MPs or ARs on full auto would have a very 'nice' effect then too if fired into the masses... no matter if you were hit by one round or by a bunch of them... all players that are hit would be out. Just think about explosives or shrapnel. You would be able to take out a whole team with one explosion that somehow hurted them all a bit.
You need different damage values and in future versions of INF you will also get a damage system if the engine allows to do what I/we have in mind. So a scratch will be only that, a scratch. A shot into flesh would have another result. And a shot that hit a bone or organs would be way different in their results too of course.
But back on topic... to the muzzle climb and ACOGs...
maybe try it out guys and train it a bit... an ACOG used on a distance they are made for can easily be handled to allow you to fire a full burst into your target. Use your mouse to counter the recoil effect properly.
The two attached shots show the M16 result of a burst fired on 25 meters WITHOUT any kind of recoil compensation. I just pressed the fire button without moving the mouse trying to counter the recoil effect. The difference between with and without ACOG is not that much and you can counter it with proper mouse movement after a bit of training.
Sure, the distance of 25 meters is not the actual fighting distance, but on longer ranges you have to counter the recoil using mouse movement even for the unACOGed version, so I used 25m to show the actual difference.