ok, if you really want to discuss this bs further then go to OT or whatever but leave this place clean of banging heads ...
I have my opinion, my point of view and the team and beta testers have one too. We agreed on the current system. So, the current system has some rules based on reasons already described to death here and in our point of view they are right on the mark and reflecting the real thing pretty good.
Some others here have another opinion, another point of view. They tried to explain it and I guess all here have fully understood how their point of view actually is.
So, we all discussed about the different point of views... in a style that gets and was always popular here. The ones complaining about something start with "this is wrong, stupid, a bug, bs" or whatever else they come up with. Then after throwing the nade other community members our guys from the INF team or beta crew show up and try to explain why specific things were implemented in this or that way. Well a discussion would now allow to argue about the different positions and maybe would allow to grant the other sides opinion with what it is... the opinion of the other side. But, we are speaking about the oh so glory I know everthing better than you guys here that then simply get upset that we do not jump over to their opinion freely and with all the pleasure the world can hold. So, the bashing begins, telling us that we are stupid, talk bs aso and they do not even try to understand why we have implemented the feature this way and not another way. This then is getting pretty rediculous most times cause valid arguments do no longer show up. It is all bitching and flaming about minor or minimal details in addition to personal attacks aso aso. Then at some point we, the official side, no longer want to discuss about something further cause both sides have moved not a single inch or found no common sense or whatever at all. So we start to post exactly this... the thread or discussion is going nowhere. Then the bitching continues of course and we would be able to talk about why the one pixel in the upper left corner is brown and not tan for the whole next year.
So, before I get upset about this crap going further I decide to step back from this post altogether. But cause this would only start another flame fest posting so long and so often that someone feels to be forced to post again to then continue the stuff into the next century I will simply do what I have already said that I will do if this stuff continues to loop forever.
Consider this thread closed, period.
If you want to 'talk' further about this issue... do it on OT please, thanks.