I end with this;
3D Realms, Gearbox and Triptych Games, you guys fucked up. Duke fans do not want realism. Fans want to beat the shit out of aliens, rip the heads off of pigcops*, oogle strippers, kick ass and chew bubblegum with as little connection to reality as possible and you guys have given us something akin to CoD with a Duke paintjob.
Your decade+ of work looks more like 6 months of monkeys pounding on keyboards.
really? afaik DNF has all those elements
I prefer not having quick save anyway. It too quickly becomes a crutch.
So how does the regenerating health thing work? Do you have to actually go somewhere and hide for it to regenerate and how does this affect gameplay?
Also, I heard that you might also not be able to save at any point in the game, but that this really didn't matter much as the save points are numerous. How does this affect gameplay? I would really prefer being able to save at any point in the game as I'm playing on a PC and not a console.![]()