DTAS Gametype?

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White as Snow Moderator
Jun 19, 2001
PR's Barracks
Snake13 said:
Actually I like the idea of giving the option of hiding the flag on the compass, part of what made so much teamwork in the early days of the randomspawn mutator (for tdm in 2.86) was that everyone stuck together and tried to locate the other team, hiding the flag might make a good incentive to communicate more.
I remember playing it without any indication to which point to go to. It was impossible to play on any decent sized map, and just turned into a game of TDM. It doesn't force anyone to do anything except look for other players to kill.

Edit: Crowse, have you figured out the networking problems with HUD mutators? All the old hud mutators I wrote worked in singleplayer, and only sporadically in network games. If you found the workaround, I'm very interested in seeing how you did it :)
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Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
Visit site
Keg is right. I remember that well. It turned in to TDM unless someone stumbled across it. Also the defenders have less incentive to defend since the odds of finding the objective is reduced.


Jan 11, 2001
Or -another idea- the flag would be shown on compass for a few seconds when it's spawned (to give the general direction in which people should start looking for it), then disappear, and reappears on compass as soon as at least one player of the team has got it in sight.
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
That's not quite as easy to code as I would like. Heck, even having it display on the HUD only when you press a key isn't as easy as I'd like, but I'll have a go sometime. For now, enjoy InfilDTAS v1.20. Be aware that I've integrated a mutator to make it work with UTCompass, so you don't have to use the one Olethros posted here a few pages back.

Keg, a fix for the disappearing HUD mutators was posted in this thread (I think) by Olethros, and can be found in the YAC (Yet Another Compass) mutator if you can find it.

EDIT: Jeez, a weapon pack yesterday, one new and one updated mutator today... I've got issues ;).
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Jan 11, 2001
:2thumb: :2thumb: :2thumb:
Good job. But will dtas interfere with utcompass if olethros was to release a new version (say, a version imlementing the really super excellent idea of being able to include targeted players in your binds ;) ) ?


Functional alcoholic
The "include name of player in front of you" function of UTCompass v0.9 (coming soon™®, of course) shouldn't interfer with any plugin functions. So no worries there.

However, there is a rather nasty bug in the file InfilDTASNotify.uc in the latest DTAS package in the SpawnNotification() function:
simulated event Actor SpawnNotification (Actor A)
	local dtasHUDMut NewMut;

	NewMut = spawn (class'dtasHUDMut', A);

	if (HUD(A).HUDMutator == none)
		HUD(A).HUDMutator = NewMut;
	HUD(A).HUDMutator.AddMutator (NewMut);

	return A;
Calling a HUD mutator's AddMutator() function will assign NewMut to the "NextMutator" variable and not the "NextHUDMutator" reference, which is the one to receive PostRender() calls. This is a bug in INFYAC that has been passed on.

To add mutators to a HUDMutator list it's better to add them to the start of the list like this:
simulated event Actor SpawnNotification (Actor A)
	local dtasHUDMut NewMut;

	NewMut = spawn (class'dtasHUDMut', A);

	if (HUD(A).HUDMutator == none)
		HUD(A).HUDMutator = NewMut;
	else {
		NewMut.NextHUDMutator = HUD(A).HUDMutator;
		HUD(A).HUDMutator = NewMut;

	return A;


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
Crowze, Cleeus, in this hour of need we look towards you; What is happening with dtas? The hud isn't working. In 5 mapswitches i got the flag on my hud once.


Feb 16, 2001
Visit site
shan said:
Is this the one running on my server? 1.2?
I was under the impression you guys knew about it. It's been like that for some days now. Every new connected player would ask about the hud and others would say that 'its a bug'.

- Lich -

New Member
Jul 1, 2004
Just visited SgDTAS Server, to learn which bug you are talking about, but not very successful. The only thing I realized was a missing compass marker.

Due to some tests on my own dedicated server, I got this bug too, but not always (on the third map of the cycle the marker suddenly appeared; voting the first again the marker was still there)
Do a server need this DTAS utcompass plugin somewhere in the serverpackages section?!

But, well, I have to say, I nearly like it without the marker. It is not too difficult to get the flag position with some moving around and getting distance values via mutate tasstatus. It is no instant turn and go this way. Biggest problem is that this would be very difficult for new players.


Functional alcoholic
The DTAS utcompass plugin should not go in the serverpackages. It is exclusively server-side.

I think I've found the bug, though. In the defaultproperties section in InfilDTAS_120.UTC_DTASNotify ActorClass is set to 'none' when it should be Class'DTASGoal' I've tested a recompiled DTAS 1.20 with this set, and everything seems to be working fine.

That being said, the better way to add UTCompass support to DTAS would be these small changes to the DTASGoal class:

var config bool bListFlag;
var config bool iWPNumber;

function PostBeginPlay()
	SetTimer(1.0, True);
		if(bListFlag) level.game.baseMutator.mutate("UTCSetWP"@iWPNumber$"%"$int(location.X+0.5)$","$int(location.Y+0.5)$","$int(location.Z+0.5)$"%TAS Flag", none);
		else level.game.baseMutator.mutate("UTCSetWP"@iWPNumber$"%"$int(location.X+0.5)$","$int(location.Y+0.5)$","$int(location.Z+0.5)$"%*TAS Flag", none);

event destroyed(){
	if(ROLE>=ROLE_AUTHORITY) level.game.baseMutator.mutate("UTCClearWP"@iWPNumber, none);

	iWPNumber=15 //Waypoint list position. 15 = 'F'
	bListFlag=false //Display WP (and distance) on left HUD edge.

I haven't had the chance to test it online yet, but the theory is sound and it works like a charm offline.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
I know about that one as well, just kept forgetting to fix it :).

Time to give version 1.21 a try. Think I've got all the bugs fixed, Olethros' stuff seems to work fine, and there's a height display on the HUD now. Just need to know if it works online, as my local test server is (still) screwed up.