So let me get this strait Beppo. Someone could for example add a few guns like a SAW and a Robar or bulky stuff like that, and then drop it at the begining of the round and get a stamina boost?
That is common sense. BUT it is NOT the way it works in infiltration (I just tested it). I think we can all agree that 45 bulk is "a bunch o' gear." In infiltration, the soldier with 45 bulk runs at the same speed as a soldier with 0 bulk.St0rmcaller said:Basically, as is, if you've got a bunch o' gear, you're going to be slow. If not, you'll be faster. And naturally, if you have less gear, you can move faster, longer. Common sense, right?
45 bulk is WAAAY more than a wallet and school bag.ninjin said:its like walking around naked compared to someone wearing clothes with a wallet in their back-pocket with a school bag. They'd both run at the same speed because the school bag wont encumber them (of course this depends on the type of school bag but that beside the point)
keihaswarrior said:I don't think you understand what I mean.
Ok beppo, you and me are soldiers. We both are in a helicopter that is taking us to our insertion point... I am not carrying anything, but you are loaded up with a "50 bulk" worth of stuff. We are just sitting in the helicopter, so both of us are fully rested. This means we both have FULL stamina. Now we get off and we are still fully rested so we both have 100% stamina.
But, then we start to move and it is plainly obvious that you are moving slower and getting tired more quickly than me.
keihaswarrior said:45 bulk is WAAAY more than a wallet and school bag.
Not only that, but a school bag would encumber you! I don't know about you, but I know I can run faster without wearing a bookbag.
Please don't make total bs arguments like that. You know that is not true. Your comparison is completely off.
@Hannibal or whatever one-timer you might be... I do not see anything close to "impressive power" and I guess Duke can speak for himself if he wants to. And your protest is nice but I have not 'threatened' anyone here. This forum has some simple rules and if stuff is getting nowhere at all and one side continues to beat a dead horse then the 'discussion' is useless/pointless or whatever and so the thread should die. And if it cannot die due to repeated posting then it can only be stopped by closing the thread... that's all. So, this here is going nowhere right now and I guess if it continues to go nowhere then itwill only turn towards bitching and complaining, bad blood and whatever else you can think of. It was close to personal insults already tho. So, keep it as is ... this thread has to end at some point and if not by simply stopping the 'discussion' then it has to be done by the "administrative powers" as you named it. Beppo
keihas you simply don't get what all here are trying to tell you. I will no longer try to. So if you really want to see this thread being closed then continue with your way of posting here.