F--king pirates!

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Old Timer
Mar 13, 2000
chunky said:
Its like catching a train without buying a ticket, you're using their services without paying

Or like sneaking into a movie. And, oddly enough, a bad 1 1/2 hour movie costs the same ticket price as a good 3 1/2 hour movie. That doesn't mean I'm going to bootleg every movie before seeing it in the theaters. It means I'm more cautious about which movies I do go see.

Or like stealing a car from a dealer because "I'm not rich enough to afford every car I see and test drives don't deliver the true picture of the finished product, and if I really like the car I'll go back and pay for it later."

I've warez'ed games in the past. I know all the excuses. I've used most of them myself at one time or another. And I know 99% of the time it's complete bullsh-t.



Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
Hadmar said:
Maybe observation sounds better than personal experience to you?

Unless your friends are a very large randomly sampled cross section of the gaming public it still doesn't sound too good :D

Not every game is a game you play online. Patches are annoying even for legit players. :p Yeah, it's more annoying for cracked games. BTW, do the generic securom/whatever cracks still exist? No need for a cracked patch with hacks like that.

Presumably that is something that searches the .exe for the copy protection code and nullifies it?

Don't know. The only games I have obtained NOCD stuff for I just went straight for a "fixed" .exe and installed that in parallel to the proper .exe so I could patch straight away and continue playing with my properly purchased CD till I could obtain an updated "fixed" .exe.

Yeah, why won't I support a technology that requires me to be online even if I just want to play a single player game. Why don't I support a technology that kills a good part of my privacy. Oh, I wonder why.

I ph33r MI6's ability to know when I am playing Half-Life 2 over the interweb.

It'll be black helicopters and mind control rays next.

Want to see my collection of tinned water?

If you can't take me seriously becouse of that I'm afrait you have issues. Oh how great intellectual property is. It would be so wonderfull if every idea from the beginning of time would have been the exclusive right of the inventer. You would be able to buy wheels from McWheels inc and nowhere else. The licence would grant you the right to use that weel for two weeks then you must get a new licence or you could subscribe for a year of wheel usage... if you can affor it. Or a more real example: Disney, it would be so great if disney wouldn't exist the way they it does now becouse they couldn't just take other peoples ideas and use them and later on lobby to prevent others to do the same with their work :mad:

Sorry that sounded like I think you're thick for holding that opinion which isn't the case. I just think we're not going to change each other's mind on this because we're obviously coming from completely different starting points.

The way I look at it there are so few really good ideas that people who come up with them should have every right to make money from them.

If you come up with something as revolutionary as the wheel I really can't see why you shouldn't get rich from it. I also really can't see why the company that brings your idea to the market shouldn't get stinking filthy rich from it. Preventing other companies bringing out shoddy copies of your "wheel" concept is part of enabling you to get stinking filthy from your good idea.

I think the US legal system is entirely f cked at every level.

The cracked game can't be played online etc.

There is the oft quoted industry stat that the majority of people that buy games never play them online.

Depends on the POV. A Rolex is meant to show you have money, a faked Rolex is meant to make you look as if you have money.

My point is that the fake Rolex is an inferior good like own brand pop or something.

Identical goods sold on the black market are in a different category, imho.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
Freon said:
Snakebite stay out of this, you're quite biaised being in the buisiness and all :p

Anyway, the problems with games and music is not the piracy (Yaar!). It's the way they are sold. I've read a article some time ago (on gamasutra) on how games should be sold. Since there is no way you can stop piracy, just stop selling games and music: give them.
Today, one person could buy a game and release it on the internet so everybody can have it for free. And you can't sue them all! of course the game publisher gets ****ed up, but does it really matter? Not really. The publisher doesn't need money, the game developers do. We need a way to pay the developers and get rid of the publishers.
The author of that article suggested a nice system, but I doubt we'll ever see it. A game developer would say "Hey guys, we'd like to make a Diablo 6. Can you give us money". And the willing people would fund the game. Gamers would get a real impact on games this way. They would be involved in the game production in a small way. If enough money is given the game is done and then released freely (or just the price for the support).
This solution is kinda utopic, but it's not really far from what happens now! Buyers pay for the pirates (Arrr!). Same thing for mods. People put their time (and sometimes money) in a game they release for free!

