be broken. That doesn't mean they should stop trying though because, in my opinion, it's all about deterring. If a game can be copied but it's a pain in the arse, less people could be bothered putting in the effort to save the money. If it's going to take a couple of hours to copy it you might as well work late instead and buy it legit the next day ;)

The industry whinges about piracy, but if it's costing them so much money how come games are still pretty much the same price they were 10 years ago? Still AU$90-$100 for a new game. Just like music CDs have remained the same price despite the napster/p2p debacle. My point is: if piracy was costing them lots of money like they say it is they'd all have to raise prices to cover costs and none of them would be able to afford massive budgets for their games (some greater than movies these days).

What is my point. I can't remember. Man, some games sure are poor value. Max Payne 2 and Morrowind GOTYE are both the same price, I got about 5 hours gameplay out of the former, 400+ from the latter. I actually got Morrowind with my video card then bought it again (the GOTY ed. this time) because it was a cheaper way to get the expansion packs. Upside: my friend got a present the other week ;)


Loose Cannon
Oct 19, 2003
Oh, well ummm yeah that's about the price. Actually, I lie, the most I've ever seen a game for is $100, most of them are around $80-$90. But that's still expensive!


I ooze.
Jul 30, 2001
Irvine, California
Hadmar said:
Well I've been playing almost daily (in case the user browser thingy works again search for Yeh_Ho_Di_Do IIRC you can see when the account was created in the history) till some months ago and it was down for me a quite some times, sceduled and unsceduled.

And even if I'll catch a lot of flack for this: it's quite possible that the copy protection of Tribes 2 killed the game for me (in a without it I would still play it way). The reason I stoped playing is that I don't want to join a tribe and prefer to play on publics. Sadly since quite some time it's not exactly easy to find a server with a decent ammount of people playing (Tribes 2 screams for big teams, not 4vs4 matches IMHO... and classic is crap :p ) and the ammount of people who play as a team vs the ammount of n00bs you find on publics became rather discouraging. Chances are, without the often not working logon copy protection there would be more people on publics and I doubt all of them would be n00bs.

While I currently don't have it installed (reformatted a bit ago), I concur that classic sucks. I've only found two good servers... but even then. I used to play Syrinx back before that 80mb patch or whatever... it rocked. Then they released the patch, and dev for Syrinx stopped. :(


random in the head.
Oct 21, 2003
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The only copy protection I have used and that actually works is WON. Yes, I hate it, but WON has been entirely successful, and I have had no problems with half-life (it dont actually need the CD hehe!) - it didnt ask for the key even after re-install!!!

This STEAM idea is (dont flame me - just another idea) an interesting one. It follows up and carries on what WON did, and the ****ING RETARDED LANparty key-protection _will_ be gone soon.