New version coming
The ini setting bFixedCapTime was replaced with bStrongDefense, look into the readme part to get the general idea. The idea of having a MaxDefendersNeeded can be simulated by setting DefendersNeeded to one less, and setting DefenderTimeIncrease high enough that even all attackers won't be able to bring it down to below MaxCapTime again.
Concerning the kills you can make a poll or thread about it if you want to. When the arguments are convincing and most serious DTAS players feel that way I have no problem with removing kill display again or at least restricting it that every player only see his kills.
{GD}Odie3 said:
Once you find that something is buggy you leave it the hell alone (at least I do).
It might be better if you tell a developer about it. Against common believe we don't eat people who report bugs
(InfilDTAS 1.44)
- (change) ini setting bFixedCapTime is now called bStrongDefense because of altered functionality (view README)
- (change) changed information shown by "mutate tasstatus" to include Foxhunt
- (change) attackers need at least one more soldier than there are defenders in capture range
- (change) removed BroadcastStatusInterval from ini
- (feature) added "mutate DTASServerInfo" to learn the current server settings
Variable capture times
With version 1.42 some new ini options were introduced.
The most important one is bStrongDefense which toggles between the standard DTAS attack/defense configuration (DefendersNeeded could defend against anything) and a new more dynamic defense approach.
When disabling bStronDefense, some other ini options are used: AttackerTimeDecrease, DefenderTimeIncrease and MaxCapTime.
AttackerTimeDecrease and DefenderTimeIncrease adjusts how much an additional attacker/defender (more than needed) will ease/complicate the capture process. Be aware that there still must be at least AttackersNeeded attackers in the area and there must be fewer defenders, too.
MaxCapTime sets a upper time limit how long a capture process may take.
One example: CapTime=15, AttackersNeeded=2, DefendersNeeded=2, bFixedCapTime=False, AttackerTimeDecrease=10, DefenderTimeIncrease=30, MaxCapTime=25
Imagine there are two defenders in range of the flag. As soon as there are three attackers within the area they will start to capture the flag. They need at least one more soldier against two defender plus they receive a time bonus of 10 seconds because they have one more attacker than AttackersNeeded.
Now another defender enters the objective area. Because there are now more Defenders than DefendersNeeded, they gain a time increase of 30 seconds which would put the capture time to 45 seconds.
The attacker are now unable to capture, first because the capture time exceeds the MaxCapTime and second because they don't dominate the defender anymore.
If another attacker enters the area they would dominate the defenders again and putting the capture time back to 35. However this is still more than the MaxCapTime, so they still don't start capturing.
Only if another attacker enters the area he will put back the capture time to 25 seconds which is good enough for a capture.
Let's summarize this example:
- 2 att/1- def = capture in 15 seconds
- 3 att/2- def = capture in 5 seconds
- 5 att/3 def = capture in 25 seconds
- 7 att/4 def = capture in 25 seconds
- 10 att/5 def = capture in 25 seconds