Im wondering why do Epic people like Cliff think the ut fanbase is not showing interest about this game and their series ( there are people that call itself pros -this kind of people made great damage to the series since ut came out to world- and other that certainly doenst show anymore interest in this game -some are true in x thing other not blaming about stupid things like hey and what happened to x thing it does not show in the game! ) ?
Yes they had commited huge fails in the game and tried to root the ut3 to the classic feel of old UT and they tried to fix ( too late ) the issues when came gold...I think is a huge error Epic to think in this manner...They shelved the game only due to "the low interest of this game"? I dont think so, there is many facts that came sink down ut3 to the sea deep.
I would like to say to Epic here ( despite a bunch people that does not slap into the game because of the flaws ): Here are people in beyoundreal, epic games and other minor relevant ut sites that people likes ut in all or some of the series, I think they must investigate where are the fails located at. If you investigate where went wrong with this game you in the future can avoid or will know how to fix it. The core problem where is located there is just the solution for that problem.
I will support this game because I like their world and their stuff. Anyway only they need to learn to put the objectives in this way:
1) As first priority: Design and gameplay, Design and gameplay, Design and gameplay ...Until you get convinced is funny the layouts and those stuff that usually came in the game and maps.
2) Introduce crazy and funny ideas ( logically be careful not to unbalance the game core, movement, ratio fires etc... ) or simply get into mixing old and news ideas ( news pickups or bring on the ripper or so )
3) Programming ( this can be done since beginning but must be introduced at very end game's production)
4) Do you want gain more and more money? Do not use a game only for showing the goodies for the current unreal engine. And please dont put any date release like Midway did you with your game that came as result an incompleted game.
Resuming in this order: gameplay --> money
I think you will obtain not only money as well you can gain many players. But as I said dont put money-graphics first before the game; the game first and more later the money.