Another solution would be to release games on the Internet for nearly nothing. iTunes is the proof it works. Now we only need a iGames.

Whatever you do, the only obstacle is the publisher, they are the greedy pirates (Yaaar!) who feed on the true game makers: the developers. Just eliminate them, by connection the developers to the gamers, and it works just fine :)

I second FTU's ruling that you are no longer allowed to have opinions.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
And, oddly enough, a bad 1 1/2 hour movie costs the same ticket price as a good 3 1/2 hour
Really :con:
Most bad movies are half the price in the ****ty little arcade cinema we have here.

By the way I obviously suck at finding statistics. I tried to find the amount of sold copies of a gamecube hit, like metroid prime but couldn't find any. I was thinking of a gamecube game because as far as I know warezed games are extremely rare, if there are any at all for that cute little console :)
I wanted to compare the amount of sold copies to a big hit on pc, but one that is easily downloadable. Like morrowind or unreal tournament.


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
Look at Serious Sam as well... $19.99 brand new, and it was a good game for it's type. You could pick up Max Payne 2 for $34.99 when it first came out which isn't too bad either.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
spm1138 said:
Presumably that is something that searches the .exe for the copy protection code and nullifies it?
I'm not sure how it worked. You executed the generic patch (I know of securom and safedisk generic patches, dunno if others existed) and let it run in the background and then you start the game and it just worked. I assume it somehow emulated what the copy protection searched for.
spm1138 said:
I ph33r MI6's ability to know when I am playing Half-Life 2 over the interweb.

It'll be black helicopters and mind control rays next.

Want to see my collection of tinned water?
Privacy it taken a bit more serious here than in the USA. For example, the only thing that Microsoft is allowed to ask you (in a "must answer" way) if you register XP over the internet is the country you come from. And if you do it by phone IIRC they may ask why you install that copy of XP for the 5th time (couse I had to reinstall, duh) and that's it. You don't have to give your name or anything. Well, that's what I read about it annyway. I don't use XP.

spm1138 said:
The way I look at it there are so few really good ideas that people who come up with them should have every right to make money from them.

If you come up with something as revolutionary as the wheel I really can't see why you shouldn't get rich from it. I also really can't see why the company that brings your idea to the market shouldn't get stinking filthy rich from it. Preventing other companies bringing out shoddy copies of your "wheel" concept is part of enabling you to get stinking filthy from your good idea.
You know that the concept of intellectual property is relatively new? What do you think how advanced humanity would be by now if people hadn't shared information and ideas all the time? Stuff like patents and illectual property hinder humanity as a whole, slow down how fast our species advances. Yeah, I'm pretty much against it.

spm1138 said:
I think the US legal system is entirely f cked at every level.
At least we agree on something. :D
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Jan 27, 2002
spm1138 said:
I second FTU's ruling that you are no longer allowed to have opinions.
dude, I can bet a fortune that in a not-so-distant-future, parts of what's predicted in my post will happen. The intellectual property laws are going to change dramaticaly in the coming years. If done right, it will benefit everybody (eg: iTunes), if not (the rest of the music industry in the past months).
Last edited:


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
Hadmar said:
I'm not sure how it worked. You executed the generic patch (I know of securom and safedisk generic patches, dunno if others existed) and let it run in the background and then you start the game and it just worked. I assume it somehow emulated what the copy protection searched for.

That's interesting. Presumably the data encoded on the game CD was the same for every game using that version of the technology. Seems like a bit of a flaw because if the hidden data encoded on the game CD was the same for every game then you could just write a bit of software that emulated what the copy protection searched for (i.e. I bet they changed before too long) :D

Privacy it taken a bit more serious here than in the USA. For example, the only thing that Microsoft is allowed to ask you (in a "must answer" way) if you register XP over the internet is the country you come from. And if you do it by phone IIRC they may ask why you install that copy of XP for the 5th time (couse I had to reinstall, duh) and that's it. You don't have to give your name or anything. Well, that's what I read about it annyway. I don't use XP.

I registered it online. Don't see what the big deal is with giving software companies your name and address when you register is. At worst they'll send you a load of junk mail and try to sell you training courses.

You know that the concept of intellectual property is relatively new? What do you think how advanced humanity would be by now if people hadn't shared information and ideas all the time? Stuff like patents and illectual property hinder humanity as a whole, slow down how fast our species advances. Yeah, I'm pretty much against it.

We live in a capitalist world.

It seems to me that not providing a financial incentive to come up with new ideas would slow down how fast our species advances.


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
Visit site
Freon said:
dude, I can bet a fortune that in a not-so-distant-future, parts of what's predicted in my post will happen. The intellectual property laws are going to change dramaticaly in the coming years. If done right, it will benefit everybody (eg: iTunes), if not (the rest of the music industry in the past months).

Yeah Freon, they're going to give games away and make paying for them voluntary and we're all going to live under the sea in domes and we will grow gills and lose our little fingers through not using them and instead of money we'll use camembert as currency and...


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
spm1138 said:
Yeah Freon, they're going to give games away and make paying for them voluntary and we're all going to live under the sea in domes and we will grow gills and lose our little fingers through not using them and instead of money we'll use camembert as currency and...
I thought there was going to show up a new console within a few years. That mysterious phantom thing. IIRC the idea of that console was that you pay an amount each month and get to download games for free.

In a few years talks like that will be put in the same room as the talk about the dangerous train that can hit 20 miles an hour and rip a passenger's head off.


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
spm1138 said:
I registered it online. Don't see what the big deal is with giving software companies your name and address when you register is. At worst they'll send you a load of junk mail and try to sell you training courses.
IMHO they have no right to get my data.*
spm1138 said:
It seems to me that not providing a financial incentive to come up with new ideas would slow down how fast our species advances.
I disagree.*

*Both warrant new threads. If you feel like it you can create them. Dunno if I will participate though. I just don't feel like discussion those topics ATM and I want to spend what's left of my holidays with something different. :D


New Member
Feb 12, 2002
The Land of the Governator
Rostam said:
I thought there was going to show up a new console within a few years. That mysterious phantom thing. IIRC the idea of that console was that you pay an amount each month and get to download games for free.

The Phantom appears to be vaporware.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Sure it isn't produced yet. Maybe it never will be.
But the idea is produced. A product will follow sooner or later, knowing this world it will probably be sooner.
Feb 26, 2001
Electronic distribution has been on the horizon for quite a while for most game developers, its always been an intersting proposition. The advantages are of course cheaper prices for the consumer, cheaper promotion from a central games download site, and nearly all the profits going to the game developer instead of a publisher. On the other side of the coin people prefer to have tangible objects when spending money, the download size of games is also constantly increasing (something that would be less of a problem with more epesodic games).
The idea of epesodic games is one that really appeals to me, you pay say $10 for the first episode, after the money from the sales start coming in the developers can instantly decide to continue work on this project or move to something else (making the risk a lot smaller). The public then get to vote more with their cash and hopefully developers will be making the games the public want.

Sorry, going a bit off topic there, but I was told to stay out of the piracy bit so I had to do something. :)
Feb 26, 2001
SaraP said:
The Phantom appears to be vaporware.

Yup, there was a big article (I think someone posted a link here) about how the guy running the project was just out to rip a few people off.

Game registration and email is the best system for an on-line game, makes it very difficult to crack unless you manage to hack someone elses date (in which case they just re-apply for a new password / username) or hack the central login server. This only works for online games however as you cannot force people to connect to the net if they want to play single player.


I ooze.
Jul 30, 2001
Irvine, California
Hadmar said:
I pay for my games, too. 450€ since november last year to be a bit more specific.
Exactly. Just that one dosn't have anything to do with the other.
What? He's right. Think about it for a second.
Yeah, awsome system. Exept that the login everytime took ages, if it worked at all that is and the server wasn't down. No thanks, it's crap IMHO.

I've been playing for over two years and I think the server's only been down for me once. Ah well. It is the best solution for dealing with piracy though. Require the CD-Key to be used to register an account.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
va·por·ware ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vpr-wâr)
New software that has been announced or marketed but has not been produced.
Looks like you guys are using vaporware in another way I am used to.

In any case developers aren't dictators. They have to keep making stuff people actually want and/or need. If there is a big signal from consumers that the current way of selling games has to change it will happen.

Snake, you should participate in this discussian. Everybody's biased anyway, atleast you're biased and well informed :)